Gather the spirit, harvest the power. Our sep'rate fires will kindle one flame. Witness the mystery of this hour. Our trials in this light appear all the same. -J. Scott
This is the mission of our faith: To teach the fragile art of hospitality; To revere both the critical mind and the generous heart; To prove that diversity need not mean divisiveness; And to witness to all that we must hold the whole world in our hands. - W.F. Shultz
These are the days that have been given to us; Let us rejoice and be glad in them. These are the days of our lives; Let us live them well in love and service. -W.R. Murray
We are Unitarian Universalists, people of open minds, loving hearts, and welcoming hands. - UU Children's affirmation
Faith is love taking the form of aspiration. - W.E. Channing
Unitarian Universalists celebrate diversity, have a rich tradition, and covenant and affirm to promote seven principles.
The Unitarian Church of Montpelier is a spiritual community welcoming to all people. We have over 200 active members and over 200 additional friends.
Services are held weekly beginning the first Sunday after Labor day and ending the second Sunday in June. Worship and church school are held Sundays at 10:00am. Office hours are Tuesday through Friday from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Braille and large-print hymnals as well as listening devices are available for Sunday services.
You may sign up to receive weekly email announcements about church happenings by contacting Membership via the Contact Us section of this site, or by visiting the Welcome Table in the Vestry after church services.
The Unitarian Church of Montpelier is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association. More information about the UUA is available <here>. The news stories below are produced by the UUA and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the UCM or its congregants.