
These freeware utilities are written in the AutoHotkey scripting language. Downloads are available both as pre-compiled .exe files or as .ahk scripts you can customize for your own use.

If you find them useful, please consider making a donation by clicking on the PayPal Button on your left.

 Accents  AddUrlTimeStamp  AltEdge  AutoClip  Barnacle  BatteryRun  BigByte  BlockInput  CacheSort  Captain  CAPshift  ClickToDesktop  ClipStep  CloseAndEject  CloseCD  CloseFence  CloseMany  CloseToQuit  ColorTaskbar  ConfineMouse  ControlFence  CreateShortcutThere  CutAway  DelEmpty  DeskLock  Desktop  DetachVideo  DimSaver  DimScreen  DoOrDel  DoOver  DownloadAndRun  DragKing  DragLock  DropCommand  EjectCD  FadingTaskbar  FastNavKeys  Find  FindFocus  Ghoster  GoneIn60s  HideDesktop  IdleMute  IdleRun  IpUpload  Kill  LabelControl  LiP  LiPs  LowToSleep  MinimOther  MonitOff  MonitorOffSaver  MouseActivate  MouseClock  MouseMark  MoveInactiveWin  MoveOut  MultiMonMan  Mute  NoClose  Noise  NoStrayClicks  NoTransMax  OnTop  OpeningHours  PasteBinPost  PauseProcess  PixelNotifier  PlainPaste  ProcessGuard  PushMonitOff  PushToShow  RandomScreenSaver  RecentRun  Removable  RemoveUrlTimeStamp  ReRun  Run  RunAndHide  RunAsTools  RunSaver  RunScreenSaver  RunToClose  ScreamerMenu  ShiftOff  ShortcutSync  ShortCutter  ShortcutTip  ShowDialogsToo  ShowOff  ShowScreens  SingleApp  SingleInstance  SmallMeasure  SqueakyClean  StartClock  TakeABreak  TaskLog  TicTocTitle  TheEnd  TimeStamp  ToddlerTrap  TransOther  TrayScreenSaver  UnderCover  UrlHistory  UsedFonts  WhatColor  White  WinLock  WinStep  WinWarden  ZoneSize  ZoomSaver


CreateShortcutThere v1.0

Download programAutoHotkey sourcecode205KB

Rightclick a file and select the contextmenu CreateShortcutThere... to choose where to place the shortcut

Thanks to smilejack1 for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


RunAndHide v1.0

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Run to hide or show the taskbar

Thanks to Coeluhs for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


RunToClose v1.0

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DoubleClicking a file in Explorer closes Explorer afterwards

Thanks to ajlewis for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


RunToClose v1.0

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Enables drag and drop of files to a command window in Vista.


- Drop multiple files.

Thanks to daddydavez for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


PushMonitOff v1.0

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Press Shift-F1 to turn the monitor off.


- Change settings using Settings in the Tray menu.

Thanks to awiltz for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


TheEnd v1.0

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Unselect the file type when renaming files in XP.


- Press F2 to rename a file.
- Or click a filename slowly two times.

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


SmallMeasure v1.0

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A small screen ruler.

- Move the corners to measure the distance.
- When the mousebutton is down, use the arrow keys for fine grain movement.

Thanks to garbanzo for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


DragLock v1.0

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Press the windows key to lock the mouse movement along one axis.

Thanks to tomos for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


White v1.0

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Fill the screen with white color to use it as a lightbox.

Thanks to johnnyzero for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


Captain v1.1

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Obtain or change a window's title.

- Use the middle mousebutton on a window's caption
- Change hotkey using Settings in the tray menu

to lanux128 for the idea!


- 20080803 - v1.1: Forgot to put the copied text on the Clipboard!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


ShortcutTip v1.0

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Prompts for a description when a shortcut is created.

Thanks to Curt for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


MonitOff v1.0

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Turns off the monitor at user defined idle times during the day.

- Change settings using Settings in the Tray menu

Thanks to homemadebyx for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


ClickToDesktop v1.0

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Click on the desktop to hide all windows,

- Or click at the middle part of the top of the screen.
- Click again to unhide.

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


PushToShow v1.0

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Completely hides the taskbar until the windows key is pushed.

Thanks to tinjaw for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


CloseToQuit v1.0

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Close programs before the system shuts down.

- Add the process name, class or a part of the caption of the programs you want to close.
- To change settings, choose Settings in the tray menu.

Thanks to Curt for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


DetachVideo v1.0

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Detach embedded videos from your tabbed browser and show them in a window of their own.

- Hold your mouse over a video and press F12.
- To change hotkey, choose Settings in the tray menu .

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


ShortcutFolder v1.0

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Creates and collects shortcuts to programs in a folder.

- Run it or add a folder to the command line.

Thanks to suleika for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


AltEdge v1.1

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Sends Alt-Tab when the mouse is on the left edge of the screen.

- Keep it there to tab through the other windows.

- 20080802 - v1.1: Added option to user other screen edges.

Thanks to philip2005 for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


ReRun v1.1

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Run the startup programs not already running

- 20070604 - v1.1: Added better detection of command lines.

Thanks to Kruskal for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


BatteryRun v1.1

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Run commands when the power chord is connected or disconnected

Command line:
  BatteryRun.exe "<connect command>" "<disconnect command>"
  BatteryRun.exe "ding.wav" "calc.exe"

- 20070528 - v1.1: Added detection of WAV and MP3 files.

