テーマ:英語最近よく耳にする volumy ということば volume にyを付けて形容詞っぽくした
Google 調べてみましたのですが、
結構使われてますね。 とりあえずわかりやすかったものだけ幾つか
★If the body is tight but the sleeves are loose and volumy it will
balance out and look great. It's how you feel when you wear it, ...
I will be shopping this weekend for a lovely volumy blouse!
★Yup but her hair is way more volumy than mine.
★i have really fine hair too and when i blow dry it, it DOES get a bit
more volumy but how can i get like VOLUMPTOUS hair? i really dont
want flat hair... i always have the same, flat, brown hair. and where do
u buy that etonic stuff? ...
★The Volumy Ponytail is a thick, high volume ponytail that covers
the shoulders before swishing over the right shoulder with curled ends. ...
The Volumy Ponytail costs $100L for 3 colors with an optional headband
and the demo is free. ...
★ know what you mean with that layer thing, makes it a bit more volumy,
doesn't it? (if volumy even is a real word haha). I don't know though.
It'll be such a big change, especially since I've had it this way practically
all my life lol ...