Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
well, disadvantages:
- not getting paid.
- being controlled in all that you do.
- worked to death, in some situations, with some slaves.
- some slaves were raped.
- some times, if the slavers coming back with a boat load of slaves and thought they were going to get caught or have problems with the slaves they had, they would throw them overboard. since they were usually shackled together, when one went over, they all went over.
- only given whatever food and water your owner gave you.
- being owned by another person.
- being dragged out of your country to serve someone else.
- pretty much every goddamn thing about it.
- never being able to raise a family. if you had kids, they were born into slavery too.
advantages? seriously?
uuuh. not paying for the food you ate or the room you slept in. although, the room was usually shared with all the rest of the slaves and the food was whatever they deemed you were allowed to have. being brought to whatever amazing country you were taken to, that you probably would have never seen otherwise. even if you were worked to death while there and never allowed to do anything without your master's permission. seriously, there are no advantages. youre a slave.