-- Honors to Mr. Daisaku Ikeda from the Organizations --

The honors to Mr. Daisaku Ikeda from the organizations in the world is already more than 1500.
These are only part of them.
1. 1981.7 Poet Laureate World Congress of Poets and World Academy of Arts and Culture
2. 1986.9 Kenya Oral Literature Award Kenya Oral Literature Association
3. 1989.5 Honourable Friend of the Bodleian Library Bodleian Library, Univ. of Oxford
4. 1989.6 Honorary Member Photographic Museum, Bievres, France
5. 1990.6 Honorary President Kenya Oral Literature Association
6. 1990.9 Certificate of Meritorious Associate Museum of Art of Sao Paulo
7. 1990.12 Professor Raghuvira Award for 1990 Internatioanl Academy of Indian Culture
8. 1991.2 Patron of the Arts Award Pan-African Writers Association, Ghana
9. 1991.6 Nonresident Special Member Kunstlerhaus (Austrian Artists Association), Austria
10. 1991.11 Certificate of Appreciation Association of African Heads of Mission in Tokyo
11. 1992.2 Most Distinguished Fellowship Delhi School of Nonviolence
12. 1992.10 Honorary Researcher Dunhuang Research Academy
13. 1992.11 Honorary Member Kunstlerhaus, Austria
14. 1993.1 Rosa Parks Humanitarian Award Rosa & Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development
15. 1993.1 International Tolerance Award Simon Wiesenthal Ceneter
16. 1993.2 Nonresident Menber Brazilian Academy of Letters
17. 1993.2 Medal of Merit for Peace Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil's Biological and Medical Institute
18. 1993.3 Bandeirantes Medal State of Sao Paulo, Blazil
19. 1993.3 Educator Emeritus Public Schools of the State of Sao Paulo, Blazil
20. 1993.5 Juan Luna Award Cultural Center of the Philippines
21. 1993.8 Certificate of Noble Patron of the Arts Pan African Writers Association, Ghana
22. 1993.8 Certificate of Founding Member Pan African Writers Association, Ghana
23. 1993.9 Chingiz Aitmatov International Award International Aitmatov Club of Literature and Culture, Kyrgyz
24. 1993.9 Letter of Appreciation John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Univ.
25. 1994.2 Honorary Chairperson Xinjiang Silk Road Photography Association, China
26. 1994.5 Leonardo International Award Leonardo Club, Russia
27. 1994.8 Certificate of Commendation Dunhuang Research Academy, China
28. 1995.1 Aloha International Peace Award Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace, Univ. of Hawaii
29. 1995.3 International Leo Tolstoy Gold Medal International Association of Children's Funds, Russia
30. 1995.6 Abdylas Maldybaev Award Kyrgyz Republic
31. 1995.8 World Poet Laureate Award World Poetry Society
32. 1996.2 Honorary Member The Club of Rome
33. 1996.6 Special Member Simon Wiesenthal Center, U.S.A.
34. 1996.11 Life Member Order of the Knights of Rizal
35. 1996.11 Knight Grand Cross of Rizal Order of the Knights of Rizal
36. 1996.11 Honorary Member Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
37. 1996.12 Pedro Ernesto Award Rio de Janeiro's Municipalty Counsil, Brazil
38. 1997.3 Honorary Councilor European Academy of Sciences and Arts
39. 1997.4 Honorary Member Lushun Museum, China
40. 1997.8 Tiradentes Medal State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
41. 1997.9 Special Commendation World Federation of UN Associations
42. 1997.9 Peace Ambassador International Physicians for the Prevention of Noclear War (IPPNW)
43. 1997.10 Non-Resident Member Sao Joao de Meriti House of Culture, Brazil
44. 1997.10 Honorary Adviser Mongolian Literature Institute of China
45. 1997.10 Tagore Peace Award The Asiatic Society, Calcutta
46. 1997.12 Non-Resident Member Ateneu Angrense of Literature and the Arts, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
47. 1998.2 Rizal International Peace Award Order of the Knights of Rizal
48. 1998.3 Honorary Member Val de Bievres Photo Club, France
49. 1998.4 Special Gold Medallion Commendation European Academy of Sciences and Arts
50. 1998.6 Ouro Verde Award Londrina, state of Parana, Brazil
51. 1998.7 Honorary Member European Cultural Initiative for the Young Generation
52. 1998.7 Special Member Peruvian Association of Doctors on Education, Peru
53. 1998.7 Cultural Affairs Advisor Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China
54. 1998.9 Abdumomunov Award Kyrgyz Republic
55. 1998.9 Plaque of Commendaton Bereaved Family Association of People of
Merit for National Independence
56. 1998.10 Special Advisor Bishambhar Nath Pande Peace Foundation, India
57. 1998.11 Official Patron World Congress of Poets and World Academy of Arts and Culture
58. 1998.11 Rizal Golden Medal Order of the Knights of Rizal
59. 1998.11 Most Distinguished membership International Academy of Indian Culture
60. 1998.11 Honorary Director Zhou Enlai Institute at Nankai Univ.
