

組曲『ニコニコ動画』 グランドフィナーレ 全自動マリオVer
作者様の新作Automatic Mario - Little Busters www.youtube.com Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga jp.youtube.com 組曲『ニコニコ動画』 全自動マリオVer jp.youtube.com 組曲『ニコニコ動画』 全自動マリオVer 【効果音のみ】 jp.youtube.com 作者様の他作品全自動マリオで『てってってー』 www.youtube.com 合唱 組曲『ニコニコ動画』 グランドフィナーレjp.youtube.com ニコニコより転載転載元組曲『ニコニコ動画』 全自動マリオ 勝手にグランドフィナーレwww.nicovideo.jp
21人で声真似 組曲ニコニコ動画(改)を歌ってみた
ニコニコ動画から転載すべて声まね主さんが歌っています。 声まね主様すみれさん・みかりん*さん・あげはさん・アホの坂田さん・ゆきまる。さんzero-maxさん・から納豆さん、志麻さん、完全体セルさん・A24さん保坂☆さん・kameさん・ゆきさきさん・利香さん・@みぃさん・にんじんさんセンラさん・じゅん☆じゅんmix 保坂☆さん画像協力ひなたさん・ポポロさん動画asakiさん
自作の改造マリオ(スーパーマリオワールド)を友人にプレイさせる ニコニコ動画コメント付き
2007/07/21 07:12でのニコニコ動画です。 コメント付きの変換には「さきゅばす」というソフトを使いました。 ledyba.ddo.jp
Nanairo no Nico Nico Douga 『七色のニコニコ動画』 - PV
しもさんのニコニコメドレー第5弾『七色のニコニコ動画』のPV版です。 YouTubeの再生時間の都合上、最後の「Reach Out To The Truth」はカットしています。 YouTubeで見れる原曲リスト作ってみました。 www.youtube.com アノテーションのリンク先は、この動画で使われている素材を優先しています。原曲が知りたい方は上記の再生リストからお願いします。 Track List 01 - ブラック★ロックシューター sm3645817 02 - Heavenly Star sm3622806 03 - Do-dai sm3094727 04 - みwなwぎwっwてwきwたwww(篠笛禁断症状L5) sm1728363 05 - Under My Skin sm3913273 06 - ナイト・オブ・ナイツ sm4741655 07 - ダンシング☆サムライ sm4136912 08 - サンドキャニオン sm5510407 09 - スカイハイ sm3354192 10 - ポップスター sm729334 11 - Got The Groove sm101751 12 - 亡き王女の為のセプテット sm2890770 13 - Bad Apple!! feat.nomico sm2077177 14 - 俺ら東京さ行ぐだ sm2874167 15 - RAINBOW GIRL sm1714828 16 - Starry Sky sm2676192 17 - Hello Windows sm2322242 18 - 最強パレパレード sm401757 19 - 空 sm2855395 20 - celluloid sm1204327 21 - 初音ミクの消失 sm2937784 22 - ライオン sm4359386 23 - 星間飛行 sm3821007 24 - ニホンノミカタ~ネバダカラキマシタ~ sm5206380 25 - Promise sm4946055 26 - 魂のルフラン sm5298098 27 - ワールドイズマイン sm3504435 28 - おてんば恋娘 sm2890650 29 - TOWN sm486315 30 - ぽっぴっぽー sm5508956 31 - 溝ノ口太陽族 so6763675 32 - 崖の上のポニョ sm3687909 33 - 伯方の塩 sm5830611 34 - smooooch・∀・ sm6485495 35 - ダブルラリアット nm6049209 36 - ってゐ!~えいえんてゐVer~ sm5597644 37 - 炉心融解 sm5602903 38 - おジャ魔女 ...
働いたら負け ニート ニコニコ動画 2ちゃんねる ニート君「今の自分は勝ってると思います。」
平成24年5月11日 橋下市長定例記者会見前日のMBS斉加尚代記者の話題がいっぱい。
【ニコ動コメ付き】オウム真理教布教アニメ 【吹いたらポア】
ニコニコ動画から転載です www.nicovideo.jp ※8/25日追記: まさかの新作! www.youtube.com 前回と同じ動画の音質向上版です。またコメントも若干変わっております、ミリオン達成時の過去ログ、2012年6月21日9時40分のものとなっております。 以下うp主様のコメントです最後の最後まで気の抜けないポアの波状攻撃。口に牛乳を含んでご視聴ください。sm6391421←オウムMADソングメドレーsm54040←尊師ソングメドレー(歌手はすべて尊師) sm2610438←尊師の拳(本編中のMADの元動画)
3月13日 マリオン前暴行事件 拡散用 ‐ ニコニコ動画(原宿)Copy
>17時41分頃 マリオン前で起きた出来事です。 >事件についての言及は書きません、視聴者の判断にお任せします。 >現場の人が政治系なので、政治カテゴリとします。
"此影片與政治民族等無關 請以同為Anime.Comic.Game愛好者來做觀賞 謝謝" "政治は関係ないぜ! " 大家好,你們現在看到的這段影片是我們台灣的最大BBS站台--PTT,裡面的C-CHAT版(動漫討論版) 其中ACG FANS們經過一個多禮拜的時間所錄製的歌曲圖也是經過我們熱心的板友們共同繪製而成真的是非常感謝這些不眠不休混音及製作影片還有參與錄音的朋友們....... 請大家放鬆心情觀賞. 日本の皆さん、こんにちは 今見られているビデオは台湾で最も人気のあるBBS-「ptt」にある掲示板「C-CHAT」(二次元関連雑談)の住人達が一週間の努力をかけて完成した曲です。 動画の素材として使ってる絵も共同作業で描いたものです。 ここでは、不眠不休で音楽をミックスする人、ビデオを製作する人、また、録音をす る人たちに大変感謝の気持ちを表したいと思います 皆さん、楽しくご覧ください。 元素材「ニコニコ組曲」(sm500873)を勝手に使わせていただき、本当に申し訳ございませんでした。 アニメや漫画、ゲームが大好きの僕らは、これからも日本との文化交流を続けてほしいです。
ドラえもん うんこ その2‐ニコニコ動画
ぷんこです うんこではありませんもう3年も経つのかw よく消されないな(・ω・A;)
Ryuuseigun Chaos FULL VERSION ニコニコ動画・流星群 カオスver. 「完成形」
