Kendra’s Bible Study…Joshua 23: 12-15

Welcome to Kendra Graham’s online Bible study.  This is a place where women can come together and share their journey towards Scriptural truths and spiritual maturity.  We pray this will be a safe, respectful, resourceful place to come and discuss God’s Word…to discover What it says…What it means…and What it means to you!

Kendra suggests you use the following process when studying Scripture.  We have included an example of this process from John 1:1.

Step 1:  Pray
Step 2: Read God’s Word (look at the passage)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  
Step 3: What Does God’s Word Say? (list the facts)
1 In the beginning the Word was with God and was God.
Step 4: What Does God’s Word Mean? (learn the lessons)
1 God‘s Word is not just ancient philosophy, it is eternal Truth.
Step 5: What Does God’s Word Mean to Me? (listen to his voice)
1 How do I view the Bible?

Kendra Graham NOTES from Joshua 23: 12-15 homework 

12-13:  If you EVER go back and cling to these nations which remain among you, know with certainty the LORD your GOD will NOT continue to drive these nations out.  They will be a trap, a whip to your sides, thorns in your eyes

14:  (Joshua speaking)  I am going the way of the earth, and you KNOW in your hearts and soul NOT ONE WORD which the LORD spoke concerning you has failed.

15: Just as all the good words the LORD spoke to you have come upon you, so the LORD will bring upon you all the threats.

What Does it Mean?

12-13: DO NOT COMPROMISE.  DO NOT COMPROMISE.  DO NOT COMPROMISE.  We compromise with sin because our “common thought of the nation” says we should.  God says, “Thou shall not commit adultery”  it is now, nationally, a “consenting relationship between adults”  God says, “You shall have no other gods before Me”, yet we are in the process of writing Him out of our nation’s history.  God says “Thou shall not covet, Thou shall not steal” today we claim, “But it’s not fair”, “I am entitled”, “It doesn’t matter how I get it” or  “It doesn’t matter how I climb the corporate ladder, who I maim, smear or hurt along the way, so long as I am happy, and achieve my goal” Our motto: “Look out for number 1”.  God says, “You shall not take the name of the LORD in vain”, we say, “I have a right to express myself, it’s my freedom of speech”.  To protect the name of God Almighty in society, however, has become hate speech, and judgmental.  God says, “You shall not bear false witness”, we say, “Truth? Truth is relative, gray, it’s how I see it, there is no set Truth standard”.  God says, “Thou shall not murder”: We have renamed it “The Right to Choose” or “The Right to Die with Dignity”.  A nation of compromise.  Let’s not be families of compromise. 

We have been challenged as God’s people not to compromise…. yet now, we cannot even display the Standard of Truth (God’s Word, 10 commandments) because God Himself has been labeled “offensive” to society.  We would rather not “offend” anyone so we trade in our God, our shield, our refuge, our strength, our help, for the status quo of common thought.  We choose not to live lives with the evidence of the very presence of God in our midst.

14: God’s Word is Truth.  In a world where we can’t find honesty, the truth is as elusive as ever, where it is easier to believe a lie because it doesn’t hurt so bad and there is less accountability… God’s Word is proven time and time again, from one generation to the next.  Joshua lived a life without regrets, faithful to the LORD Jehovah and His Word.

A life lived for God, according to the Truth of His Word is a life lived without regret.

15: God is a God of His Word.  We live in a world where no one is accountable, we all have an excuse or another person to blame for our own choices.  God loves His people enough to discipline them.  Discipline is not hate, discipline helps guide and form us.  When my parents disciplined me, it was because they loved me and because of their consistent “guiding” I am thankful.  We serve a God who loves us enough to keep His Word on both sides of the issue. The way I choose to live me life matters to God.

What Does it Mean to me?

12-13:  Am I living a compromised life more worried about societal reaction and dictation than my very soul and my God?  Am I living my life clinging to what the nation(s) say is right, wrong and acceptable, worldly arguments compromising God’s Word, or am I sold out to the God Who loves me, gave His life for me and Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life? 

