Discounted Male Extra – Order It Now


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Are you sick of hearing about penis pills and what they can do for you?  Don’t give up yet!  There are real solutions out there which can help you get the erection enhancing results you need to have a better sex life.  We are talking about MaleExtra, a new solution for penis health which combines all-natural male supplements with a size-increasing program.  Unlike other penis pills which could take months before you even get slight results, MaleExtra can increase your erection size almost immediately after starting treatment.  If you combine the MaleExtra supplements with the Penis Health program, you can get massive increases to penis size in as little as 3 months!


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The potent force behind MaleExtra supplements is pomegranate 70% ellagic.  This concentrated form of pomegranate is equal to over 500 glasses of pomegranate juice.  The power of pomegranate is that it increases nitric oxide in the body.  Since nitric oxide is the bodily chemical which triggers erection, you can bet that MaleExtra will give you throbbing erections which are rock hard from all the blood pumping to them!  MaleExtra also contains the nitric oxide booster called L-Arginine, a type of plant derived amino acid.  Next, MaleExtra contains Methyl sulfonyl Methane, a plant which helps improve cellular flexibililty which is crucial for penis enhancement.  The root Cordyceps helps increase blood flow to the penis, making your erections bigger and longer lasting.




MaleExtra is formulated based on clinical studies and proven results.  Not only do they ensure you are getting the most potent male enhancement supplement available today, they also make sure you are getting the highest quality ingredients. All of the MaleExtra ingredients are derived fresh from the source. They even list the per MG count of the ingredients so you know that the enhancement pills are filled with cheap fillers!  Of course, quality comes at a high price.  But, instead of making mass amounts of profit from each sale, MaleExtra has kept their price low.  They know that a cheap AND effective product won’t remain a secret for long and the sales will come rolling in!  So far, they have been right and MaleExtra has been successfully used by thousands of satisfied male customers.


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No penis pill is a miracle worker.  Let’s be clear that MaleExtra will not instantly make your penis become 5 inches bigger.  It will however cause you to have bigger erections almost instantly after you start taking the daily male enhancement supplements.  Users have reported increases in erection size of up to 3 inches after using MaleExtra for just a week. The size increases occur from increased blood flowing to the penis during erection.  So, the penis enlargement is only temporary – but it happens when it matters most!  To make sure that you are getting a complete solution, MaleExtra also comes with the Penis Health system of male enhancement exercises and techniques.  When this is combined with MaleExtra supplements you can expect a permanently larger penis, increased stamina, and mind-blowing orgasms for you and her!


A few words about PenisHealth

I was planning to finish this blog with my last post, but since then a couple of guys have written to me asking me about the exercises I’ve been mentioning doing in conjunction with MaleExtra, so I wanted to fill you all in on those. Read more »

My life today

There’s so much has happened to me in the year and a half since I finished my MaleExtra and exercise program that I don’t know where to begin.  But I really want to write all about it here in this post, because I know it can be an inspiration to anyone out there who is the way I was two years ago.  Because that’s where I’d still be if I hadn’t discovered the powerful penis enlargement effects of MaleExtra. Read more »

Final countdown

I stayed on the MaleExtra program for a total of six months.  Little by little in the last couple of months my gains slowed down, indicating that I had gone about as far as I could go.  I certainly wasn’t worried about that, because I had been more than satisfied with the gains I had achieved in the first couple of months.  What MaleExtra was doing for me now was completely a bonus, it wasn’t just giving me a normal penis, it was giving me one that had been beyond my wildest dreams. Read more »

Going all the way

As I told you in my last post, I had decided to give MaleExtra a chance to work for two whole months before I measured my penis again to check the results of this penis enlargement program.  Those two months were the longest in my life, I think.  After the first month there was no doubt that my penis was larger.  It had first got really a lot thicker, I was sure I had a very solid gain in girth, and during the second month I knew that it was getting longer. Read more »

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