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @DJGARYOAK www.twitter.com EDIT 7・06・09: Added rant re: copyright EDIT 4・26・09: ADDED ANNOTATIONS. (^ω^) EDIT 4・25・09: Added song list & times. Follow me on Twitter! www.twitter.com 『ニコ厨がニコニコ動画流星群をカオスにしてみた』 WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY::高画質で表示してください ニコニコ動画から転載 Reposted from Nico Nico Douga www.nicovideo.jp (deleted) UPDATE: The original Nico Nico Douga video has been TAKEN DOWN, after being one of the site's most popular videos, due to a copyright claim. The video was just shy of 1000000 views (977471), and everyone in the Nico community is pretty pissed (with good reason...this movie is awesome.) With Nico Nico Douga starting to clamp down on fan-made content such as MADs, we may start to see less of these masterpieces...hopefully YouTube will come to their senses and realize that these videos are actually PROMOTING the shows that are contained in them, not infringing on the copyright. Jesus. ANYWAYS. -- So I decided to make use of my Director's account on YouTube (which allows me to bypass the 10-minute limit on videos) and upload the FULL version of this Nico Nico Douga medley, cause splitting it into 2 parts (like the other versions on YouTube that I've seen) breaks flow somewhat. This is the "Chaos" version of the Ryuuseigun medley, which, while busy at times, is probably my favorite version. I'll be trying to post a lot more Nico Nico Douga videos to YT, for the people who don't ...
Reproduced from ニコニコ動画: www.nicovideo.jp HQ: www.youtube.com
Ievan Polkka @ VOCALOID2 Hatsune Miku
【 Please read before the question. 】 VOCALOID is a vocal-synthesizing software that enables song writers to generate authentic-sounding singing on their PCs by simply typing in the lyrics and music notes of their compositions. --------------------------------------- VOCALOID Powered by : YAMAHA www.vocaloid.com www.vocaloid.com 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku) Developement by : クリプトン (CRYPTON) www.crypton.co.jp Official Illustrations by : ケイ画廊 (Kei Garou / Kei Art Gallery) kei-garou.net SD Illustrations by : ぽこぽこ (PocoPoco) www.pocopoco.cc Hatsune Miku ($168=13453円 : 1USD=80JPY) amazon.jp This Movie & Music Edited by Otomania.net (おとまにあどっとねっと) www.otomania.net --------------------------------------- About VOCALOID & Hatsune Miku Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org --------------------------------------- Former (元ネタ) Loituma - Ievan Polkka www.youtube.com Ievan Polkka (Score : PDF) perinnearkku.net Loituma Girl Original (Anime "BLEACH" EP02) www.youtube.com Loituma Girl Flash www.hersenscheet.com Japanese Leek (green onion, welsh onion, 葱=Negi, 長葱=Naga Negi) www.google.com --------------------------------------- Other MIKUBOOK.com (by CRYPTON) mikubook.com Hatsune Miku Project DIVA (PSP games by SEGA & CRYPTON) miku.sega.jp en.wikipedia.org MIKUNOPOLIS in Los Angeles (Hatsune Miku Live concert. 2011.7.1~4) mikunopolis.com --------------------------------------- 転載元 (Reprint from...) ニコニコ動画 (Nico Nico Douga, Smile Video) www.nicovideo.jp
少しだけバイクに惚れるかもしれない動画 ‐ ニコニコ動画輸入
ニコ動から輸入です。 う~ん・・・カッコイイ! マン島とX-GAMEは神ですな!


