Best Fantasy Season Ever
The perfect fantasy team isn’t a myth, it’s just around the corner if you plan ahead. This season’s nearly over but you can make next year the season to rememberhere are the things you need to get ready to rule your league:
Mobile Internet: Don’t you wish you could be on top of your team ALL the time? Phones make lousy trading and researching platforms so go to a site like to get mobile internet for your laptop and consider yourself one step ahead of the game.
Host the Draft: If you host at your place you’re going to have some distinct psychological advantages. Your guests will bend a bit to you and you can even keep a computer up in eth next room in case you need a second screen to monitor changes.
Blow This Season: We know, we know, but if you’re already having a less than stellar season you might as well blow it. Everyone will assume you’re not that good and you’ll be ahead of the pack when it comes to draft picks – brilliant!
Should You Select A RB Or QB First
The age old question of how to build your fantasy team. Who do you pick first. There are valid arguments for both. You can build a team around a quarterback. A good running back will give you more points over all, to let you have a winning season.
The reason I always pick my QB first is because there are a limited number of good quarterbacks in the league. Many teams use Read the rest of this entry »
What Games Are Must Sees This Week
For football fans the roar of the crowd can’t be silenced, even if the roar is in a living room. Die hard football fans can not wait for the season to get under way, and finding out what games are must see this week can be tough. Especially when there is so much turmoil surrounding the players union and the league. Regardless of the rumors and news, there will be football and fans are going to want to see the best games, no matter what.
Finding the best Read the rest of this entry »
Why The Defense Can Make The Difference
Anyone can put up points in the NFL, with wild catches, fast runs, and lots of action. However, not just any team can score when there is an iron clad defense in front of them. This is especially true for the modern game, where defense is the key to winning the most games, and triumphing in the Super Bowl. While there are many great teams in football, the best ones are the ones that can keep teams from Read the rest of this entry »
Who Should Your Number One QB Be
Of course any fantasy football player wants a starting quarterback to rack up as many points as possible each week. But you also want someone who is healthy and doesn’t have a history of getting hurt and missing too many games. This defeats the whole purpose of picking him, since his back up will be doing a lot of the playing. Sometimes getting injured is just bad luck, but there are quarterbacks who run a lot, or do other things that constantly Read the rest of this entry »