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erin h erin h
Member since:
November 15, 2008
Total points:
193 (Level 1)

Resolved Question

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How can I watch video's on

I was watching this video on youtube and to see the original version they gave me a link to but on my computer all the words come up as squares. How can I watch this video and any other videos on nicovideo? please give me a detailed explanation on how to do it.
And if it comes up I don't have an account for nicovideo.
Thanks to any one who answers and god bless you for helping me
Warrior~Within by Warrior~...
Member since:
September 29, 2006
Total points:
1,129 (Level 3)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

The site is not exactly in squares but its in korean. You can add language from options in your browser
but that will help only if u know how to read korean.
Else follow the steps i mention
1) Try to open the link
2) In the centre of the page there is the userid and password fields
Below these u can see a Large RED box with something written inside.
Click on it
3) Now u will see two boxes at tope. 1 in yellow and another in silver.
Yellow is premium and requires money so click on silver one
4) The page requires u to input info for registration.
* e-mail address
* Username (2 to 16 characters)
* looks like photo (leave it)
* Gender (Male Female)
* Date Of Borth (yyyy-mm-dd)
* Country (Scroll down and u will find english)
* pass
* pass
* qn (Not Sure but works)
* ans (Not Sure but works)

click black box

scroll down on the next page, enter captcha
click the box below captcha

Then go to ur mail...u will find a mail from ""
with ur details and a link to activate. Click on this and u r ready.

To login in future, use email address and password (It works)

I made an ID but its not a good idea to post that on an open forum. Feel free to contact me if required
Asker's Rating:
5 out of 5
Asker's Comment:
thank you so much for your help and i will be sure to contact you with any further questions. :)
It's freaking Japanese T_T Korean has circles.

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