Thanks to Kruskal for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


PauseProcess v1.0

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Pause a program and run other programs before and after

Command line:
  PauseProcess.exe "<program to pause>" ["<program to run before>" "<program to run after>"]
  PauseProcess.exe "Notepad.exe" "Pbrush.exe" "Calc.exe"

Uses PauseP.exe by Daniel Turion at

Thanks to justice for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


ScreamerMenu v1.2

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Get easy access to your Screamer Radio stations, schedule recordings and lose the alert dialogs.

- List all stations in a simple listview.
- Filter by a part of a station name or category.
- Automatically close the connection alert dialog.
- Schedule recordings.

- Automatically record your favorite artists.
- Press Ctrl and the number beside your favorites to change stations.

- 20070421 - v0.91: Better integration with Screamer, more listsviews, now closes alert dialogs.
- 20070422 - v0.92: Limit the size to the work area of the screen.
- 20070422 - v0.95: Added scheduling, put on top when Screamer is active.
- 20070427 - v0.96: Added hotkeys for switching beween top 10 favorites.
- 20070427 - v0.97: Added logging to file.
- 20070516 - v0.99: Added ini file, autorecord, options, and more.
- 20070608 - v1.0: Lot of small changes and bugfixes.
- 20070608 - v1.1: Works better with minimized and beta versions of Screamer Radio.
- 20070608 - v1.2: Keeps the correct part of the log file.


Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


Barnacle v0.991

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Add toolbars to your favorite programs.

- A programmable toolbar that fits inside any window!
- Change icons, tooltips, left-, right- and middleclick actions.
- The actions can be keypresses, menu selections, button clicking and window actions.
- To find out more, choose Help in the tray menu.

- 20070108 - v0.99: Added support for more image types and embedded icons. Fixed a bug showing the wrong toolbar when hovering over an inactive window.
- 20070221 - v0.991: Now working with menuless windows. Corrected toolbar lengths.

It's an early release, so please post bugs at the forum.

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


DimScreen v1.1

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Dim the whole screen.

- Change the brightness by selecting a `% in the tray menu.
- Or use the hotkeys Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-.
- Change hotkeys using Settings in the tray menu.
- Doesn't work properly with video windows.

Could be used for nighttime map reading if your laptop is missing dimming controls.

- 20080319 - v1.1: Added hotkeys.

Thanks to Farmsteader for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


FastNavKeys v1.1

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Speed up the navigation keys (or any other keys).

- Change settings using Settings in the tray menu

Beat Windows' keyboard buffer!

- 20070110 - v1.1: Optimized the code some.

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


Removable v1.0

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Eject removable drives by doubleclicking in a list of drives.

- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.
- Show drive letter, volume label, type, free space, available space, filesystem, status and serial number.
- Doubleclick to eject, retract or disconnect a drive.

Thanks to mysteryman for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


IdleRun v1.2

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Run a program when the CPU is idle.

- Run a program or show a message
- Change settings using Settings in the tray menu
- Shows CPU usage in the tray

To show when Windows is finished loading, just place a shortcut to it in your startup folder!

- 20070112 - v1.0: Added affinity to make it work properly on dual cpu/core systems.
- 20070118 - v1.2: Retrieves the number of processors for correct calculations on multi core systems..

Thanks to DocSavage for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


FindFocus v1.0

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Find the focused control.

- Shows a flashing icon next to the focused control
- Not perfect, but it detects most of them

Very handy for mouseless navigation.

Thanks to pankymcgee for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


LowToSleep v1.6

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Stop a PC from falling asleep until the CPU is inactive.

- Change settings using Settings in the tray menu
- Shows CPU usage in the tray

- 20061226 - v1.0: Corrected a typo in the settings.
- 20070112 - v1.1: Added affinity to make it work properly on dual cpu/core systems.
- 20070118 - v1.3: Retrieves the number of processors for correct calculations on multi core systems.
- 20070119 - v1.5: Cleaned up the code.
- 20070121 - v1.6: Added mouse noise.

Thanks to Carol Haynes for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


UnderCover v1.0

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Automatically hide a window's buttons and other controls.

- Ctrl-Rightclick to hide a control
- Change settings using Settings in the tray menu

Thanks to Uncle John for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


Accents v1.0

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Press a key three times or more to apply accents.


- Change accents using Settings in the tray menu
- Doesn't work properly with shifted keys while CapsLock is on

- 20070531 - v1.0: Added accents to non-alphabet characters.

Thanks to supersocialist for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


ShortCutter v1.0

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Make autoupdating collections of shortcuts to certain filetypes.

- Rightclick the tray icon to configure
- Choose Settings to change rules and options
- Choose Enable to Start or Stop all the rules

Keep folders with shortcuts to all your music, images or whatever!

- 20061209 - v1.1: Marks the shortcuts with modification date instead of creation date, removes shortcuts to missing files, updates modification date of all shortcuts.

Thanks to cracksloth for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


MoveOut v1.2

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Make rules to move files automatically.

- Rightclick the tray icon to configure
- Choose Settings to change rules and options
- Choose Enable to Start or Stop all the rules

Use it to make a rule that moves files from the desktop to a subfolder, based on file type, part of a filename, or whatever. Have it ask to replace existing files, or rename them. It can also ignore files.

- 20061224 - v1.1: Added confirmation dialog before automatically running rules.
- 20070407 - v1.2: Added missing code to browse for folders.

Thanks to reko100 for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


GoneIn60s v1.4

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Recover closed applications.

