Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, 11-01-12

Board of Trustees

Brighton Memorial Library

There will be a meeting of the Library Board of Trustees on November 1st, 2012, at 7 p.m.


Roll Call & Pledge

Recognition of Visitors

Approval of Minutes




Library Director:

Staffing issues

Patron issues

Building issues


Review & Approval of Monthly Bills

Review of Correspondence

Old Business


 New Business



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Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, 09/06/12

Brighton Memorial Library

Board of Trustees

Minutes from September 6, 2012

Roll Call & Pledge: The meeting was called to order at 7:0 P.M. by Vice-President Meridel Buscher. Board members present were: Ellen Brefeld, Meridel Buscher, Chris Dawdy, Elizabeth Harper, Carolyn Kelly, Amy Taul. Library Director Karen Sinks was also present. Sheila Wilkie was absent.

Recognition of visitors: None present.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the August 2, 2012 meeting were reviewed, discussed, and unanimously approved with a motion made by Ellen Brefeld and seconded by Elizabeth Harper.

Financial Reports:

  • The August 2012 Village Library Account report was reviewed and discussed. It was noted that the fund for printing is supposed to be in the Library Activities Account. A motion to accept the report was made by Amy Taul and seconded by Ellen Brefeld.

Roll call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Taul: yes.

  • The August 2012 Library Activity Account report was reviewed, discussed and approved with a motion made by Chris Dawdy and seconded by Elizabeth Harper.

Roll Call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Taul: yes.

Librarians’ Report/ Library Director’s Report:

  • A reminder about the E-Scrip card from Schnucks – the library receives a check every month from patron usage.
  • The roof is holding after the recent rainfall. However, a portion of the gutter needs to be repaired by the village.
  • Motion to accept the August 2012 librarian’s report was made by Meridel Buscher and seconded by Chris Dawdy.

Review & Approval of Monthly Bills: The monthly bills were reviewed and discussed. It was noted that this is our last AT&T bill as well as our first Cass Comm bill (Large bill due to more than one pay period and the purchase of a router). A motion to approve bills from the Village Library account in the amount of $248.77 and from the Library Activity account in the amount of $831.69 for a total of $1,080.46 was made by Chris Dawdy and seconded by Meridel Buscher.

Roll Call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Taul: yes.

Correspondence: None received.

Old Business:

Amy Taul is continuing to research the quarter auction. She also noted that if it was a Kohl’s A-Team fundraiser, the library can receive $1,000. A date of Friday, November 30 was set. Meridel Buscher will look into securing the hall.

New Business: None reported.

Recap: All members present identified tasks they were committed to complete.

 Adjournment: Motion made at Meridel Buscher and seconded by Chris Dawdy.

Respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth Harper, Secretary

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Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, 10-4-12

Board of Trustees

Brighton Memorial Library

There will be a meeting of the Library Board of Trustees on October 4th, 2012, at 7 p.m.


Roll Call & Pledge

Recognition of Visitors

Approval of Minutes




Library Director:

Staffing issues

Patron issues


Review & Approval of Monthly Bills

 Review of Correspondence

 Old Business


 New Business




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Getting creative at ‘Cupcake Decorating’ class with instructor Michelle Davenport

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Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, 8-2-2012

Brighton Memorial Library Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes August 2, 2012

 Roll Call & Pledge:  The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President Carolyn Kelly, with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Trustees present:  Amy Taul, Sheila Wilkie, Carolyn Kelly, Meridel Buscher, Chris Dawdy.  Also present:  Karen Sinks, Library Director.   Trustees absent:  Ellen Brefeld, Elizabeth Harper.

Recognition of visitors:  none present

Approval of minutes:  The minutes of the July 9, 2012 meeting were reviewed, discussed, and unanimously approved on a motion made by Meridel Buscher, and seconded by Amy Taul.


  • Financial:  The Village Treasurer’s financial report was reviewed, discussed, and unanimously approved by voice vote on a motion made by Amy Taul, and seconded by Sheila Wilkie.
  • Financial:  The Library Activities financial report was reviewed, discussed, and unanimously approved by voice vote on a motion made by Chris Dawdy, and seconded by Meridel Buscher.
  • Librarian’s Report:
    • Library Director Karen Sinks thanked all who helped with the Summer Reading Program finale.
    • As of August 1, 2012, the library is now using Cass Communcations for phone and internet services.  Cass Comm is donating the internet service to the library, as part of their agreement to the Village.

