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Name:『girlcelly』 [121026] [すたじお緑茶] 祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と共に。Date:Oct 24 2012, 18:33 UTC
Stardom:0 fans.File size:1.7 GiB
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Um...Just how many times I told you...I am taking request and they will be post when I got them off and have times to do. There is no need to rush about, you should learn to be patient, I am not running away, I am person who keep promises. Sometimes it takes me times to complete request when school start to bugging me...

My thankful for your understand ^_^

Anyway, only @HoneyComing RoyalSweet Premium Edition, 水平線まで何マイル? - Deep Blue Sky & Pure White Wings - 初回版 and Inyouchuu series to go ! *kuku*

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[Sticky] <Nyaa> The rules clearly state that all URL redirection services are disallowed, and I won't feel bad at all when I delete entries for bad, censored porn that use them in the information links and/or the description.
[25/10 09:43 UTC] <recall8780> I will improve. Thank you for reminding me.
[25/10 06:53 UTC] <miumiup> Recall just implied that he was unwilling to spend time in doing such goddamn additional work in practice.
[24/10 18:52 UTC] <Drksrpnt> Well I meant something more along the lines of "中文" or "中国翻訳", something that actually indicates, "hey, this is Chinese". Or even just put it in the description.
[24/10 18:21 UTC] <recall8780> "新視界"&"魔の穴"&"天使" is a Chinese publishing house.
[24/10 18:01 UTC] <Drksrpnt> What index said, @recall8780: describe the contents properly, maybe people who can't read Chinese don't want to download something they can't read.
[24/10 17:25 UTC] <recall8780> (0 ω ≤ )
[24/10 13:56 UTC] <index> those four manga are all chinese,and scan by MM
[24/10 13:53 UTC] <index> recall8780,would you please describe the title clearly?
[24/10 13:11 UTC] <vuiken123> did hoshizora no memoria using graphic card?
[24/10 10:26 UTC] <shimyou> I really appreciate tha someone still seeding this file!
[24/10 10:22 UTC] <v1touch> Thanks a lot for those that seeded the torrent! =3
[24/10 01:16 UTC] <etprote> dfgdfgdg