What is Floricet and how effective it is?
Some people wouldn’t consider headaches much better than a lame excuse that some people use in order to avoid doing something they don’t won’t. But to some, it is a great problem.
Floricet is a medication that has proven quite effective against even the most severe of headaches. Where other painkillers can fail to provide relief against this problem, and anyone who is suffering from chronic headaches and severe migraines can tell you just how big of a problem that can be. Now, it should be mentioned that this medication is not meant for your occasional headache that you can experience from time to time. Floricet is meant for the most severe headaches.
This medication is a combination of three different drugs: butalbital, acetaminophen and caffeine and each of these serves a very important purpose in ridding you of your worst headache.
Butalbital belongs to the barbiturates group of drugs and its main task is to relieve pain. This drug is never used alone and always in a combination with some other drugs, just like in Floricet. The reason for this is that it is known to cause strong dependency, a problem solved by lowering the doses in combination with other drugs.
Acetaminophen is the other important ingredient of Floricet. This drug is also known as paracetamol and it can be found either on its own or in combination with other drugs. This drug is also a painkiller, although less potent than butalbital. The main reason for being included in this formula lies in the fact that it works excellent in synergy with butalbital and they become much more effective than on their own. Another good trait of paracetamol is the fact that it can reduce fever. It should be noted that large doses of it can be dangerous to the liver.
You might have or haven’t heard about these two drugs, but I don’t know a single person alive that hasn’t heard about caffeine and tasted it at least once in their life. You can find this stimulant in your tea or coffee and most popular energy drinks and other beverages. This drug has been included in Floricet due to its ability to constrict blood vessels in the brain. In most cases, headaches are increased by these blood vessels expanding and thus increasing the strength of the headache. I’m sure that now you understand why caffeine has been included in this formula.
Of course, it goes without saying that you need a valid prescription from your doctor before you can start taking this potent medication. Your doctor has to be well introduced to your medical condition and history before he can safely write you a prescription for Floricet and you will need have to follow it closely in order to avoid any side effects and possible overdose because of it. If you stick to your prescription and his doctor’s instructions, you will have no problems with overdose and much less with your headaches thanks to this medication and it’s positive effects.