61. 1999.2 Total Person Award Cagayan Capitol College, Pilippines
62. 1999.3 Honorary Visiing Scholar Univ. of Ghana
63. 1999.3 Honorary Member International Poetry for Peace Association
64. 1999.3 Honorary Director Institute of Portuguese and Asian Studies, Macau Univ.
65. 1999.4 Honorary Director Zhongshan Univ. Institute of Studies on Dr. Sun Yat-sen
66. 1999.7 Honorary Overseas Membership Tarsalgo Association, Hungarian Artists' Group
67. 1999.8 Honorary Adviser World Federation of UN Associations
68. 1999.9 Certificate of an Intenational Councilor M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, U.S.A.
69. 1999.10 Plaque of Commendation Korea Environmental Preservation Association
70. 1999.10 Honorary President China International Culture Dispersion Cnetre
71. 1999.10 Honorary Life Membership Photographic Society of Singapore
72. 1999.11 Honorary Academician International Higher Education Academy of Sciences of Russia
73. 1999.11 Order of Civic and Cultural Merit
in the Gradeof Grand Cross
Brazilian Society of Heraldry, Medals, Culture and Education
74. 1999.12 Honorary Member Writers' Association of Kenya
75. 1999.12 Chingiz Aitmatov Gold Medal Kyrgyzstan's World Committee on Awarding
the Chingiz AitmatovGold Medal and Prize
76. 2000.2 Rizal Highest Cultural Award Order of the Knights of Rizal
77. 2000.3 1999 World Citizen Award International Physicians for the Prevention of Noclear War (IPPNW)
78. 2000.4 Honorary Principal Ashcroft High School, Australia
79. 2000.4 Honorary Adviser Lu Xun Museum in Beijing
80. 2000.5 International Grand Patron of Nigeria Award Conference of the Northrn States Chambers of Commerce and Industry
81. 2000.9 Mahatma M. K. Gandhi Millennium Award Mahatma M. K. Gandhi Foundation for Non-Violent Peace, Norway
82. 2000.9 Induction to Morehouse Honor Morehouse College, U.S.A.
83. 2000.10 Member Abroad Russian Space Acadmy
84. 2000.10 Rizal Peace Award Univ. of Southern Philippines
85. 2000.10 Highest Literary Award Order of the Knights of Rizal
86. 2000.11 Education as Transformation Award Education as Transformation Project, U.S.A.
(Composed of 350 univ. in the U.S.A. and based at Wellesley College)
87. 2000.11 Ukrainian Government Honorary Award Ukrainian Government
88. 2000.11 Nonresident Menber Amazon Academy of Letters
89. 2000.11 Golden Medal of Merit European Academy of Sciences and Arts
90. 2000.12 Honorary Member University of the Third Stage of Life, Italy
91. 2001.1 Honorary Member International Aitmatov Academy
92. 2001.3 Honorary Principals Canyon Springs High School, Moreno Valley CA, U.S.A.
93. 2001.4 Honorary Member Napoleon Historical Society, French
94. 2001.4 Plaque of Commendation Central Association for National Unification of Korea
95. 2001.5 Honorary Life Member Thoreau Society, U.S.A.
96. 2001.5 Honorary Member Caribbean Studies Association (C.S.A)
97. 2001.5 Peace Shield National Association of the Partisan, Italy
98. 2001.5 Honorary Principal Beyer Elementary School, CA, U.S.A.
