Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States is composed of 43 priests serving the 35 churches and 25 Coptic communities. More

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The Season of the Church

Martyrdom of Saint Mina the Wonder Worker

November 24, 2012
Hathor 15, 1729

Today's Readings

November 11, 2012
Hathor 2, 1729

The Lord desired that we should rejoice and leap for joy in persecutions. For when persecutions occur, then are given the crowns of faith. Then the soldiers of God are proved. Then the heavens are opened to martyrs…We should not fear to be slain, for we are sure to be crowned when we are slain.
Cyprian (c. 250, W)


Ancestral and Apostolic Seeds

With the ongoing process of the patriarchal candidate selection, many are inquiring why so long, so intricate a process, and so much deliberation? Though most are patient with the process, it seems immediacy is often the expectation. Immediacy does not bring out the best nor quantify a process. Immediacy does not address nor accompany historical traditions, particularly those that will profoundly affect the leadership of our beloved Coptic Church.

While the mechanism of any historical church process is certainly important and its specifications are exact, it must be remembered that the final outcome of any time honored process is the ultimate goal.
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St. Mina: Blessed With the Gift of Healing

The ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ was one of numerous occurrences of healings of "all kinds of sickness and all kinds of diseases" (Matthew 4:23). The Lord Jesus Christ healed not only sickness and disease but also darkened hearts and minds as He released people from demonic oppression.

Like their Master before them, the early Apostles participated in God's work of healing, giving all thanks to their miracles to the risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ. In the Holy Book of Acts 9:34, St. Peter told a newly restored man who had been bedridden for eight years, "Jesus the Christ heals you."
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St. Phillip, a 'Found' Missionary

According to the Holy Gospel of St. John, St. Phillip was the third of the twelve disciples to follow the Lord Jesus Christ after St. Andrew. St. Phillip, though, has the great distinction of being the very first that the Lord Jesus Christ directly invited into His discipleship. The Lord Jesus Christ "found Phillip" and with the simple command of "Follow Me" (John 1:43) he willingly became the third of the twelve to follow the Lord. The Lord apparently was looking or searching for one such as St. Phillip.
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Saint John Chrysostom, Golden from Youth

Saint John Chrysostom was born in Syria in the city of Antioch in the year 347AD. He was the only son born to a prosperous father, Sakondos. Sakondos was the commander-in-chief of the imperial troops in Antioch which brought favor and wealth to the family. Saint John's mother, Anthosa, was a righteous mother known for her devotion to the Lord.

Saint John Chrysostom's name literally meant "Golden Mouth." He lived up to his famous name from a very young age. His mother provided St John with the most knowledgeable masters within the Syrian empire. Eloquence was esteemed the highest accomplishment and this was studied during his young years. Even in his youth he greatly excelled in the masters. Also as a youth Saint John Chrysostom studied Greek Wisdom in the city of Athens. He surpassed his classmates in knowledge and also in virtue. He then studied law.

During his study of the law, at the age of 20 years, Saint John Chrysostom was baptized. Following his baptism, he left the study of law and attended a school for monks and forsook the vanities of the world choosing to enter the hermetic community life.
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Diocese Programs

Family Ministry Program

(FMP) Spring Registration deadline: Dec 10, 2012
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LEAD Program

A program for learning Christian leadership principles.
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Theological Seminary Program

Program Registration deadline: March 15, 2013
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Archangel Raphael Ministry (A.R.M.)

A program designed specifically for individuals with special needs.
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H.O.P.E. Social Services

A social services program designed to help those in need.
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St. Mark Festival Program

This is a spiritual competition among the Coptic Churches doing the same activity world wide.
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St. Verena Resource Ministry

(SVRM) Professionals networking together to make a difference and provide resources to our Coptic community. To make a request or to volunteer as a consultant.
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Diocese Events

Arabic Youth Convention

Nov 9-11, 2012
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Pre-marital Retreat

TX: Nov 16-18, 2012
FL: Jan 11-13, 2013
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Family Convention

FL: Nov 21-24, 2012
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WTL High School Conventions

Boys: Dec 23-26, 2012 more info
Girls: Dec 26-29, 2012 more info

THY College Convention

Jan 2-5, 2013
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Crossroads Graduate Convention

Feb 21-24, 2013

Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

P.O. Box 1005
Colleyville, TX 76034

Tel: 817-494-6215
Fax: 817-704-2389

St. Stephen Retreat Center

4951 S. Washington Ave.
Titusville, FL 32780

Tel: 321-567-4961
Fax: 321-567-4955

St. Mary Convent

153 W. Borgfeld Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78260

Tel: 830-980-1727
Fax: 817-704-2389

St. Mary & St. Moses Abbey

101 South Vista Drive
Sandia, TX 78383

Tel: 361-547-3257
Fax: 817-231-0135