asked Sep 25
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I'm working on a 12' laptop with fedora 17 installed. Since the screen is small, I adjusted font size to 10pt. but the size of fonts in exclipse 'project exporer' doesn't affected. I didn't find a working way to resize the fonts there.
Anyone could help me or give me a hint?
My pleasure to summarize it here. I found this solution on Jean-Baptiste Onofré's Blog.
When using eclipse Juno on a small screen laptop, the fonts size in editor tabs such as Package Explorer tab and 'Outline' tab take a lot of spaces. Eclipse uses CSS to control this and related style, change directory to ECLIPSE_HOME, then go into like plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.2.0v2012???????/css, you will see various css files. If your eclipse were using gtk theme, e4_default_gtk.css is used.
Search .MPartStack in this file and edit it like this,
.MPartStack {
font-size: 9;
swt-simple: false;
swt-mru-visible: false;
if you also want to change the font-family, add a line
font-family: 'font-name';
Asked: Sep 25
Seen: 48 times
Last updated: Oct 07
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