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With all of the hype and information available out there about the HCG diet, you may be wondering what the actual benefits of the diet are. When researching anything it can be difficult to find all of the information in the same place. It can be even more difficult to merge that information into an easy to understand format. We are going to try in this article to address all of the benefits of the HCG diet as well as the options that are available to you. We are going to discuss the different ways that the hormone can be taken including injections and the HCG diet drops.  We are also going to discuss the phases and meal plans that you should follow while you are taking the HCG drops. Hopefully by the time that you finish this article you will have a good understanding of the HCG diet overall.

First you may be wondering what HCG is short for and what it really is. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It is a hormone that is produced by women when they are pregnant. The hormone is produced naturally. The hormone helps women to burn fat stores to give babies the nutrition that they need. This is extremely important if there is not adequate access to the calories that you need. This can happen for a couple of reasons, maybe an inability to eat or no access to food available. Since the HCG drops help target the fat reserves and burn them they have been adapted for use in weight loss.

The HCG diet was originally created by Albert Simeons, a British endocrinologist. He created the diet while in India. By using the diet and the hormone combined he observed that people were losing fat and not lean mass. He also put out a book outlining the diet called “Pounds and Inches”. Simeons used injections for the original diet plan. The use of injections made the diet less accessible, and many people were not able to try it.  This issue has been alleviated with the HCG diet drops being added to the market. You can now purchase the supplement both online and at many health food stores.  Purchasing your HCG drops online can help you save money and get a better product to use. The drops are being seen as a definite benefit to the overall success and accessibility of the diet program.

As with any successful program there is more to it than using the HCG drops. The closer you follow the program the more successful that you will be. Supplements can only get you so far in your weight loss without other types of support. In the HCG diet the support is a meal plan that is very low in calories. Many people have reported that the meal plan is very easy to follow even though it is so low calorie. You may be asking, just how low calorie is the meal plan? It is only a 500 calorie menu plan. This allows your body to burn the fat reserves that the HCG diet drops are helping you to use up. If you consume too many calories your body will not need the extra energy and you will not burn as much of your excess fat reserve as you could.

The HCG diet meal plan includes whole foods as well as coffee and tea to drink. It includes fruit such as apples, oranges, strawberries, and grapefruit. Some of the vegetables that are included are spinach, asparagus, cabbage, and celery. For your selection of meats you can choose from chicken breast, veal, beef, shrimp, crab, lobster, and fresh white fish. You include a selection from each for both lunch and dinner.  There is also a selection of seasonings that you can use including lemon, pepper, garlic, and basil. There are many sites where you can find recipes that will fit in with your HCG diet drops. You also need to be sure to drink at least two liters of water per day.


If you take time to read the many reviews that are available online you will find that the main benefit of the HCG diet and the HCG drops are that people are reaching their weight loss goals. Not only are they meeting and exceeding them but they are able to keep the weight of in the months to come. If you combine the results of the diet with the ease of use it is easy to see the benefits.  Hopefully we have addressed the main points of the HCG diet drops and program for you. If you decide to give the HCG diet program a try, be sure to follow all of the phases carefully. You will then be able to get the maximum benefit out of the experience.

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Why Dairy Hurts for HCG Posted: 11 / 04 / 2012

Dairy products are very common in anyone’s diet. However, dairy could end up being harmful to the HCG diet plan. Dairy is too much of a risk for the diet because of the way how it can adjust the body’s insulin levels, thus making it harder for the body to burn off its fats. This has to be avoided but it does not mean that some nutrients from dairy products cannot be handled at all. The concern about dairy is that it is known to cause insulin levels to increase in the body. This is often used as a means of creating more energy. It might sound useful but the truth is that this could cause blood sugar levels to increase for a brief period of time. The risk that comes with blood sugar levels going on could be substantial. It might make it easier for the body to produce more fat. This will end up making it harder for the HCG diet to be effective because there will be new fats coming in the way. The general fat content of dairy products can also be harmful. Even the smallest bit of fat in a glass of milk could cause the HCG diet to keep from being useful. It is a problem that has to be accounted for when trying to stay healthy. Therefore, people who are on this diet have to avoid dairy products of all sorts. These include cheese and milk products among many others. This does not mean that milk must be off limits at all times. A very small bit of milk could be used while on the diet. A limit of about one tablespoon of milk can be used in a single day. This is useful for those who are trying to add it into coffee. It can help and should not impact the diet provided that the user does not go beyond the one tablespoon limit in a single day. Everything else involving dairy products should be avoided after this in order to keep the body safe. Failing to keep the body secure from other issues could cause damages over time. This has to be controlled well if the diet is to work. This does not mean that a person cannot get the vitamin D or calcium that comes with dairy products while on the HCG diet plan. The diet can be handled with … Continue reading

What the FDA Says About HCG Posted: 10 / 28 / 2012

Obesity has become one of the biggest causes of untimely death in the USA and other affluent countries around the world. It is estimated that nearly half the people in America are either obese or overweight. People who want to lose weight always look for solutions that give fast results within weeks, or even days. One of the most controversial is HCG activator weight loss solution which is claimed to burn body fat at the rate of half to two pounds a day. What is HCG? Before going any further, let us first understand what HCG means. Human Chorionic Gonnadotropin (HCG) is a hormone that is produced in large quantities by the body of pregnant women. The hormone plays a crucial role in providing adequate nutrition to the baby by converting the mother’s body fat into food. It is this fact that led British endocrinologist Dr. Albert T. W. Simeons to propose it as an effective weight loss solution in the 1970s. He recommended a diet plan of 500 calories per day along with injection of the hormone to suppress appetite. Does HCG diet really work? The HCG diet restricts daily food intake to 500 calories per day along with the intake of the HCG hormone either by injection or other methods. It is claimed that the treatment is so effective that it results in weight loss of up to 30 pounds, or 13.60 kg, in a month. No other weight loss plan offers such a huge weight loss within such a short period of time. However, detractors of the diet plan say that the weight loss is not due to the HCG hormone, but due to starvation. An average human needs at least 1,200 calories of energy per day, and limiting that to 500 calories is not only dangerous but can also be fatal. Is it approved by the FDA? There is no doubt that the HCG diet is fast becoming popular as a quick fat burning solution. But because of its harmful effects on internal organs, especially the liver, kidney and heart due to starvation, the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA) doesn’t approve of any products related to HCG. In the agency has declared it illegal to sell homeopathic HCG as a weight loss solution. The Federal Trade Commission (FDC) has even gone so far as to crack down on some manufacturers of such products. Are appetite … Continue reading