Nico Nico Douga

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Nico Nico Douga
URL www.nicovideo.jp
Commercial? Yes
Type of site Video hosting service
Registration Yes
Available language(s) Japanese, English, Chinese, German, and Spanish
Owner Niwango
Created by Niwango
Launched December 12, 2006
Current status Active

Nico Nico Douga (ニコニコ動画 Niko Niko Dōga?, lit. "Smile Videos"[1]), or Niconico, is a popular video sharing website in Japan managed by Niwango, a subsidiary of Dwango.[2] Its nickname is "Niconico" or "Nico-dō", where "nikoniko" is the Japanese ideophone for smiling. As of April 18, 2012, Nico Nico Douga is the fourteenth most visited website in Japan.[3] The site won the Japanese Good Design Award in 2007,[4] and an Honorary Mention of the Digital Communities category at Prix Ars Electronica 2008.[5]


[edit] Features

Users can upload, view and share video clips. Unlike other video sharing sites, however, comments are overlaid directly onto the video, synced to a specific playback time. This allows comments to respond directly to events occurring in the video, in sync with the viewer—creating a sense of a shared watching experience. Together with Hiroyuki Nishimura serving as director at Niwango, Nico Nico Douga's atmosphere and cultural context is close to 2channel's or Futaba Channel's, and many popular videos have otaku tastes, such as anime, computer games and pop music. Nico Nico Douga offers tagging of videos. Tags may be edited by any user, not just the uploader. Each video may have up to ten tags, of which up to five may be optionally locked by the uploader, but all others may be edited by any user. Frequently these tags are used not only as categorization, but also as critical commentary, satire, or other humor related to the video's content. The site is also known for its MAD Movies and its medleys of popular songs on the website, most notably Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga. Certain original net animations have been distributed on the website, such as Candy Boy, Tentai Senshi Sunred and Penguin Musume Heart.[6]

Other features include:

  • High video quality: Nico Nico Douga encourages users to pre-encode their videos in a format suitable for unmodified distribution. As of July 5, 2008, H.264 video and AAC audio is supported for both free and premium users.
  • Mylist: Each user may create "mylists", which function similarly to a list of bookmarks. All users can create up to twenty-five mylist folders, while a basic account can have 100 videos recorded and a premium (paid) account 500 videos per mylist, giving them a total of 12,500 mylist spots. Daily mylist activity is used to compute the default ranking view, although one may also sort by view or comment count. Mylists may be optionally made public and linked to; for example, to make a list of one's own works.
  • Uploader comments: The uploader of a video may attach permanent comments to the video. These are often used for such things as subtitles, lyrics, or corrections.
  • Nicoscript: By using special commands in the uploader comments, the uploader can add special effects to the video, including voting, automatic transfer to another video, quiz scoring, and other features.