14: Am I living my life according the Truth of God’s Word, or the truth the world has thrown at me to believe?  How has God been faithful to me? To you?  How has the Truth of God’s Word steadied me in shaky times? 

15: Am I in God’s Word? Did I realize my choices on how I live my life matter to God?  When have I been thankful for godly discipline in my life?

Homework: Joshua 24:1-4

Time to register for our FREE annual Women’s Bible Study at The CoveClasses begin on Tuesday January 8, 2013 for both Kendra Graham’s evening study and for Jane Derrick’s morning study.  Bring a friend or your Sunday school class and enjoy digging into the Word in the beautiful setting of The Cove, in Asheville, NC.

Click here for more information and to register or call 1-800-950-2092.

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Happy Birthday Billy Graham

By Will Graham

Everywhere I go, people ask me about my grandfather and how he’s doing. As we celebrate his 94th birthday today, you may be asking the same thing. Well, I’m really pleased to tell you that he’s doing very well, especially for someone who has spent so many years on the road and accomplished so much in his lifetime. He misses my grandmother dearly, and looks forward to the day when he gets to go home to Heaven, but he also understands that God still has him here on this earth for a reason.

The other question I often get – usually right after people ask how he’s doing – is “What’s your grandpa really like?” I have to admit that the question often amuses me a little, as if my grandfather morphs into some sort of other being (for better or worse) when he’s at home away from the cameras and news media.

The truth of the matter is that the Billy Graham that I see when I visit his house is the exact same Billy Graham that you’ve seen on television or in person for decades. There’s only one difference: at home he’s quiet. He doesn’t talk.

When you see him in a television interview, or preaching from the stage, he’s always spreading his message. In fact, in the early days of his ministry he was referred to as “God’s Machinegun” because he would walk the stage and speak so fast and with so much passion.

But when he gets home, he doesn’t want to talk (especially not about himself). He wants to hear you speak. He wants to know how you’re doing. He wants to know about your family, your ministry, your job. 

If there’s one thing that I’ve always appreciated so much about my grandfather, it’s his humility. He honestly has no idea why God chose to use him – the son of a dairy farmer – to speak to so many people about the love, hope and salvation of Christ. He once said, “I feel like I’m just along for the ride, watching what God is doing.” It’s never been about him. It’s always been about God, and those around him.

I remember the day that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association broke ground on the ministry’s new headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was a cold day and drizzly October day, with everybody bundled up under a tent. Many speakers had wonderful and glowing things to say about my grandfather, what he has accomplished and how loved and admired he is.

When it became his turn to speak, my grandfather took the podium to applause and quietly began with words from the book of John. “Jesus must increase, and I must decrease,” he said. “I sort of cringe when I hear my name called in something that I know has been the work of God through these years.”

If you are asking what is Billy Graham really like, there’s your answer, my friends. He’s a humble man who cringes when his name is mentioned, who doesn’t want to talk about himself, but deeply loves others and deeply loves his Savior.

It’s my honor to wish my grandfather a very happy 94th birthday. I love you Daddy Bill!

Click here if  you would like to see what Billy Graham is doing on his birthday next year?   

Will Graham is the third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Gospel under the banner of BGEA. Will has spoken to audiences around the world. He graduated from Liberty University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Religion and in 2001 graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. Will and his wife, Kendra, have three children. He currently serves as executive director of the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in Asheville, N.C.

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Drop Your OCC Shoebox at The Cove — Nov. 12-19

Have you packed your OCC shoebox?

Packing an Operation Christmas Child shoebox is a simple way to let hurting children around the world know that they are loved and not forgotten.

November 12-19, 2012 is National Collection Week, and The Cove is one of many drop locations for your boxes.  We are at 1 Porter’s Cove Road in Asheville, NC (just off exit 55).  You may drop your box off anytime between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. during collection week.  