99. 2001.7 Pohnpei First Traditional Highest Title The Pohnpei Supreme Council of Chiefs,
Pohnpei State, Fed. States of Micronesia
100. 2001.7 Certificate of Humanitarian for the New Millennium Fed. States of Micronesia, President Falcam
101. 2001.7 Royal Tongan Peace Builders Award Kingdom of Tonga, King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV
102. 2001.7 Special Award of Contribution to Literature Writers' Association of Kenya
103. 2001.10 Honorary Award International Poets Academy, India
104. 2001.11 Linus Pauling Centennial Award Linus Pauling Award Select Advisory Committee, U.S.A.
105. 2001.11 Gold Medal for Commemorate the Univ.'s 180th Anniversary Univ. of Buenos Aires
106. 2001.11 Honorary Teacher Glendowie College, Auckland, New Zealand
107. 2001.11 Commemorative Award for Contribution to Culture and Education Fine Arts Department of Ministry of Education, Thailand
108. 2001.12 Honorary Member Academy of Ghengis Khan, Mongolia
109. 2001.12 Dante Alighieri Peace Award Castelnuovo Magra, La Spezia Province, Italy
110. 2002.1 Distinguished Honorary Member Friends of Peace Studies at the Univ. of Missouri, U.S.A.
111. 2002.1 Medal Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of
Declaration of Independence
112. 2002.3 Honorary Art Advisor China's National Peking Opera Theatre
113. 2002.4 Honorary Adviser Lu Xun Museum, Shanghai in China
114. 2002.4 Distinguished Service Award 2002 Oregon State University, U.S.A.
115. 2002.6 Advisor Chinese Academy of Arts
116. 2002.6 Honorary Fellowship Award Photographic Society of Malaysia
117. 2002.7 Peace Award Int'l Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO)
118. 2002.9 Honorary Chairman The Appeal Foundation--Appeal of the Nobel Peace Laureates
for the Children of the World
119. 2002.12 Honorary Advisor Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata, India
120. 2003.1 Honorary Poet Laureate for the City of Los Angeles The city council of Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A
121. 2003.1 Honorary Member The France Culinary Academy
122. 2003.2 Contributions to Rational Discourse and
the Betterment of the Human Estate
American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA), U.S.A.
123. 2003.11 Gold Medals World Congress of Poets(WCP) by World Academy of Arts and Culture (WAAC)
124. 2004.01 Ukrainian President's Award of Honor Ukraine
125. 2004.02 Honorary Lifetime Membership The Coalition of California Black School Board Members, U.S.A.
126. 2004.02 Global Leader for Peace Award Republic of Peru
127. 2004.03 Lifetime Advisor Shanghai Lu Xun Cultural Development Center
128. 2004.08 Member Abroad Russian Academy of Education
129. 2004.09 Honorary Director Bingxin Memorial Hall, Fujian Province, China
130. 2004.12 Cultural Contribution Award Buenos Aires City, Argentina
131. 2005.03 Honorary Award Paris Chamber of Commerce France Industry
132. 2005.04 Award for Oneness of Mahavir and Mahatma The Times Foundation, India.
133. 2005.05 Honorary Overseas Membership Brazilian Institute of History and Geography
134. 2005.05 Membership Abroad Brazilian Academy of Philosophy
135. 2005.06 Santa Maria First-Class Award Santa Maria University, Venezuela
136. 2005.06 Anak TV Broadcasters' Award Southeast Asian Foundation for Children's Television, Philippine
137. 2005.08.11 Honorary Fellowship The Royal Photographic Society of Thailand
138. 2005.09.30 Honorary Director The Tianjin Song and Dance Theater, China
139. 2005.11.02 Pushikin Gold Medal Pushkin Medal Selection Committee, Russia
140. 2005.11.04 Jamnalal Bajaj International Award Bajaj Foundation, India
141. 2005.11.20 Honorary Life Membership Professional National Photographic Society, Nepal
142. 2005.12.20 Lomonosov medal, Regular Member Russian Federation Academy of Security
143. 2006.02.20 Honorary Chairman Pugwash Denmark
144. 2006.03.20 Most Glorious GAPENA Cultural Award National Writers Association of Malaysia
145. 2006.08.22 Nonresident Membership Parana Institute of History and Geography, Brazil

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