As you go online for cheap web hosting services, you will probably find a lot of websites offering such solutions. However, you cannot trust all these cheap companies as they might not be competent enough to give you the best solution. In fact, cheap web hosting is one of the few most publicized and advertised on the internet today. There is different range of hosting plans available on the market at different price ranges. The choice is entirely personal and varies from business to business.
54Reviews |
InMotion Hosting offers two kinds of service including the business and personal plans. The amazing speedy and robust email service is the first feature that can be enjoyed with this web host. The personal plan is available at just $3 per month while the business plan can be taken at $6.95 per month.
24Reviews |
Unlimited bandwidth and disk space, premium web builder, unlimited websites, 24*7 technical support and 90 days money back guarantee are some of the features that WebHostingHub promises to its clients. With reasonable price and premier quality services, WebHostingHub is the ultimate solution for your web hosting needs. Quality software and user friendliness are other factors that help WebHostingHub outshine in the market.
54Reviews |
The web hosting firm offers quality hosting services, customer satisfaction and support. It provides a plethora of hosting plans like virtual private servers hosting, shared hosting and dedicated hosting at cheap rates. The customers can easily choose from servers like Linux or Windows operating system to get the hosting services.
12Reviews |
HostGator hosts more than 2,200,000 domains all across the world and has established itself to be one of the popular web hosting companies. The company offers 3 packages or plans named as Hatchling, Baby and Business at affordable rates. It boasts of 99.9 percent uptime and provides the hosting services at 130 percent wind power.
5Reviews |
Free marketing credits offered by HostPapa is one of the most lucrative features of HostPapa wherein users can not just enjoy free marketing but can also save the cost they would have incurred otherwise. HostPapa also offers many other features which include server efficiency and reliability. For anyone who also feels responsible for the environment, HostPapa is a boon!
6Reviews |
HostMonster provides unlimited domains as well as sub-domains, MySql databases, PHP, Shell Access and Ruby on Rails and that too at a reasonable price tag. It even offers amazing bandwidth and a reliable place for your site. 24*7 services and customer satisfaction is the main motto of HostMonster.
4Reviews |
With an array of plans, HostNine offers all kinds of users a choice to pick from. Whether the users are owners of small, medium or large websites, HostNine has plans for each of these businesses and therefore has become a preferred choice for many customers looking for affordable, yet effective hosting plans.