Friday, April 3, 2009

Nick: [00|USA|810564]
Username: XP-5115
Server Pass: letmein
Joined Channel: ##fd## with Password ffff
Channel Topic for Channel ##fd##: ".msn.msg Sex skandal profi ben sex oral me nji nxenese hxxp://"
Private Message to Channel ##fd##: "msn// Thread Activated: Sending Message."
Private Message to Channel ##fd##: ".msn.msg Sex skandal profi ben sex oral me nji nxenese hxxp://"
Private Message to Channel ##fd##: ".login version"
Private Message to Channel ##fd##: "main// Welcome."

* Now talking in ##fd##
* Topic is '.msn.msg Sex skandal profi ben sex oral me nji nxenese hxxp://'
* Set by CRM on Mon Mar 23 20:10:31


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