[edit] History

Nobuo Kawakami, the founder and CEO of Nico Nico Douga

The first version of Nico Nico Douga used YouTube as a video source. However, as the site became more popular, so much traffic was transferred from YouTube that YouTube blocked access from Nico Nico Douga. Consequently Nico Nico Douga was forced to shut down the service but two weeks later it commenced its service with its own video server. On May 7, 2007, the Nico Nico Douga for mobile phone users was announced. Since August 9, 2007, "Nico Nico Douga (RC) Mobile" has serviced mobile phones of NTT DoCoMo and au.[7]

As of October 31, 2011, Nico Nico Douga has over 23,690,000 registered users, 6,870,000 mobile users and 1,390,000 premium users.[8] Due to the limited server capacity, Niwango limits the amount of free users accessible to the website at peak times (7 p.m. to 2 a.m.), based on the time of registration. The website is written in Japanese and the majority of the site traffic is from Japan, although approximately four percent is from outside of Japan, notably one percent from Taiwan.[9] A Taiwanese version of the site was launched on October 18, 2007.[10] In July 2008, the website was localized to German and Spanish.[11] The Taiwanese localization was significantly improved in the process. An English language version was added on October 17, 2012, replacing the Niconico.com website, featuring a new player and translation tools allowing users to translate video descriptions into English or Chinese.[12]

On April 27, 2012, Nico Nico Douga announced it would be renaming itself as Niconico, as well as introducing a new "Zero" version of the website which improves video resolution, along with various other upgrades.[13]

[edit] Niconico.com

In 2010, a version in English was in the works,[14] and in April 2011, an English language beta website, Niconico, was launched. This site allows users to share videos from YouTube, DailyMotion and Nico Nico Douga and view them in Nico Nico Douga's player, which includes the commenting system, as well as add English tags to them.[15] Improvements later made to the site allow users to upload their own videos, with subscribed users able to host livestreams. The site also began streaming select anime titles from June 2011 onwards. On October 14, 2011, Niconico announced a partnership with Funimation Entertainment to form Funico, to handle licensing of anime properties for streaming and home video.[16] On October 2, 2012, it was announced that with the implementation of English features into Nicovideo.jp, Niconico.com will retire by the end of 2012.[12]

[edit] Business aspects

The main income of Nico Nico Douga is divided into three parts: Premium-Membership (Pay-membership), Advertisement, and Nico Nico Ichiba (Affiliate).[17][18][19]


Registration is needed to watch videos at Nico Nico Douga. There are two types of registered accounts, Free membership and Premium-membership. The Premium-membership fee is 525 yen (about US$6) a month. As of January 2, 2012, they reached 1,500,000 premium members. They accept three forms of payment: credit cards, WebMoney vouchers and Paypal since February 2011.[20]


Nico Nico Douga uses Google Ads and other web advertisements. On May 8, 2008, Niwango announced partnership with Yahoo! Japan, and plans to adopt search-related ads and other Yahoo-related services.

Nico Nico Ichiba (Affiliate)

Nico Nico Ichiba is a unique advertisement system in which users can place banners freely in each video page. Both video uploader and video viewer can choose items which they want to place, and can place and delete banners in the advertisement area. Users also can know how many times each banner has been clicked and how many items have been bought. Ranking info of numbers of items bought through Nico Nico Ichiba is also officially provided. Items available are from Amazon.co.jp, Yahoo Shopping, and Dwango mobile service.

Premium accounts and the affiliate system were, in the past, only available to Japanese users. Non-Japanese users can now apply for a premium membership on the Japanese site with international JCB cards, WebMoney vouchers only and Paypal, language barrier notwithstanding. Also, as of July 2010, Nico Nico Ichiba has been extended to the Taiwanese website.

[edit] Financial condition

In the fiscal year from Q4 2010 to Q3 2011, Nico Nico Douga has had a gross income of approximately 10.81 billion yen (US$139.1 million as of November 10, 2011), and posts a 670 million yen (US$8.6 million) operating profit.

[edit] Combating copyright problems

On October 30, 2007, Niwango and the JASRAC, Japanese copyright holders' society agreed to form a comprehensive partnership and Niwango will pay two percent of its earnings to JASRAC as copyright royalties.[21] On March 11, 2008, Dwango announced that they would tighten up on the deletion of videos and monitoring uploaded videos. In the same way, on July 2, 2008, Dwango announced to three organizations that they would strengthen the deletion of anime and related content, including videos that use elements of copyrighted anime (known as MAD Movies). At the same time, Nico Nico Douga changed its system to expose what right holder deleted which video.

