Why do I need to buy Electronic Cigarette by Green Smoke ?
Green Smoke Review
•No More Smoker’s Breath
•No More Offensive Smoke
•No Ash
•No Fire / No Flame
•Cheaper than Cigarettes
•More Cost Effective
•No Stub
•Less Waste
Product Review
The first thing Green Smoke users notice about the product is its high quality. When compared to other more standard electronic cigarettes currently available, there’s no question that Green Smoke can’t be beat in that respect. This high quality is reflected in the price of the cigarettes, which runs even lower than the average, ranging from $109 to $275 per kit depending on which package is purchased.
The second thing customers take note of is that Green Smoke cigarettes feel slightly larger than other brands – and for good reason. Each electronic cigarette is composed of only two parts instead of three, because the atomizer is actually built directly into the cigarette’s cartridge. This means that not only are there fewer parts to keep track of, but each time a cartridge is replaced, a completely new atomizer is added. Instead of waiting until an atomizer is completely burnt out before getting around to replacing it, the Green Smoke system allows users to automatically replace the atomizer frequently without extra forethought, which ensures a high-quality electronic cigarette experience with each and every puff.
One downside to the automatically included atomizer in each cartridge is that users have limited refill options. It’s necessary to continue purchasing and using Green Smoke cartridges in order for the system to function properly. While this may initially seem like a significant drawback to new users, those who are more familiar with Green Smoke and other e-cigarette brands will confidently stand by the system for several important reasons. While a cartridge may require a bigger investment upfront with every single refill, over time it will save money. Consider the price of an atomizer for the more standard electronic cigarette systems; on average a new one costs around $15. One new Green Smoke cartridge is around $3 and lasts around 400 puffs, so not only are users getting fresher and higher-quality vapor, but the price is hardly any different than the more standard systems out there once all factors are taken into consideration.
Green Smoke provides the standard menu of flavors, including a traditional tobacco flavor, menthol flavor, and a few more such as vanilla, coffee, and chocolate. Each cartridge lasts roughly twice as long as many other brands and averages out to about the equivalent of thirty traditional cigarettes per refill. So again, although the cost may initially appear less competitive, the quality is superior on just about every level, making Green Smoke the clear choice for electronic cigarette users.

•Alternative Way to Smoke
•Alternative to Smoking
•Non –intrusive
•Smoke More Freely
•Smoke “almost” Anywhere
•No Social Stigmas
•Provides an Authentic Smoking Experience
9/10 Score

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