- Click the X or press Alt-F4 to close an application
- To recover, rightclick the tray icon and choose an application
- Doubleclick the tray icon to recover all applications
- If not restored, it is gone in 60 seconds

- 20061202 - v1.1: Removes the closed apps from the taskbar, adds them to the tray menu. Restores closed apps on exit.
- 20061228 - v1.2: Recovered apps reappear properly.
- 20070615 - v1.3: Added options to change the gone time, kill windows and ignore apps.
- 20081023 - v1.4: Added option to ignore classes, closes windows when exiting.

Thanks to justice for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


DoOrDel v1.0

AutoHotkey sourcecode205KB

Startup tool that will delete user defined folders unless the right password is entered.

I've chosen not to make a "pretty" version of this tool to limit it's use.
It's untested! It will destroy your most valuable data beyond recovery! If you forget your pasword, turn off your computer immediately! Bypassing it is simple! Use with extreme caution!

- Change the folders, password and wiping by editing the script.
- Supports wiping to prevent recovery. Download and install EraserD from in the same folder as the script.
- Keeps the program focused while active.

Thanks to Partok for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!


ShortcutSync v1.0

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Command line tool to place shortcuts to files in a different folder, preserving the tree structure, and removing missing files.

Example: ShortcutSync.exe C:\Music D:\MusicLinks mp3 wav TrayTip

: ShortcutSync.exe <fromfolder> <tofolder> <extentions> [TrayTip]
  <fromfolder> is the folder where the files are located
  <tofolder> is the folder where the links should be created
  <extensions> is the file types to make links to
  TrayTip is added for visual feedback

Thanks to gsull for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum!

Download program

RunSaver v1.0

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Screensaver that runs a command.

Thanks to SAE140 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


LiPs v1.2 - 1KB

Maxthon pluginInternet Explorer script5KB

Maxthon plugin or Internet Explorer bookmarklet that opens all linked movies and pictures in the same page, and adds easy image viewing.

- Shows movies at the top of the page, and images below.
- Autoplays movies in their original size, and centers images.
- Use Tab to skip to the next image, and space to go one screen down.
- Reload the page to autoplay all movies after they have loaded.
- Click on an image to scroll to the next image.
- Move the mouse over the image to scroll up, down, left and right.
- Movies open in the assinged player, I recommend using Windows Media Player.
- Rightclick on an image to temporarily zoom in, rightdrag to move around.

- WMW, MPEG and other movies open in the assinged players. I recommend using Windows Media Player, just check all boxes in Tools - Options - Filetypes.

As a Maxthon plugin:
- Click the Maxthon iconMaxthon plugin, download and unzip it into Maxthon's Plugin folder. Restart Maxthon. To make zooming work, disable gestures.

As a Remote IE favorite:
- Rightclick this
LiPs link, choose Add to Favorites, store it in the Links folder, and name it LiPs. This is slower than the local solution below, as the file LiPs.js is retrieved from the Internet every time LiPs is run, and it can change without notice.

As a Local IE favorite:
- Click the Internet Explorer iconInternet Explorer script, download and store LiPs.js in a local folder, for example C:\Plugins. Now, rightclick this
LiPs link, choose Add to Favorites, store it in the Links folder, and name it LiPs. If you saved the LiPs.js file in another folder than C:\Plugins, edit the LiPs favorite by rightclicking on it in the favorites menu, choose Properties, and change the path accordingly.

- 20060606 - v1.1: Added support for Firefox, better handling of QuickTime and RealMedia.

- 20060612 - v1.2: Converted into a Maxthon plugin with easy image viewing.

Thanks to t2 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


ZoneSize v1.0

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Define zones that autosize windows dropped on them.

- Hold a window over a zone for .5 sec to autosize it.
- Doubleclick the tray icon to center the active window.

Thanks to nudone at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


DeskLock v1.2

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Prevents the moving of desktop icons.

- DoubleClick the tray icon to Disable/Enable.
- Option to disable left drag and right mouse button.

- 20060525 - v1.1: Added option to lock more classes and show class names.
- 20060527 - v1.2: Added disable hotkey.

Thanks to Josh at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


DownloadAndRun v1.0

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Download a file from the internet, and run it or open it in a program.

- Open the ini file to change the file to download, to show traytip and what action to take.
- Wildcard * can be used in the filename=
- To just save the download file, use action=
- To run the downloaded file, use action=Run
- To open the downloaded file in, say Notepad, use action=Run Notepad.exe

Thanks to Josh at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


ControlFence v1.0

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Prevent the mouse from sliding off certain controls once inside.

Thanks to sopan123 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


OpeningHours v1.0

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Runs a program when inside a certain time interval, and closes it when outside.



  <part of program path>
  start=<start time HHMM>  
  end=<end time HHMM> 

The following parameters are optional:

  checkdelay=<time between checks in ms>
  run=<0=Don't run, 1=Run>
  close=<0=Don't close, 1=Close>
  kill=<0=Don't kill, 1=Kill>
  killdelay=<time to wait before killing a task in ms>
  hide=<1=Hide from the tray, 0=Show in the tray>

- Example:
OpeningHours.exe \Notepad.exe start=1200 end=2400 checkdelay=1000 run=1 close=1 kill=1 killdelay=5000 hide=0

Thanks to brotherS at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


IpUpload v1.1

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Upload current IP address to a FTP server.

