One of the aspects of every penis enlargement option out there that is of much interest to men in search of penis enlargement is definitely the safety of these different options. And it is perfectly understandable. There is no point in enlarging your penis by putting it at risk and potentially damaging the penis. This is why we wanted to look at the safety aspect involved in different choices for penis enlargement.
The first we will analyze is the penis enlargement surgery. It goes without saying that this is one of the most unsafe ways to enlarge your penis. It is a surgical procedure and no matter how non-invasive it is, there is still so much that can go wrong that it makes this option the last resort really.
Penis pumps are also not the safest way to enlarge your penis. They work by creating vacuum and there have been many cases in which the application of vacuum has resulted in damage being done to the penis, swellings and bruises to the penis, which are both painful and also prevent normal sex life. All in all, it is best to steer clear of penis pumps.
Penis exercises can also prove to be quite dangerous. The problem with these is that there haven’t been any studies done into them and that the leading experts never took their time to do something about standardization of these different exercise programs. Once again, there are high risks of damage and injuries being done to the penis, which should keep you away from these as well.
The good news is that there are two options that seem to be perfectly safe and these are penis extenders and natural pills for enlargement of the penis. Pills are perfectly safe because they are 100% natural and because they contain no harmful chemicals, while penis extenders were designed specifically so that they pose no risks for the health of the penis or its normal functioning.