This application act as service and use front camera of your phone for human face recognition. When the face is detected, the application will prevent the locking of phone's screen. Just keep the screen ON while you are watching at it.
When service or preview window is active, you can see a single dot (which can have different color and brightness) at the top right corner of the desktop, just behind the time. It is normal. It is a one and only possible one way to grab content from the camera of some android devices (like HTC One, Galaxy Nexus etc).
If your front camera have low resolution or small viewing angle, try to use eyes detection instead of face detection.
This application uses your phone's camera only during the face scanning. By default, it is 3 frame every 5 seconds. Between these intervals, you can run any other application which can lock and use the camera.
This is Demo version. Therefore, application service's activity will be stopped after 180 seconds of continuous operation. Just restart the service, when it happens. Paid version doesn't have these restrictions.
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