- Add the tags <ipaddress>, <time>, <username> or <computername> to the file to upload.
  These tags are replaced with the current values.
- Command line: IpUpload.exe <options>

  -s <server>
IP address of FTP server
  -l <local path> Path of file to upload
  -r <remote path> Folder on FTP server
  -u <user name> User name
  -p <password> Password
  -nic <network adaptor> What network adaptor to use, 1 to 4, 0=external IP retrieved from
  -pause <minutes> Time to wait between uploads, 0 exist
  -hide Hides the tray icon.

Example: IpUpload.exe -s -l "c:\folder1\file.htm" -r "/folder2" -u user -p password -nic 0 -pause 5 -hide

- 2006.05.07 - v1.1: Added more tags, added external IP address detection, changed the command line.

Thanks to ark2 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!

Uses CGet.exe by


CloseAndEject v1.0

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Close all open files before ejecting a drive.

- Double leftclick a line to activate the process.
- Double rightclick a line to kill the process.
- Command line: CloseAndEject.exe <Drives> Eject
   Example: CloseAndEject.exe DE Eject
   Closes open files on drive D and E, ejects and exits.
- Use with caution! Closing handles can cause bluescreens!

Thanks to vevola at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!

Uses Handle.exe by


UsedFonts v1.0

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Show what fonts are in use by a Microsoft Word document.

- Run it to show a file selection dialog, or drag and drop a doc file on it.

Thanks to mpjames at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


PasteBinPost v2.0

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Post you clipboard contents to and return the URL.

- Press Win+S to post.
- Option to change the hotkey.

- 2008.07.29 - v2.0: Removed dependency of WGET.

Thanks to brotherS at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


LabelControl v1.6

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Overlays buttons and other controls with a Number for direct access via Ctrl-Number.

- Hold Ctrl, write the number, release Ctrl.
- Change the settings using Settings in the tray menu.
- To add more controls, use Window Spy included with AutoHotkey
   to find the class of the control, and add it to the proper tab.
- Still missing a lot of controls.

- 2006.04.18 - v1.1: Added toolbar button detection.
- 2006.04.19 - v1.2: Improved toolbar button detection, added menu detection.
- 2006.04.19 - v1.3: Cleaned up number placement, corrected menu detection.
- 2006.04.20 - v1.4: Added listview item detection.
- 2006.05.01 - v1.5: Added header and tab item detection. Added use of numpad.
- 2006.12.19 - v1.6: Added listview and treeview detection. Changed the settings dialog.

Inspired by Mouseless Browsing discussed at DonationCoder Forum


ConfineMouse v1.2

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Confine the mouse to one monitor.

- DoubleClick the tray icon to Disable/Enable.
- Press Ctrl-D to Disable.

- 2006.04.11 - v1.2: Added disable hotkey.

Thanks to Poolee at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


NoClose v1.1

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Disable the Close button (X) of selected windows.

- Press Ctrl+1 to Enable or Disable the Close button of the active window.
- Press Ctrl+2 to Add a rule.
- Automatic enabling and disabling of close buttons on program start and stop, and on window creation.
- Change hotkeys and automation options.

- 2006.05.02 - v1.1: Corrected a settings error, changed the about dialog.

Thanks to mouser at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


MonitorOffSaver v1.0

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Screensaver that turn off the screen.

- Low power mode, Power On or Power Off.

- Place MonitorOffSaver.scr in your Windows folder, and configure it like any other screensaver using Start - Settings - Control Panel - Screen - ScreenSaver.
- To use the AHK-script, compile and rename it to MonitorOffSaver.scr, or create a shortcut to it with a /C parameter to configure, or /S to run.

Thanks to brotherS at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


DimSaver v2.1

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Screensaver that dims the screen.

- Night- and daytime darkness levels.
- Separate darken and lighten speeds.
- Wakeup using mouse or keyboard.
- Start another screensaver.

- Place DimSaver.scr in your Windows folder, and configure it like any other screensaver using Start - Settings - Control Panel - Screen - ScreenSaver.
- To use the AHK-script, compile and rename it to DimSaver.scr, or create a shortcut to it with a /C parameter to configure, or /S to run.

- 2006.04.08 - v1.1: Tweaked the options screen
- 2006.04.09 - v1.2: Added multimonitor support, more tweaking.
- 2006.04.09 - v1.3: Removed all kinds of bugs.
- 2006.04.15 - v1.5: Added option to change step speed of the dimming, corrected mousemove bug.
- 2006.04.15 - v1.6: Changed the step speed of the dimming.
- 2006.04.15 - v1.7: Added undiming.
- 2006.04.22 - v1.8: Added option to move the mouse when dimming.
- 2006.04.22 - v1.9: Hides the cursor instead of moving it, disabling key action activates the underlying window for input.
- 2006.04.22 - v2.0: Added option to change background color and display an image.
- 2007.01.22 - v2.1: Added option to ignore accidental mouse movement.

Thanks to brotherS at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


CloseFence v1.1

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Prevents the autohiding Taskbar from appearing when the mouse is over a Close button (X)

- Change size and thickness of the fence.

Thanks to nudone at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


BlockInput v1.0

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Press Ctrl-Q to block all input for 5 seconds.

- Change hotkey and delay time.

Thanks to Hirudin at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


AddUrlTimeStamp v1.0

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Prefix favorites with creation date.

