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Amazing results in 23 Days You won't
believe your eyes OR your waistline!
HCG Excite
  • Works for all popular HCG protocols: 500-800-1200 calorie diets.
  • Manufactured in FDA certified laboratory in the United States.
  • 100% all natural formula - No fillers or additives.
  • Get free support from our HCG diet support staff.

Awesome Support

free unlimited support before, during, and after your HCG protocol session is available to all HCG Excite customers


Why pay €90-120 when you can get HCG Excite for €79.99 in the United Kingdom?

Easy Weight Loss

HCG Excite has a rock solid customer success track record. We've lost track of how many customers have lost weight (and kept it off!) and become repeat hCG diet customers but it numbers in the thousands. The HCG Excite diet protocol is simply amazing.

100% Natural Formulation

HCG Excite exists is your hundred percent natural, high quality HCG supplement. Don't think for a minute that because you don't need a prescription, it's not powerful. The ONLY way to get a stronger HCG supplement is through doctor-prescribed injections, and unlike those HCG injections, HCG Excite diet drops have no unhealthy side effects.

No Sneaky Hidden Fees

When view buy HCG Excite, you pay a one-time fee that is as low as €49.99, depending on the plan you select. No sneaky rebills or mysterious credit card charges you can't cancel. When you're ready for more hCG, come back and order some more. It's that simple, it's that safe.
"Even Jersey Shore stars like Snooky and J-Wow are touting it's beneftis... Yes, it works, and people should do it..."
"People are losing weight like crazy..."
"People say the weight just melts off."
"Now the number of diet in America, with more searches on Google than the South Beach, Atkins, and Acai diets combined"
"been on the diet a week, already lost 8 pounds already and I'm feeling great about myself. I always have been insecure cause of my weight so I decided to try hcg cause all the other ones don't work. I really like how its working and I'm gonna keep doing it until I'm where I wanna be"
St. Paul, MN
The time when HCG could only be administered by a licensed health care professional are done! No more painful injections...Ouch...or embarassing looks as you inject. Not to mention, injections are very costly when compared to HCG Excite drops! It's so quick and easy to place the HCG Excite drops under your tongue and be done with it! See the comparison below in our chart
Shots vs Drops
Cost Per
€79.99 €599.00
Pain NONE NONE Taste NONE NONE Dosage 10 Drops
a Day
1 Injection
Performance Steady Steady Dosage 10 Drops
a Day
1 Injection


When will my order ship?
We ship all orders recieved before 3:00 PM Mountain Standard Time (-8 UTC) within twelve (12) hours from the time of purchase.

How long will it take for me to get my order?
We ship all orders via USPS International Mail with Delivery Confirmation. It is possible to expect to receive your offer within 4-7 days, unless you live in a very rural area, then you should expect a couple more days in transit to account for your local mail service.

What's different between the injections versus the drops?
HCG shots require a prescription from your doctor. The hots are very expensive and can't be purchased with out prescription. Natural drops and pellets are a small fraction of the cost of injected HCG. Drops and pellets are placed beneath the tongue 3 times a day, much nicer than a painful injection every day. Another benefit is that HCG Excite drops don't need to be refrigerated, so so you're free to spend your day however you see fit without worrying about scheduling your hCG treatment. You should keep them out of direct sunlight.
Will I hate being hungry on this low-calorie HCG diet?
HCG effects the hypothalamus by signaling the human body to release fat stored as lipids into the bloodstream to be utilized as fuel. The result of this is that thousands of calories get burned every day with no exercise (although you should exercise as well to boost the process). Most people report not having food cravings because their human body is busy utilizing stored fat for energy, but like with any calorie restricted diet, slight hunger is typical.

Is it really safe to each only 500 calories a day?
Without taking HCG? No, it's not. If you didn't use HCG and only eight 500 calories, then your body would most likely into starvation mode and start to shut down all fat burning processes. Using the HCG drops along with the low fat diet allows your hypothalamus to do the heavy lifting for you. Additionally, the protocol can be as short as three weeks, so don't let a little short-term discomfort keep you from enjoying the life altering transformation you could experience!

Where do you produce your HCG?
Our FDA-Approved and controlled laboratory manufactures and bottles all our products and services within the USA of America.
Hi i'm 22 and I was worried about this diet cause I didn't know if it was gonna work, so I tried it and I lost 17 POUNDS on my FIRST TRY!!!!!!! I recommend to anyone cause it really helped me!


Houston, TX




Hey what's up everyone! I wanted to stop and let everyone know that this diet DOES WORK!!! All the media tries to make you believe that it doesn't work, it's not safe, blah blah blah. Don't listen! If you want to lose weight, then do this diet! I've never had success like I had on the HCG diet. I lost over 30 pounds on this diet and I'm living proof that it can be done and it actually works!!!


Los Angeles, CA


HCG Diet for Long Term Weight Reduction

It’s an indisputable fact that slimming down is an extremely struggle to deal with. So many factors have an essential part in weight loss and when one of these simple factors is down, fat may not be lost by you. That’s only half the job, even though you do slim down. You’ve to help keep that weight off, which may be even more complicated than losing it in the very first place.