[edit] See also

[edit] References
  1. ^ Katayama, Lisa (May 19, 2008). "Meet Hiroyuki Nishimura, the Bad Boy of the Japanese Internet". Wired. http://www.wired.com/techbiz/people/magazine/16-06/mf_hiroyuki?currentPage=1. Retrieved July 24, 2010. 
  2. ^ "Dwango Co., Ltd. - Subsidiaries". Dwango. http://info.dwango.co.jp/english/etc/group.html. Retrieved 2010-01-05. [dead link]
  3. ^ "Alexa Traffic ranking". Alexa Internet. http://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/JP. Retrieved 2010-02-12. 
  4. ^ "Good Design Award No.07C02037" (in Japanese). http://www.g-mark.org/search/Detail?id=33883&sheet=outline. Retrieved 2008-07-02. 
  5. ^ "Ars Electronica Prix Honorary Mentions". Prix Ars Electronica. Archived from the original on 2008-07-01. http://web.archive.org/web/20080701082701/http://www.aec.at/en/prix/winners_honorary.asp. Retrieved 2008-07-02. 
  6. ^ Nagata, Kazuaki (June 9, 2011). "Video-sharing website sparks Net revolution". The Japan Times. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nb20110609a1.html. Retrieved June 9, 2011. 
  7. ^ "Nico Nico Douga Mobile Tester Starting" (in Japanese). Nico Nico Douga Developer's Blog. 2007-05-07. http://blog.nicovideo.jp/cat7/. Retrieved 2008-07-02. 
  8. ^ "2011年9月期決算説明会 [September 2011 Balance Sheet Explanation Meeting]" (in Japanese). Dwango. http://pdf.irpocket.com/C3715/oWM7/Jq9Q/f4sZ.pdf. Retrieved December 24, 2010. 
  9. ^ "Gudadada Notice" (in Japanese). Nico Nico Douga Developer's Blog. 2007-08-08. http://blog.nicovideo.jp/2007/08/post_148.php. Retrieved 2007-10-12. 
  10. ^ "Nico Nico Douga's Expansion" (in Japanese). CNET Japan. 2007-10-10. http://japan.cnet.com/news/media/story/0,2000056023,20358356,00.htm. Retrieved 2007-10-12. 
  11. ^ "Nico Nico Douga Announcement: Specific User Function Addition" (in Japanese). IT Media. 2008-07-04. http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0807/04/news130.html. Retrieved 2008-07-06. 
  12. ^ a b "English Niconico.com to Retire, Re-Open Under Main Site on October 17". Anime News Network. October 2, 2012. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-10-02/english-niconico.com-to-retire-re-open-under-main-site-on-october-17. Retrieved October 2, 2012. 
  13. ^ "Nico Nico Douga Renamed as niconico in Service Upgrade". Anime News Network. April 26, 2012. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-04-26/nico-nico-douga-renamed-as-niconico-in-service-upgrade. Retrieved April 26, 2012. 
  14. ^ "Nico Nico Douga". Nico Nico Douga, Inc.. http://www.nicovideo.com/. Retrieved July 17, 2010. 
  15. ^ "Japan's Nico Nico Douga Video Site Starts English Beta". Anime News Network. April 20, 2011. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2011-04-20/japan-nico-nico-douga-video-site-starts-english-beta. Retrieved April 20, 2011. 
  16. ^ "Funimation, Niconico to Jointly License Anime". Anime News Network. October 14, 2011. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-10-14/funimation-niconico-to-jointly-license-anime. Retrieved October 14, 2011. 
  17. ^ "Nico Nico Ichiba's Proceeds" (in Japanese). ASCII. 2008-05-09. http://ascii.jp/elem/000/000/131/131583/. Retrieved 2008-07-02. 
  18. ^ "Midway to September 2008 Balance Explanation" (in Japanese). Dwango. 2008-05-09. http://info.dwango.co.jp/pdf/ir/news/2008/080509_ir.pdf. Retrieved 2008-07-02. 
  19. ^ "Yahoo! Japan and Nico Nico Douga Cooperation Start" (in Japanese). 2008-05-09. http://bb.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/21831.html. Retrieved 2008-07-02. 
  20. ^ "ニコニコ動画のプレミアム会員決済でPayPalに対応" (in Japanese). Niwango Inc.. http://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/2011/02/011644.html. 
  21. ^ "Nico Nico Douga and YouTube Copyright Fee Payment" (in Japanese). IT Media. 2007-10-30. http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0710/30/news065.html. Retrieved 2008-07-02. 
[edit] External links
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