- Ignores the Links folder, and urls starting with +.
- Command line tool, run it without parameters to show a folder selection dialog.
- Syntax: AddUrlTimeStamp.exe "foldername"

- 2005.05.18 - v1.1: Won't prefix links in the Links folder.
- 2005.05.21 - v1.2: Won't prefix links and links in subfolders of the Links folder.

Thanks to mouser at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


RemoveUrlTimeStamp v1.0

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Remove prefixed creation date from favorites.

- Command line tool, run it without parameters to show a folder selection dialog.
- Syntax: RemoveUrlTimeStamp.exe "foldername"

Thanks to mouser at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


MouseMark v1.0

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Press Ctrl+M to locate the mouse.

- Two alternating crossmarks.
- Change hotkey, delay, size, thickness and color.
- To make it stick, release Ctrl before M.
- To change the settings, choose Settings in the Tray menu.

Thanks to JoTo at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


ShiftOff v1.2

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Turns off CapsLock when Shift is pressed together with A-Z or other user defined keys.

- Also makes CapsLock work like Shift when pressed togheter with A-Z or other user defined keys.
- To change the keys, choose Settings in the Tray menu.

- 2008.08.02 - v1.2: Made Capslock work like shift together wita a key.

to TWmailrec at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!
Thanks to Knutchen at DonationCoder Forum for more ideas!


MoveInactiveWin v1.0

Download programAutoHotkey sourcecode205KB

Move a window without activating it.

- Alt-Click and drag to move.
- Click anywhere within a window to move it!

Thanks to AndyM at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


SingleInstance v1.0

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Allow only one instance of a program to run.

- User defined programs.
- Option to detect hidden programs.
- Won't close instances started before SingleInstance.

Thanks to wr975 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


RandomScreenSaver v1.2

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Change screensaver every x minutes.

- Change running time and order.
- Select screensavers to ignore.

- Hide or show the desktop while running.

- Place RandomsScreenSaver.scr in your Windows folder, and configure it like any other screensaver using Start - Settings - Control Panel - Screen - ScreenSaver.
- To use the AHK-script, compile and rename it to RandomScreenSaver.scr, or create a shortcut to it with a /C parameter to configure, or /S to run.

- 2005.12.01 - v1.1: Hides the taskbar, shows proper icons, removed tray icon.
- 2006.06.01 - v1.2: Debugging.


FadingTaskbar v1.4

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Change the transparency of the taskbar.

- Individual transparency settings for when the mouse is inside and outside the taskbar.
- Fade in, fade out.
- Makes the taskbar solid when maximized windows exist.
- Remembers the original transparency.

- 2005.12.01 - v1.1: Changed the detection of the taskbar.
- 2006.03.01 - v1.2: Changed the name from NoTransMax, added fading and transparency options.
- 2006.03.01 - v1.3: Added separate fade speeds.
- 2006.06.04 - v1.4: Added option to hide taskbar, and activation rectangle.

Thanks to skywalka at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


PushToTalk v1.0

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Push Win+S to activate the microphone, release to mute.

- Mutes the mic when started.


MultiMonMan v2.0

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Watch and control multiple monitors.

- Shows what's going on on your other monitors.
- Click-through and drag-through.
- Resize and move windows.
- Choose Save Setup to save window arrangement

- 2006.11.28 - v2.0: Removed the use of IrfanView, making it fast enough for click-through.


PlainPaste v1.1

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Press Ctrl-V once to paste regularly, or twice fast to paste as text.

- Also control Ctrl-C and Ctrl-X

- 2006.03.20 - v1.1: Added hotkeys for Ctrl-C and Ctrl-X.

Thanks to rin67630 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


TrayScreenSaver v1.0

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Control the screensaver from the tray.

- Doubleclick the tray icon to run the default screensaver.
- Singleclick to enable or disable the screensaver.
- Run any screensaver from the tray menu.

Thanks to alecjw at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


RunScreenSaver v1.0

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Run the default screensaver.

- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.


HideDesktop v1.2

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Hide the desktop icons when the mouse is elsewhere.

- To change the settings, choose Settings in the Tray menu.

- 2006.12.19 - v1.1: Added show and hide delays.
- 2007.01.16 - v1.2: Corrected a bug in the settings code, and the show and hide code.


WinStep v1.0

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Step through groups of windows using hotkeys.

  Ctrl-0: Add a window to a Group0
  Ctrl-1: Add a window to a Group1

  Alt-0 : Show the next window of Group0
  Alt-1 : Show the next window of Group1

- User defined hotkeys and sounds.

Thanks to tspivey at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


TransOther v1.1

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Make all windows but the active one transparent.

- User defined transparency level.
- Can ignore always ontop windows.
- Won't make parent windows transparent while children is active.

Thanks to y0himba at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


SingleApp v1.0

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Only allow one application to be active.

- Autmatically restart the application when the watched window is closed
- Password protected. Password: SingleApp

Thanks to relipse at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


UrlHistory v1.0

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Watches the clipboard for web addresses and saves them with a comment.

- Doubleclick the tray icon to add an url manually.

Thanks to Ace_NoOne at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


DelEmpty v1.2

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List and delete empty folders.

- Show filecount, foldercound, programcount and size of files and subfolders.
- Sort by files, size or path.
- Doubleclick to explore a folder.

- 2006.03.14 - v1.1: Added counting of folders and programs.
- 2006.10.12 - v1.2: Removed auto selection of single program folders.

Thanks to jovejupiter at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


TaskLog v1.2

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Logs the time spent on different tasks.

