Fail to uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) Learn how to get a CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) removal right now
Windows error messages you might encounter related to CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) removal process:
- CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) uninstall error on your Windows 7/Vista/XP
- Windows installer CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) uninstall error
- CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) leftovers preventing any re-install
- CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) registry entries and files are broken or missing
Video Guide: the most recommended method to uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus)
It is a strongly recommended method to uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) for this is the easiest and best method. Uninstall tool would automatically remove files and registry settings associated with it, while computer novice might have difficulty in.Manually uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) with Windows default uninstaller
The most common way that people uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) is to use the "Add/Remove Programs" feature of Windows – a central feature of Windows systems which has been designed to help you get rid of any of the applications that you have on your system. In most cases, CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) can be removed via the Windows default uninstaller. Here's how to use this program:
1)Run the uninstall/remove command file embeded in the installation file folder, launch the execution file such as unins000.exe, uninst.exe. or open All programs in start menu to locate it.
2)In Add or Remove Programs(For Windows XP Operating System), click uninstall a program(For Windows 7/Vista users); click "Remove" or "Uninstall" from the list that appears. Windows would ask you to uninstall the program or not, choose Yes to continue.
3)Now it is time to manually delete leftovers after CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) standard uninstall process completed.
Note: For Windows/Mac Virus Scanner (antivirus software, you will be advised to temporarily disable Internet connection before you start to remove it.
4)To completely detect all the remnants(also, leftovers), it is suggested to temporarily selecting the option Show hidden files, folders, and drivers in the view Tab of the Folder and search options dialog box.
5)Clear Internet temporary files; update your AntiVirus application, run a virus scan in Safe Mode; backup Registry Editor before you manually edit it to clean registry entries.
6)Search, clean all associated registry entries you find to fully uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus)
Three Common Ways to Get Rid of CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) from your Windows Computer
Uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) with Certified Windows UninstallerPrepare for the uninstall process
1. Log on Windows system as Administrator(More details on how on log on Windows using an Administrator account please refer to the Related Knowledge part on the button of this page).
2. Before you get started, save all your personal data including important webpages, for example WordPress, Word document, and more.
3. Backup the Windows Registry before you're going to uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) software from your computer. It's simple but important for you to do so. The following video instructions will guide you how to Backup Windows Registry in Windows operating system.
Windows software removal method one:
1. If the program is running, you should end it in Windows Task Manager before the uninstallation. Find out CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) in the list, and choose end process. Follow the on screen instruction to finish the process.
2. Click on Start--> navigate to Settings--> Control Panel.
3. In the Control Panel, scroll down and locate Add or Remove Programs.
4. It will bring up the window of currently installed programs and (Windows) updates list. To get more information about the unwanted program, you can click on the "Click here for support information." link which will provide:
- Description about the unwanted program
- Publisher: (the company of the program)
- Version: (the edition of the software installed on your system)
Close to quit the Support Info box.
5. Back to the Add or Remove Programs window, highlight it, then click on Change/Remove button to uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) program that you no long use anymore.
6. Then you would be informed by uninstall confirmation message, saying "Are you sure you want to (completely) remove CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) and all of its components from your computer?":
7. Click Yes button to proceed the removal. Follow the uninstall wizards to remove it.
8. Save your files and restart your computer if necessary.
Windows Software removal method two:
1. Click on Start menu --> All Programs entry, then locate the application you are about to remove:
2. Launch the default uninstaller to remove CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) from your PC.
3. When you finish the standard uninstall steps, save all your personal data and restart your computer if required.
Windows software removal Method three:
This section is written for those experienced computer users who wants to uninstall the unwanted software on Windows operating system.
1. When you had some software installed on your system, a shortcut of the application would probably be created on desktop:
2. Right click on the shortcut, then choose Properties, go on click Shortcut tab on the Properties box, click on the Find Target... to directly go to the installation folder of CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus)
3. Then you'll see the data of the app that you're going to remove, like some DLL / EXE file type and more. The default installation path of the program is usually in C:\Program Files\. You might need to manually remove its related files in the direction later:
4. In most cases, there would be an file called unins000.exe/uninst.exe, which is used to launch the uninstallation of the program:
5. Click on the uninstallation file and follow the uninstall wizards to remove it. Save your data and restart your computer.
6. Then search leftovers on Windows Start menu:
7. In Search Results window, choose All files and folders option, then enter name of the application:
8. Go on click on More advanced options, check all boxes listed below:
9. Press Search buton for files leftover to uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus);
10. Press Shift + Del key to permanently clean those files remaints; or press Del/Delete key to move them to Windows Recycle Bin:
Note: When you apply the second option to remove those files leftovers, go to Windows Recycle Bin and execute Empty , or you can also right click on Windows Recycle Bin icon, then run Empty Recycle Bin entry as well:
11. Last but not least, you need to find out registry values in Registry Editor: click on Start button, select Run and type in regedit to launch Registry Editor, then you visit Edit menu or press Ctrl + F key, enter CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) in the blank to detect registry entries and click on Find Next button or press F3 key to found out the most of leftovers registry values to completely uninstall CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus)
Note: For some CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) software files and registry values remained, you need to remove them in Windows Safe Mode!
Windos Software Automatic Uninstall Guide
Step 1: Download Special Uninstaller, install and launch it.
Step 2: Select the program you want to uninstall.
Step 3: Click Run Uninstaller to start uninstallation.
Step 4: Click Delete Leftovers button to completely remove all the leftovers.
How to Fix CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) Windows Error
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