As you can see from this photo, we all get very excited around here when the shoeboxes come in.  These are Billy Graham’s great-grandchildren and they were eager to share the number of boxes collected at The Cove last year.  Let’s see if we can surpass the 2,000 mark in 2012!

We look forward to seeing you at The Cove

Click here to download and print shoebox instructions and labels.   

Watch here to see some beautiful smiling faces as they unpack their OCC shoeboxes.

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Join us for Christmas at The Cove!

For more information and to register for one of the Christmas program, call 1-800-950-2092 or click here.

To purchase a Cove gift certificate, call 1-800-950-2092.

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Kendra’s Bible Study…Joshua 23:8-11

Welcome to Kendra Graham’s online Bible study.  This is a place where women can come together and share their journey towards Scriptural truths and spiritual maturity.  We pray this will be a safe, respectful, resourceful place to come and discuss God’s Word…to discover What it says…What it means…and What it means to you!

Kendra suggests you use the following process when studying Scripture.  We have included an example of this process from John 1:1.

Step 1:  Pray
Step 2: Read God’s Word (look at the passage)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  
Step 3: What Does God’s Word Say? (list the facts)
1 In the beginning the Word was with God and was God.
Step 4: What Does God’s Word Mean? (learn the lessons)
1 God‘s Word is not just ancient philosophy, it is eternal Truth.
Step 5: What Does God’s Word Mean to Me? (listen to his voice)
1 How do I view the Bible?

Kendra Graham NOTES from Joshua 23: 8-11 homework


verse 8HOLD FAST to the LORD your God.
Verse 9The LORD has driven out before you powerful nations
Verse 10:  The LORD your God fights for you as He promised
Verse 11BE VERY CAREFUL to LOVE the LORD your GOD.

What does it Mean?  LESSONS

Verse 8Joshua is pleading with the people, HOLD FAST, refuse apathy.
It is in us to turn, to let go and to follow anything and everything but God.  HOLD FAST.  DON’T LET GO.  When things are falling apart and the only hope you have is that God will come through and be faithful to His Word, HOLD FAST!   When things are going well, and we have had victory after victory, and our feet are steady beneath our feet, we still must make that difficult and conscious decision to HOLD FAST the LORD our God.  HOLD FAST.  HOLD FAST.  Be steady in our walk.  Faithfulness is our goal, faithfulness is our daily choice. Choose well.
Verse 9Remember what God has done for YOU.  Remember from what God has saved you.  Tell your children, your grandchildren.  REMEMBER.  We say that we will never forget, but honestly, we forget so easily.  If you cannot recall a personal testimony of what God has done in your life, pray, ask Him to reveal what He has done in the past, that we may have forgotten, or pray and ask God what personal testimony it is that He wants me to have.  God is faithful to His Word and God is the One who does the work.  We who are simply jars of clay get to see what He’s doing up close!  Lord open my eyes to see Your mighty works in my life!
Verse 10When we choose to go to God’s side, when we choose to do things His way, we see that it is He who does all the fighting.  We see He is our shield.  We see He never leaves us or forsakes us.  We see that He lifts us up.  We see He is faithful to His Word.
Verse 11Be very careful to love the LORD.  This passage — verse 8 — starts with the phrase “Hold Fast” and as I see it, here in verse 11, it ends with the same phrase.  Staying faithful to God is a choice, and it is hard.  Distraction is oh so easy.  Excuses and rationalization about why we don’t study His Word and pray come out like water.  LORD help us stay true to You, so that what flows from our heart and lips are all the ways You have shown us YOU and Your mighty works!!