- User defined tasknames, messages, descriptions, hotkeys and more.
- Change task using the tray menu, or press Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-9.
- Press Ctrl-0 to show the menu.

- 2006.05.14 - v1.1: Added user defined hotkeys, messages, descriptions.
- 2007.04.07 - v1.2: Corrected the tray tip, restart when settings change.

Thanks to somaamos at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


IdleMute v2.1

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Mute the speaker or run a program after a period of inactivity, use hotkeys to mute and control the volume.

- Shows volume in the tray icon.
- User defined idle time.
- Remembers previous mute state on boot up.
- Force mute or umnute on startup.
- Muting can be disabled when your music programs run.
- Set the start/end times for when IdleMute should work.
- Add hotkeys for muting and changing volume, even supports mouse hotkeys!
- Choose programs to be run when muting/unmuting.
- Choose program to be run when the system has been muted and idle for some time.
- Doubleclick the tray icon to mute/unmute.
- Singleclick to show volume slider.


- 2005.11.25 - v1.1: Added fade in/out when muting, set times when active.
- 2005.11.27 - v1.2: Added a settings dialog, eased the CPU load.
- 2005.11.28 - v1.3: Added a better about dialog, eased the CPU load, added more tray icons.
- 2005.11.28 - v1.4: Corrected the settings dialog.
- 2005.11.29 - v1.5: Added Windows' volume actions, fullcolor icons.
- 2005.12.05 - v1.6: Added mute/unmute action, volume hotkeys, better icons.
- 2005.12.05 - v1.7: Added audio feedback for volume hotkeys, option to disable fading.
- 2005.12.08 - v1.8: Added option to disable muting, so the timer can be used to pause WinAmp or other programs instead.
- 2006.02.12 - v1.9: Added second timer to kick in when muted and idle, moved the options around, removed unmute bug, changed the icons.
- 2006.03.15 - v2.0: Corrected A_TimeIdlePhysical error.
- 2006.05.10 - v2.1: Shows volume level in the tray icon.

Thanks to LuckMan212 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea, icons and debugging!


CacheSort v1.1

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Automatically move files from Internet Explorer's cache into folders based on the files' extensions.

- Very handy for storing movies and other files downloaded from the Internet.
- Can be used to watch other folders.
- Only move files bigger than a given value.
- Run a program when a new file is found.
- Move or copy files.

- 2005.11.23 - v1.1: Added option to copy or move files.

Thanks to wr957 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


DoOver v1.2

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Record and playback keyboard and mouse actions.

- User defined hotkeys.
- Recorded macro can be edited throught the Settings menu before playback.
- Change playback speed through the Settings menu.
- Press Ctrl-F12 to start and stop recording.
- Press Ctrl-F5 to start playback.
- Press Esc to abort playback.
- Won't move windows due to relative mouse actions.

- 2005.11.06 - v1.1: Added userdefined hotkeys and settings to ini file, better window handling.
- 2005.11.21 - v1.2: Can now start playback/recording from the menu, corrected hotkey handling.

Thanks to vbmark at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


Kill v1.0

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Close or kill the window under the mouse.

- Leftclick to Close.
- Ctrl-Leftclick to Kill.
- Esc Cancels.
- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.

Skull graphic by Sherri Osborn

Thanks to Grizzly Bear at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


CloseMany v2.4

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Closes multiple programs or services at once.

- Close, Kill or Restart processes.
- Start, Stop or Restart services.
- Select multiple lines by Click-Drag or Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click

- 2005.10.31 - v1.1: Added tooltip when clicking, moved buttons.
- 2005.12.02 - v1.2: Now possible to close services, changed process detection.
- 2005.12.15 - v2.0: New GUI with icons and more info, added restart action.
- 2006.03.14 - v2.1: Removed use of the clipboard, improved window title detection.
- 2006.03.15 - v2.2: Removed use of the ShowVer.
- 2006.08.19 - v2.3: Removed use of the PrcView.
- 2006.08.19 - v2.4: Corrected inability to close and kill processes.

Uses sourcecode by wOxxOm, corrupt and shimanov at the AutoHotkey Forums.

Thanks to hurricanedavid at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


WhatColor v1.0

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Show and copy the RRGGBB color under the cursor.

- Press F12 to copy.
- Nothing fancy, just needed it.


TimeStamp v1.1

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Copies user defined times and dates to the Clipboard.

- Multiple user defined timestamps.
- Doubleclick the tray icon to copy the last used timstamp.

- 2005.10.23 - v1.1: Corrected a typo concerning DDD.

Thanks to hurricanedavid at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


ColorTaskbar v1.2

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Makes the taskbar gradually shift through a range of colors.

- Just a fun tool!
- Makes the buttons work like on a Mac - you have to hit the parts with color!

- 2005.11.07 - v1.1: Changed the color detection to work better with skinned taskbar.
- 2007.18.06 - v1.2: Added pause menu, made clicking work better.

Thanks to turtleboy1992 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


WinLock v1.0

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Lock individual windows with a password.

- One password for all windows.
- Only light protection.

Thanks to aruvam at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


MinimOther v1.1

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Endlessly minimizes all windows except the active one.

- Won't minimize dialog boxes.

- 2005.12.02 - v1.1: Restores next window when current window closes.

Thanks to knyghte at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


ShowDialogsToo v1.1

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Shows dialog boxes on the task bar.

- Enable or disable by doubleclicking the task icon.
- Added options to exclude windows.

