Viagra: Advantages and Disadvantages
Nowadays, many men have hailed the benefits of Viagra to their
bodies and their improved sex lives as well. In the past, many of
them dread the onset of erectile dysfunction that wreaked havoc
with their psyche and sex lives. Thanks to this revolutionary “blue
pill” that is able to control phosphodiesterase, a group of enzymes
that lessens a man’s ability to have an erection, men are able to
enjoy sex with their partners to the fullest. Despite the success
of this drug to millions of men, they have to be wary of its disadvantages
as well. A man should not take this drug randomly like a regular
medicine for the reason that a doctor needs to prescribe it.
First, a doctor will prescribe this drug in different dosages
from twenty-five, fifty to a hundred milligrams. A case in point
will be men who are aged sixty-five and above wherein they have
to take fifty milligrams of the medicine thirty minutes before they
have sex with their partners. Sometimes they will have to take it
four hours before or if the dosage is not effective, their doctor
may recommend one hundred milligrams in the same time frame. For
men who are older than sixty five doctors will prescribe twenty
five milligrams or more and they should take it thirty minutes before
they make love to their spouses. It is for these reasons that men
should never take Viagra without the doctor’s advice.
Men should consider that they should not take this “blue pill”
as a party drug and they should only take this when they have erectile
dysfunction. On the other hand, women should never take this drug
because it is the men who have problem with their erection in the
first place. Also, those beyond sixty-five have to be careful because
this drug may have an effect on them or they may not be able to
tolerate it. For those who are taking other drugs or medicines,
they should not take this “blue pill” with these medications because
interaction with them may cause serious harm or illness. If they
take the “blue pill” with other drugs such as Lopinavir, Crixivan,
Viracept, Invirase, Agenerase, and Fortovase, which are protease
inhibitors, harmful effects may result.
Men who are suffering from chest pain should never take the sex
pill together with Transderm-Nitro or Nitrostat because this will
significantly lower their blood pressure. Also, there are other
medical conditions that will force doctors to discourage their patients
from taking the sex pill. Foremost in the list are those suffering
from Aids or HIV or those with irregular heartbeat. Included are
men who suffered heart attacks in the last six months or are suffering
low or high blood pressure. Additionally, if one has a history of
stroke in the last six months, he should never take the “blue pill.”
Other scary scenarios that will discourage those who want to take
Viagra are those who have bleeding problems or their kidneys are
not functioning very well.