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Arsalan Iftikhar is an international human rights lawyer and Contributing Editor for Islamica magazine; an international contemporary affairs magazine headquartered in Los Angeles and with editorial offices in London, Amman and Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Read more...
Islamic Pacifism Defined

By Arsalan Iftikhar.

Mahatma Gandhi once said that, “I have nothing new to teach the world…Truth and nonviolence are as old as the hills.” Since time immemorial, our human experiment has revolved around the enlightened advancement of collective human thought. Within the current ungodly global mix of perpetual war, everlasting human poverty, extremist terrorism and global racism; our human race has completely and utterly lost its collective mind. Since our world has gone completely bonkers, the unquenchable thirst for social justice of this young American Muslim human rights lawyer must positively be channeled at this juncture of infinite global sadness towards a purpose-driven life guided down an untaken road called Islamic Pacifism.

Malcolm X once said that, “It is a time for martyrs now, and if I am to be one, it will be for the cause of brotherhood. That’s the only thing that can save this country.” With the infamous likes of Osama, Coulter and every other global ‘pimp of war’ maniacally bent on the ungodly destruction of our world; this bleeding heart Muslim pacifist continues to offer himself as their adversarial rhetorical ‘peace assassin’ in the quixotic quest to cure the toxic venom of all racists and warmongers worldwide.

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