What Does it Mean to Me? APPLICATIONS

Verse 8: What or who am I holding on to?  Have I drifted away from my LORD?  In crises mode, often, the LORD is all we have, but what about when things are ok?  Do I loosen my grip?  Am I making that daily decision to come, open God’s Word, and allow it to continue to change my life?
Verse 9: What impossible situation has God taken in my life and showed me His great power?  When has God driven out before me things that seemed to great and powerful for me to conquer?  A difficult relationship that was mended?  A boss that was unreasonable?  A co-worker who tried to run me over?  A disease that tried to kill me?  A circumstance or past decision that tried to define me?  How has God broken chains in my life and how am I remembering the greatness of my God in overcoming it?
Verse 10Am I so tired trying to fight the powers that be?  Am I ready to go to God’s side, ask Him how He wants it done, then pray for the strength to obey?  When has God fought for me and showed me that His Word is true and it will be true even for me?
Verse 11:  What do my current priorities say about the importance and love for God that I say I have?  Are there distractions in my life that need to be dealt with? Is there proof of the love of God in my life, or is it just a nice “churchy” catch phrase?

Homework: Joshua 23:12-14

Time to register for our FREE annual Women’s Bible Study at The Cove. 
Classes begin on Tuesday January 8, 2013 for both Kendra Graham’s evening study and for Jane Derrick’s morning study.  Bring a friend or your Sunday school class and enjoy digging into the Word in the beautiful setting of The Cove, in Asheville, NC. 

Click here for more information and to register or call 1-800-950-2092.


Posted in Bible Study Community with Kendra Graham | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Stuck and Without Hope?

Are you stuck?  Have you been betrayed? Have you been let down?  Do you feel like you have no hope?  Watch here as Chip Ingram delivers you a special invitation to join him at The Cove next month to learn how to find hope in Christ.

Join Chip Ingram at The Cove, in Asheville, NC on November 2-4, 2012 for his seminar titled, “Healing Hope: How Christ Overcomes Our Pain.” To register call 1-800-950-2092 or click here to register on our website.

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Free Webcast TONIGHT!

Join us online tonight at 7:15pm ET for the first session of Bob Coy’s seminar, From Fear to Faith…for FREE! 

Everyone is afraid of something—often it’s snakes, heights, or public speaking. But worry and fear of success, rejection, and failure often inhibit God’s people from experiencing His very best. The fruit of fear is debilitating, destructive, and demonic—it’s one of the enemy’s favorite tools to keep God’s children out of the Promised Land. Come delve into God’s Word, and immerse your heart and mind in the perfect love that casts out fear. Learn ways to win over the enemy’s schemes and discover God’s full purpose for your life. 

Please share this webcast opportunity with friends and family. 

Click here to watch online.

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2013 FREE Women’s Bible Study at The Cove…Register Now!





Ladies, we are less than 3 months away from the 2013 Women’s Bible Study at The Cove!

Studies begin: Tuesday January 8th, 2013. 

If you have attended before, we hope you and your friends will be coming back.  If you have never been, we hope you will come and join other local woman in an encouraging time of fellowship and studying the Word of God in the quiet, majestic beauty of The Cove!   

Our 8-week Tuesday morning study, on the Book of Psalms, will be led by Jane Derrick beginning at 9:45 a.m. and concluding at noon.  There will be an optional lunch available for $10. 

Watch here as Jane gives you a special invitation. 

Our 7-week Tuesday evening study, Oh, the Places He Leads, focusing on the Book of John, will be led by Kendra Graham beginning at 6:30 p.m. and concluding at 8:30 p.m.  

Watch here as Kendra Graham shares a poem that is certain to pique your appetite for this study.

While the studies are free to attend, you must register to participate.  Click here or call 1-800-950-2092 to register.   

Are you in an existing Bible study and/or Sunday school group?  Take a break from your routine and let these 7 and 8 week studies be a special time of renewal and inspiration for your entire group. 

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A Message from Will Graham: Pastor Appreciation Month

By Will Graham:

It is continually humbling to be compared – and even mentioned in the same sentence – as the wonderful man of God that I call Daddy Bill, my grandfather Billy Graham. But many people may not know one key aspect of ministry that both my grandfather and I share: we both started our ministries as pastors of local churches.