Thanks to skywalka at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


BigByte v1.1

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Create accurately sized files.

- Create binary or ascii files.
- Just wanted to see if it could be done!
- Makes a big mess while working!

Thanks to Sentinel at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


ToddlerTrap v1.1

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Disables mouse and keyboard input to stop toddlers messing up your PC, or to allow for cleaning.

- Click the X to exit.
- Click and drag to move ToddlerTrap out of the way.

- 2006.12.21 - v1.1: Added option to move ToddlerTrap out of the way.

Thanks to wr975 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


RunAsTools v1.2

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Collect your system tools and run them as another user.

- Edit the ini-file to change the settings.
- Show or hide the window by doubleclicking the tray icon.
- Includes a command line

- Won't run as a user without a password.
- The Secondary Logon service must be running.

- 2005.09.22 - v1.1: Added info about Secondary Logon service.
- 2005.09.22 - v1.2: Added a command line.

Thanks to Stefan at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


MouseActivate v1.3

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Automatically activates a window or a control when the mouse hovers over it, or autoclick if the mouse is left in the same place for 1 second.

- Edit the ini-file to change the settings.
- Activate a window or a control.
- Move the mouse to the upper left corner of the screen to show or hide the desktop.
- Move the mouse to the top edge of the screen to send the active window to the back.
- Move the mouse to the left edge of the screen to bring the bottommost window to the top
- Enable and disable by doubleclicking the tray icon.

- 2005.10.11 - v1.1: Added option to disable edge actions. Added left egde action.
- 2005.11.20 - v1.3: Added option to autoclick, disable autoactivation, disable when user clicks or drags.


PixelNotifier v1.0

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Watches pixels for color change, and if triggered, shows a message, plays a sound and fills the whole screen with color.

- Edit the ini-file to change the settings.
- Simple way to add new alarms.
- Enable and disable alarms in the tray menu.

Thanks to Gerry at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


ProcessGuard v1.1

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Watch processes' memory usage, cpu usage and more, and get a warning, close them, run a program, change priority, hide/show or minimize/maximize them, logoff, reboot, shutdown, suspend or hibernate!

- Edit the ini-file to change the settings.
- Watch all processes by using *
- Doubleclick the tray icon to change settings.

- 2005.09.20 - v1.1: Added option to run a program, logoff, shutdown, reboot, suspend or hibernate.

Thanks to kfitting at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


ZoomSaver v1.0

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"Screensaver" that shrinks the images to fit to the width or height of the screen, and scrolls to show the rest.

- Edit the ini-file to change the settings.
- Set zoom=1 to zoom small images
- Set ontop=1 to use hotkeys and hide the desktop. Space=pause, Left=previous image, Right=next image, Del=delete image, Esc=quit

Thanks to skywalka at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


NoStrayClicks v1.1

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Own a laptop with a mousepad? NoStrayClicks prevents stray clicks on the mousepad when editing documents.

- Doubleclick the tray icon to disable/enable

- 2005.10.23 - v.1.1: Corrected Enable/disable.


ShowOff v1.2

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Shows the pushed down keys and buttons.

- Change what keys to show.
- Change window font, colors and position.
- Click and drag to move the status window.

- 2005.09.02 - v1.1: Added user defined and movable status window.
- 2005.09.03 - v1.2: Added info on how to turn off transparency, added user defined display time, changed how to show unshifted keys.

Thanks to bmm at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


WinWarden v2.0

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Automatically control how to display a window.

- Move, maximize, minimize, restore, enable, disable, hide, show, ontop, bottom, alwaysontop, clip, transparent, transparent color, move relative to another window, stick to the edge of the screen, center, run a program.
- Doubleclick trayicon to center the active window.

- 2005.09.28 - v1.2: Added centering of the active window, autoreload when ini changes, option to run a program.
- 2005.10.09 - v1.3: Added the options Inside and Outside to check if the mouse is hovering over a window. Also some bugfixes.
- 2005.10.31 - v1.4: Tim Morck tweaked it to run more efficient.
- 2005.10.31 - v1.5: Tim Morck tweaked it again and added menu options and move options.
- 2006.02.02 - v2.0: Tim Morck tweaked it again and added even more options.

Thanks to lanux128 at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!
Thanks to Tim Morck for improving the code!


AutoClip v4.0

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Replaces text as you type with any formatted text, image or other clip.
Handy for instantly expanding your initials into your e-mail signature, with image and all.

- Also paste clips using the tray menu.
- Make scripts that send key presses for automation.
- Runs external programs.
- Even works in programs without an input box, like PaintBrush.

Thanks to Lazlo at AutoHotkey for input and code!


Ghoster v1.2

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Dims all windows except the active one.

- Place a transparent image across the screen.
- Highly configurable.

- 2005.10.08 - v1.1: Cleaned up the code, removed some flickering, hid the GhosterWindow.
- 2006.12.19 - v1.2: Removed the hole punching.

Thanks to jsmallberry a
t DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


DragKing v1.3

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Automatically copies mouse selections to the clipboard. Reports the number of copied characters, words and lines.

- User defined delimiter settings.
- Doubleclick the tray icon to disable/enable

- 2005.09.04 - v1.1: Also reports the number of words and lines. Added ini file for user defined delimiters.
- 2005.09.05 - v1.2: Added more status options
- 2006.05.09 - v1.3: Added hotkeys for pasting and disabling.

Thanks to vevola at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


RecentRun v1.5

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Shows the most recently run programs on the Start menu and in the tray.

