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  • Tips for purchasing gorgeous diamond rings 

    Here’s the deal – engagement is a big thing. It’s actually more than just a big thing, it will probably be one of the biggest things in your life. Maybe it will even be the biggest, as we are talking about that one, intimate moment, in which you will tell your girlfriend that you love her more than anything and that you want to keep it that way forever. Just thinking about this concept is enough to make your blood go cold because it is scary, there’s no denying that.

    And then there is the ring, the one true symbolic representation of you eternal commitment, something that will signify your girlfriend belongs only to you, and for a lifetime. It is a huge symbol in everyone’s eyes and isn’t to be taken lightly. Now, this sounds even scarier and we wouldn’t be surprised if your hands were shaking at the very thought of looking for this kind of a unique and once-in-a-lifetime gift. However, now is the time to tell you the good news – you will be buying a diamond ring, and even if you don’t know anything about diamonds (and chances are you don’t), your girlfriend will love it no matter what it looks like.

    Of course, the aforementioned fact doesn’t mean you should just go out and buy the first ring you bump into. There are so many designs, models, shapes, even colors… Simply, the options are endless. The first rule is to see what your budget is like and act accordingly, since you don’t want to take out a long-term loan for a ring, no matter how important or beautiful it is.

    If your budget is limited, get a solitaire design with a simple, single round or pear diamond on top of a platinum or white gold band. Even the simplest of heart-shaped rings will dazzle your girlfriend, and now they even come in pink and red. There are also all sorts of traditional designs that will fit beautifully on any hand… and then there are the modern cuts and designs, completely urban and contemporary. The one you will choose will, of course, depend on your girlfriend’s preferences.

    If you wish to know more about the price, you should know it depends on four factors – carat, cut, clarity and color. First there is the carat, which is the weight and the size of the stone; rings can range anywhere from 0.15 carats to over four or five carats (though these would cost tens of thousands of dollars). Then there is the cut, which refers to the shape of the stone. Some cuts are more demanding than others and require larger stones. Most diamonds are colorless, but some stones do have interesting colors. The clarity depends on the purity of the diamond.

    These are the factors that will determine the price of the stone you are going after. If you have enough money, buy whichever ring you like. If you have a tight budget, opt for a smaller stone and a simpler band.

  • Learn more about some beautiful engagement rings 

    Buying gifts for your girlfriend is one thing – looking for an engagement ring is something else entirely. We think it is quite obvious why: for starters, an engagement ring is, at least symbolically, the greatest sign of love. It is the ring with which you will bind your [...] Continue Reading…

  • How to pick the ideal engagement ring for your girlfriend 

    Of course you like buying nice things for your girlfriend. Every living person loves gifts, no matter what they tell you and it’s only natural you will dedicate some time and attention to finding an ideal present.

    However, the pressure is a lot greater when we are talking about engagement [...] Continue Reading…

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