When my grandfather was a student at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill., he served as part-time pastor of an area church. Then, as he finished his studies, he became pastor of a church in Western Springs, Ill.  He wrote in his autobiography that he was so enthusiastic that he accepted the call without even asking my grandmother, to whom he was engaged!

My path to the local church took a similar route, except that I had absolutely, positively zero desire to be a pastor. As I became a student at Liberty University, I spoke with my dad about my major, and he suggested that I focus on Bible and Business. “No matter what you do later in life, those two areas will serve you well,” he told me.

I took his advice, and – as a young student – I fell in love with the Bible. I became a sponge, soaking up all the wisdom I could possibly gather from my professors. I grew to see the Bible not as a collection of stories, but as one continuous narrative of God’s love for us from Genesis to Revelation.

Despite this passion for God’s Word and the burden I felt to tell others of His love for them, I still fought the idea of ever being a pastor of a church. I didn’t want it! To me, pastors were underappreciated and underpaid. They were stuck dealing with unwinnable situations in interpersonal and interchurch conflicts and were often told everything they were doing wrong (not what they were doing right).

Yes, I even went so far as to tell God, “Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll go wherever you want me to go and do whatever you want me to do, but I’m not going to be a pastor.” Looking back, this little statement certainly fits the old saying, “If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans.”

I went on from Liberty to seminary at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, and it was there that Pastor Ron Rowe of Bay Leaf Baptist Church convinced me that – even though I didn’t want to be a pastor – it would still be good for me to get experience in a local church. He pointed out that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) always develops good relationships with churches where they are holding outreaches, and this experience would give me another perspective if I did end up as a part of the organization that bears my grandfather’s name.

His argument made sense to me, and I became an intern at Bay Leaf. Eventually I became the pastor of Bay Leaf’s church plant, Wakefield Baptist Church.

My friends, I loved it! It was one of the greatest honors of my life to lead that church plant and minister to the wonderful folks there. When the time came for God to call me to my evangelistic ministry and position with BGEA, I didn’t want to go. I wept openly because I didn’t want to leave, but when God directs your path, you follow. That’s one thing I learned through the process.

So, why am I sharing this whole story with you? It’s Pastor Appreciation Month, and I want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to support and encourage the pastor of your church. “Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other” (1 Thessalonians 5:1–13, NIV).

Whether your pastor entered the local mission field enthusiastically like my grandfather, or reluctantly like me, his calling is not one to be taken lightly. On any given day, your pastor is – with God’s help – guiding a flock that is dealing with depression, infighting, spiritual warfare, budget issues, divorce, lost jobs, deaths, and life-threatening diseases. And that’s in addition to all the other aspects of the role, like sermons, weddings, evangelism, programs for all ages, and community outreach.

Here are several questions for you to consider this month: Are you encouraging your pastor? Are you praying for your pastor? Are you seeking to build him up and not tear him down? Are you showing love and grace and support to your pastor’s spouse and family in order to make his job easier both at work and at home?

We all need to be held accountable and offered guidance at times, but is your criticism constructive and are you engaging your pastor in love and respect?

My friends, I ask you to please examine yourself and consider honestly your answers to the questions above. If you recognize that you are not being as supportive as you can be, start by praying for your pastor and let God direct your path from there. Make sure your pastor – and his family – know how much you appreciate him this month. And don’t let that encouragement end on October 31. Your pastor needs encouragement year-round, just like you and I do.

Considering giving a Cove gift certificate to show your appreciation to your pastor?  For more information or to to purchase, call 1-800-950-2092 .

Will Graham is the third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Gospel under the banner of BGEA. Will has spoken to audiences around the world. He graduated from Liberty University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Religion and in 2001 graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. Will and his wife, Kendra, have three children. He currently serves as executive director of the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in Asheville, N.C.

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Kendra’s Bible Study…Joshua 23:3-7

Welcome to Kendra Graham’s online Bible study.  This is a place where women can come together and share their journey towards Scriptural truths and spiritual maturity.  We pray this will be a safe, respectful, resourceful place to come and discuss God’s Word…to discover What it says…What it means…and What it means to you!