- Sort alphabetically or by date and time.
- Lock individual shortcuts.
- Add /Hide to the command line to hide the tray icon on startup.

- 2005.11.25 - v1.1: Corrected a bug when sorting alphabetically.

- 2006.03.24 - v1.2: Added options dialog and /Hide command line parameter.
- 2006.03.26 - v1.3: Added option to move the shortcut folder.
- 2006.04.25 - v1.4: Made it work in W2000, cleaned up the code.
- 2006.04.26 - v1.5: Corrected sort by date order in W2000.


ClipStep v1.2

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Control multiple clipboards using only the keyboard's Ctrl-X-C-V.

- Right where you expect to find it.
- Ctrl-V steps forward, Ctrl-C steps backwards, Ctrl-X cancels or deletes.
- Clips are saved between sessions.

Thanks to skywalka at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


CAPshift v1.7

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Ever hit caps lock by accident and not found out until half a page later? CAPshift extends the Caps Lock key by slowing it down, and shows a menu to change the selected text to lowercase, UPPERCASE, TitleCase, iNVERTEDcASE, RaNDoMCaSE or to Replace user defined characters.

- Right where you expect to find it.
- Hold down for 0.5 sec to enable/disable.
- Hold down for 1 sec to show the menu.
- Rightclick the tray icon to show the menu.
- Also slows down F1, Insert, NumLock and ScrollLock.

- 2005.08.24 - v1.2: Added a countdown tooltip, also slows down F1, Insert, NumLock and ScrollLock. Added tray status.
- 2005.09.09 - v1.3: Added an ini-file to disable status, slowed down cutting to make it work in explorers.
- 2005.09.18 - v1.4: Added Random case, added option to replace user defined chars.
- 2005.11.05 - v1.5: Made the tray menu activate the last used window.
- 2007.04.07 - v1.6: Added renaming in Explorer. Restores the clipboard.
- 2007.04.17 - v1.7: Added automatic CapsLock off when idle for x seconds.

Thanks to Ampa at DonationCoder Forum for the idea!


Desktop! v1.1

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Give the desktop it's own taskbar button. Click it, Alt-Tab to it, or drag files to it to show or hide the desktop.

- Task button name is the same as the localized name of the desktop.

- 2005.09.06 - v1.1: Only undoes when the desktop is active.


TakeABreak v1.1

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Locks the computer in user defined intervals.

- Change the work and pause time, and add your own messages.
- Careful! In pause mode the only way out is to restart the computer!

Thanks to nudone at DonationCoder Forum for the idea.


Noise v1.2

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Keeps the PC from falling asleep by sending it keystrokes.

- Runs in the tray, just set it and forget it.

2005.12.1 - v1.2: Changed the interval and detection of activity.

Thanks to Scott at DonationCoder Forum for the idea.


TicTocTitle v1.4

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Displays the current date and time in the active titlebar.

- Doubleclick the tray icon to copy the date and time to the clipboard.
- Highly configurable. Individual settings for the display and the copy.

2006.03.25 - v1.3: Tweaked the display, added options dialog.
2006.07.17 - v1.4: Added key lock states, corrected options bug.

Thanks to Alrac for the idea!

Questions or comments? Post them at the DonationCoder Forum.


StartClock v1.5

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Shows the current time in the start button,.

- Hover the mouse over the Start button or the tray icon to show the current date and more.
- Doubleclick the tray icon to show Windows' calendar.
- Blinking colon.

- 2005.08.29 - v1.2: Changed the detection of the start button.
- 2006.05.27 - v1.3: Added options dialog, about dialog, tray icon doubleclick shows calendar.
- 2006.05.27 - v1.4: Added option to hide the Start button icon by moving the Start button.
- 2006.05.27 - v1.5: Added Start button tip.

Thanks to skywalka at DonationCoder Forum for the idea.


MouseClock v1.0

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Shows the current time next to the mouse cursor, and date and more in the tray.


CutAway v1.0

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Cut away parts of a window.

- Click and drag operation.
- Run again and rightclick to undo.


Mute v1.0

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Mutes or unmutes the speaker.

- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.


MicMute v1.1

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Toggles the microphone's input volume between 0% and 100%.

- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.
- To change the On volume, make a shortcut to it and add the wanted volume (0-100) after the filename.

- 2005.09.17 - v1.1: Changed it to control the input volume instead of the output volume!

Thanks to Akdor 1154 at DonationCoder for preventing a class action lawsuit!


Run v1.0

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Opens the Run window.

- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.


Find v1.0

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Opens the Find window.

- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.


EjectCD v1.1

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Ejects all or some CD trays.

- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.
- Just run to eject all drive trays.
- Or add the drives to eject to the command line.
Example: EjectCD.exe DEF


CloseCD v1.1

Download programAutoHotkey sourcecode205KB

Closes all or some CD trays.

- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.
- Just run to close all drive trays.
- Or add the drives to close to the command line.
Example: CloseCD.exe DEF


OnTop v1.0

Download programAutoHotkey sourcecode205KB

Puts a window on top of all others.

- Displays current status.
- Left click to put on top.
- Run again and left click to undo.
- Right click to cancel.
- Place it on your QuickRun toolbar for easy access.


LiP v1.0 - 1KB

Browse lots of pictures on the Internet? LiP opens all linked pictures on a page, in full size, centered.

- Rightclick the icon above, select Add to Favorites, choose the Links folder.


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