Review & Approval of Monthly Bills:  The monthly bills were reviewed, and unanimously approved for payment by voice vote, on a motion made by Sheila Wilkie and seconded by Amy Taul.

Review of Correspondence:  The library received a thank you note from Robings Manor for providing items for a basket for their recently held Quarter Auction.

Old Business:

  • A discussion was held about potential fundraising events, such as a quarter auction, a shopping day with vendors, such as Longaberger, Pampered Chef, Thirty-One, etc.  Amy Taul volunteered to look into planning a Quarter Auction.
  • Karen has drafted a letter to Laclede requesting to the donation of used computers to the library.
  • Karen has contacted Mark Schaffer at the Illinois State Library regarding what we need to do in order to be in a position to receive a library construction grant.  She learned that we will need to prove that we have our percentage of the cost of construction.  At present, the options for obtaining those funds include passing a referendum, or obtaining a low interest USDA loan.  We would also need to develop a maintenance plan that would indicate how we plan to keep the library open and to pay back a monthly loan payment.  Mr. Shaffer indicated that we can consider scaling back our architectural design to reduce the cost of the project, but cannot make any drastic changes.

New Business:  None reported.

Recap:  All members present identified tasks they were committed to complete.

Adjournment:  At 7:55 pm on a motion made by Meridel Buscher, and seconded by Amy Taul.

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Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, 9-6-2012

Board of Trustees

Brighton Memorial Library

There will be a meeting of the Library Board of Trustees on September 6th, 2012, at 7 p.m.


Roll Call & Pledge

 Recognition of Visitors

 Approval of Minutes




Library Director:

Staffing issues

Patron issues


 Review & Approval of Monthly Bills

 Review of Correspondence

 Old Business

Potential Library Fundraisers

 New Business




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Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, 7-9-2012

Brighton Memorial Library

Board of Trustees

Minutes from July 9, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by library board president Carolyn Kelly. Board members present were: Ellen Brefeld, Meridel Buscher, , Elizabeth Harper, Carolyn Kelly, Sheila Wilkie. Library Director Karen Sinks was also present. Chris Dawdy and Amy Taul was absent.


Amended the Library Activity Account report from March 2012 to May 2012.

A motion to approve the June 7, 2012 minutes was made by Sheila Wilkie and seconded by Meridel Buscher. Motion carried.

Financial Reports

Motion to accept the June 2012 Village Library Account report was made by Meridel Buscher and seconded by Ellen Brefeld. Motion passed.

Roll call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.

Motion to accept the June 2012 Library Activity Account report was made by Elizabeth Harper and seconded by Ellen Brefeld. Motion passed.

Roll Call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.

Librarians’ Report/ Library Director’s Report

Library director Sinks notes that all is going well.

  • Robbings Manor would like a guest speaker on July 23 at 2pm.
  • Summer Reading Program going well.
  • Motion to accept the May 2012 librarian’s report was made by Meridel Buscher and seconded by Sheila Wilkie.

Review and Approval of Monthly Bills

Motion to pay bills from the Village Library account in the amount of $351.44 and from the Library Activity account in the amount of $2,521.46 for a total of $2,872.90 was made by Elizabeth Harper and seconded by Ellen Brefeld. Motion carried.

Roll Call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.


  • Received letter from the Office of the Secretary of State stating that we were not awarded the Illinois Division Library Construction Act Grant. Discussion of future plans at later time. Let Betsey Ann Association know that we cannot currently take over the historical information.
  • Sheila Wilkie presented the library a check in the amount of $55.20 from the ladies at the First Presbyterian Church to help with the Summer Reading Program.

Old Business

Summer Reading Program – need as many volunteers as possible for the last session.

New Business

  • Raises –There will be a 3% raises for the Library Director and Librarians retroactive to July 1, 2012. Motion to accept made by Ellen Brefeld and seconded by Meridel Buscher. Motion carried. Roll call: Brefled – yes; Buscher – yes; Harper – yes; Kelly – yes; Wilkie – yes.



