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About Me Digital Art / Student Member snowflaaake18/Male/Unknown Recent Activity
Deviant for 1 Week
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Artist | Student | Digital Art
And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be~

h e l l o !

I'm Blaze. c:
And um, I like drawing?
but I'm not so good.
I try, bro.


I'm also french, so I have to apologize for my awkward englishhh. //coughcough

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=Amakai411 3 hours ago  Hobbyist Traditional Artist
Awkward English...meaning you do speak it and know darn well what you're doing is wrong.
~X-X-sheena-X-X 3 hours ago  New member
Hi, I had been mentions about hear.
I am the one that draw this.
what is happening hear?


(sorry about my broken English)
Please grow the fuck up and stop pretending to be someone you're not. Close this.
Not only is he an art thief, he steals his "photographs" as well!

~Umagic65 6 hours ago  Hobbyist Traditional Artist
On behalf of Doombringers, please take down the stolen art.

No theft style, no theft grace, no theft power in your face!
"His" artwork sheepuuuu came from: [link]

"Must be cold enough" comes from: [link]

Thus far, I'm only able to retrace these two, but due to the stylistic differences of his drawings and added to the accusations from the users below, I'm inclined to believe that none of his artworks were actually drawn by him, if he had any talent in the first place.
~NijiInu 6 hours ago  Student
I'm sorry but I'm reporting you. The artwork in your gallery is not yours.
It belongs to: [link]
*MaegenNomsBrains 6 hours ago  Student Digital Artist
me thinks you stole art from sheena [link]
~Chiisao 6 hours ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Amazing art <3
~11-6 7 hours ago  New member
wow, your art is just perfect :iconblushinplz: I like your style a lot ♥ The way you color is really cool! :la:
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