Kendra suggests you use the following process when studying Scripture.  We have included an example of this process from John 1:1.

Step 1:  Pray
Step 2: Read God’s Word (look at the passage)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  
Step 3: What Does God’s Word Say? (list the facts)
1 In the beginning the Word was with God and was God.
Step 4: What Does God’s Word Mean? (learn the lessons)
1 God‘s Word is not just ancient philosophy, it is eternal Truth.
Step 5: What Does God’s Word Mean to Me? (listen to his voice)
1 How do I view the Bible?

Kendra Graham NOTES from Joshua 23: 3-7 homework

Facts: What does it say?
v. 3  You have seen all that the LORD your God has done, He has been fighting for you.
V.4  See, I have apportioned TO YOU these nations which remain as inheritance, nations from the Jordan, to the Great Sea, to the setting sun.
v.5 The LORD will thrust them out, & drive them from you; you will possess their land as the LORD promised
v.6 BE very firm.  Keep and DO ALL written in the law of Moses, so you don’t turn right or left.
vs.7  So you will not associate with these nations, mention, serve or bow to their gods.

LESSONS.  What does it mean?
v.3  God is faithful to His promises and His people.  When God works in our lives, and gives us a testimony of His great power, we need to cling to that and set our hearts not to forget what He has done.
vs. 4  God has victories for His people to claim.
vs. 5  God calls us to do things that only He can accomplish.  When God calls us, there is always a gap between what we can do and what God must do (Crawford Lorrits).  This gap is where obedience is a must and our faith will be tested, but God will be glorified on the other side! BELIEVE IT!
vs. 6  Be FIRM and DO ALL…  Faith is a verb.  Faith becomes real, personal and tangible when we put to action and obey the God we say we believe in.  We obey with action, not just words. We cannot be a people of a great faith without being a people of great obedience.
s.7 Bank tellers do not train with counterfeit dollars so they can pick out the false currency, they train day after day with the real deal, so when the fake comes along, it’s obvious & easy to spot.  We need not fill our minds with learning the intricacies of all other ideas and religions of the world, we need to fill our hearts and our homes with the very Word of God, the TRUTH, day in and day out, so when a counterfeit comes along, it’s easy not only for us to spot, but our children as well.

APPLICATION: What does it mean to me?
vs.3  Do I live my life upon the fact that God will continue to be faithful to His Word and faithful to me?  How has God been faithful to me in the past?  Do I need to cling to that for the present?
vs.4  What victories does God have for me to claim?  Do I choose to live in defeat over the victory God has given?  Perhaps I have not claimed the victory because I don’t want to show up to the battle God wants me to face?  (God gave Jericho to Joshua before the battle ever began, but Joshua still had to obey and show up on site! Joshua 5-6)
vs.5 What has God called me to that He must do? (Not where have I called myself to, or where I would like to be, or where I think I deserve to be, or where it is logical for me to be, this is God centered not me centered)  Have I spent time in God’s Word and asked Him?vs.6  Is it now that God is asking us to ACT upon those beliefs we have said for years that we so strongly believe? What would it look like if we as Christians actually lived out in real life what we say we believe in our hearts?  How will I begin to implement godly obedience in my life?
vs.7  Am I more concerned about the gods of this world and not offending anyone than I am with knowing the Everlasting God, the LORD Jehovah and the Creator of Heaven and earth?  

Share with us your lesson(s) and applications and what they mean to you.
Do you know someone that might be blessed by joining our study?
Please share this blog link with them.

Homework: Joshua 23: 8-11

Time to register for our FREE annual Women’s Bible Study at The Cove.  Classes begin on Tuesday January 8, 2013 for both Kendra Graham’s evening study and for Jane Derrick’s morning study.  Bring a friend or your Sunday school class and enjoy digging into the Word in the beautiful setting of The Cove, in Asheville, NC. 

Click here for more information and to register or call 1-800-950-2092.



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