 Motion to adjourn made by Meridel and seconded by Elizabeth Harper. Adjourned at 8:17 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by:

Elizabeth Harper, Secretary



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Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, 8-02-2012

Board of Trustees

Brighton Memorial Library

There will be a meeting of the Library Board of Trustees on August 2nd, 2012, at 7 p.m.


Roll Call & Pledge

Recognition of Visitors

Approval of Minutes




Library Director:

Staffing issues

Patron issues


Review & Approval of Monthly Bills

Review of Correspondence

 Old Business

 New Business




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Library Board Of Trustees Meeting Minutes, 6-7-12

Brighton Memorial Library

Board of Trustees

Minutes from June 7, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by library board president Carolyn Kelly. Board members present were: Ellen Brefeld, Meridel Buscher, Chris Dawdy, Elizabeth Harper, Carolyn Kelly, Sheila Wilkie. Library Director Karen Sinks was also present. Amy Taul was absent.


A motion to approve the May 3, 2012 minutes was made by Meridel Buscher and seconded by Ellen Brefeld. Motion carried.


Financial Reports

Motion to accept the May 2012 Village Library Account report was made by Chris Dawdy and seconded by Elizabeth Harper. Motion passed.

Roll call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.

Motion to accept the March 2012 Library activity Account report was made by Christ Dawdy and seconded by Ellen Brefeld. Motion passed.

Roll Call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.

Librarians’ Report/ Library Director’s Report

Library director Sinks notes that all is going well.

  • Need to keep an eye out for graffiti on sign.
  • Working on new database. Must decide what to do with patrons that owe money.
  • Summer reading program – last day is July 12th. Plan to have country store, auction and games for party. Need donations.
  • Motion to accept the May 2012 librarian’s report was made by Sheila Wilkie and seconded by Meridel Buscher.


Review and Approval of Monthly Bills

Motion to pay bills from the Village Library account in the amount of $173.44 and from the Library Activity account in the amount of $1,389.04 for a total of $1,562.48 was made by Elizabeth Harper and seconded by Chris Dawdy. Motion carried.

Roll Call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.


Southwestern Foundation for Educational Excellence sent a thank you card for the contribution of a library membership certificate.

Illinois Department of Labor sent a letter to confirm the visit from the OSHA agent and to remind us of the necessity of the EXIT sign above the hallway.


Old Business



New Business

  • Independence in the Park – June 30. Food has been taken. How can we participate?
  • Non-resident Fees – Leave at $50.00/year. Motion to accept yearly fee made by Meridel Buscher and seconded by Elizabeth Harper. Motion passed. Roll call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.
  • CD Renewal – CD is up on June 28. Roll over to money market so it will be accessible with the pending grant. Motion made by Sheila Wilkie and seconded by Chris Dawdy. Motion passed. Roll Call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes, Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.
  • GALE Database – Choose 10 out of 28 databases for $685/year. They will provide assistance to market this service. The cost would be covered by the difference in the lowering of the GateNet fees. Motion to purchase database made by Ellen Brefeld and seconded by Elizabeth Harper. Motion passed. Roll call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Harper: yes, Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes. Chris Dawdy abstained.
  • FY13 Budget – Discussed the feasibility of switching to CassCom. CassCom has offered the library free internet and cable. Call to see if we can get a static IP address. Motion to implement CassCom’s services made by Elizabeth Harper and seconded by Ellen Brefeld. Motion passed. Roll Call: Brefeld: yes; Buscher: yes; Dawdy: yes; Harper: yes; Kelly: yes; Wilkie: yes.
  • Computers/IT Support – Circulation desk computer is having troubles. Need to  look for a new one in the future; move the old one to a patron computer. Kevin Tucker with Tucker Computer Services is a local businessman who has helped us. Plan to use him in the future.



Motion to adjourn made by Meridel and seconded by Chris Dawdy. Adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by:

Elizabeth Harper, Secretary



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Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda, 7-9-12

Board of Trustees

Brighton Memorial Library

There will be a meeting of the Library Board of Trustees on July 9th, 2012, at 7 p.m.


Roll Call & Pledge

Recognition of Visitors

Approval of Minutes




Library Director:

Staffing issues

Patron issues


Review & Approval of Monthly Bills

Review of Correspondence

Old Business

Summer Reading Program Finale, 7/12, 10 – noon

New Business



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