It will not help that you will find countless diet programs that all offer quick weight reduction. It may be difficult to find an eating plan plan which will meet your needs. However, there’s a new diet system with a success rate over 90% that will help anyone slim down extremely fast. Even better, you are able to keep it down and slim down.

This new diet is known as the HCG diet and its’ extremely effective for consumers who follow its strict guidelines. A strict diet plan is combined by The HCG diet UK alongside Human Chorionic Gondaotropin (HCG) supplementation. On the human body while tough limitations does be set by it, it’s the best diet for long-term weight reduction.

Why make use of the HCG diet?

It’s a known proven fact that the obesity rate in the Uk is at its’ highest level ever (23.2%) – and it continues to increase. With the integration of junk food restaurants and more refined foods, more individuals are embracing these inexpensive foods instead of carrying out a nutritious diet. Obesity levels have been caused by this, plus a lack of exercise to increase to new record levels during the last decade.

Now, maybe you are wondering, why must I make use of the HCG diet? Why can’t I simply diet and exercise? Well, let’s look at medical research surrounding obesity:

It’s a known proven fact that obesity is directly associated with high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. These two lead to a rise in serious health problems can be caused by heart disease, which and can also be dangerous.

Nevertheless, what new studies show is that obesity significantly reduces living of an individual. Not just does life span be reduced by obesity, but the longer someone remains overweight, the much more likely they’re for health issues down the street, whether they shed weight.

Thus, it’s essential that over weight Brits slim down as possible as quickly. Rapid weight loss can be given by The HCG diet, but make sure that you hold off the weight you lose as well. This is the major reason that the HCG is much better than all the other diet programs.

HCG Weight Reduction

To slim down with the HCG diet, you’ve to follow a strict diet program and use HCG products. The diet regime is separate into three phases: upkeep phase, the filling phase, and stabilization phase.

The filling phase is a two-day phase by which a person could eat what they want as much as 2,000 calories. The purpose here is to make the human body for the maintenance stage and get the body’s metabolism to start moving.

The maintenance phase is also the hardest phase and is the longest phase. Calorie intake is cut from 2,000 calories per day to only 500 calories per day. People of the HCG diet have the best weight reduction results by eating 125 calories from lean protein sources, about 250 calories from veggies, and yet another 125 calories from fresh fruit. This period usually lasts 21 days, when the consumer wishes to do so even though it could be extended to 40 days.

The body move is served by The stabilization stage from a low fat diet to more normal levels. Calorie intake can be increased to 1,000 calories daily quickly and after a week, this amount can be increased again to 1,500 calories to maintain a healthy weight.

In this whole process, burning weight will be started by your system away at a remarkably rapid rate. People of the HCG diet have reported weight reduction of one or two pounds daily. Clearly you can find other factors that influence the rate of weight reduction, but an overwhelming variety of people that will lose normally, one pound daily.

HCG Diet Drops vs. HCG Shots

Through the diet, HCG must be taken as a product. You are able to often get HCG through diet drops or via injection. Both can offer you with dramatic weight reduction, but there are lots of differences in the 2. Below is really a test comparison:

Cost – Diet drops are significantly cheaper alternatives to HCG shots and are just like effective. Diet drops generally speaking cost $30-50 per bottle (a month’s supply) while a weeks’ worth of shots can cost a few hundred dollars.

Side effects weren’t held by Side Effects- HCG diet drops but HCG shots do. Injection-site reactions can be encountered by people of HCG injections (skin problems), complications, bloating, trouble breathing, and extreme weakness.

Security – Diet drops and HCG needles are safe in the sense they don’t directly cause serious health issues. However, if your needle isn’t sterilized, some diseases including sexual transmitted diseases could be used in the consumer. Thus, diet drops really are a much better option to HCG injections.

Success – Both HCG drops and shots give quick weight reduction in addition to an extended listing of other health advantages. Both are consumed by your body quickly and can offer quick results.

Supply – HCG diet drops can be bought by anyone, either on the web or at health stores. HCG shots are just available to individuals with a prescription, making them a much more difficult to get.

Based on all the data mentioned previously, it’s obvious that HCG diet drops are the better choice for individuals to use. HCG drops are simpler to get, effective HCG injections cheaper, safe, don’t cause unwanted effects, and are just. Thus, we suggest you use HCG diet drops when you choose to continue the HCG diet.

Other Advantages of the HCG Diet

While amazing weight loss effects can be given by the HCG diet UK, it’s not all that it can do for you personally. You will find a number of other health advantages that people have noted as a result of going on the HCG diet. Some of the most typical rewards of the HCG diet include:

Increased Digestion: The mixture of HCG and a wholesome diet wipes out your digestive system of waste materials and toxic substances that’s blocking and reducing your digestive system. Your body is allowed by this to digest food easier and faster then before.

Increased Energy Levels: An undesirable diet decelerates our body’s internal functions and frequently causes us to be tired the center of the day. HCG increases energy in the human body throughout the whole time, to help you perform a great deal more effectively.

Improved Sex Drive: HCG balances hormone levels in your body, including sex hormones. HCG also encourages sex hormone production, growing male and female libido.

Lower Cholesterol/Blood Pressure Levels: As stated before, obesity is directly associated with blood pressure and high cholesterol. As weight is lost by you, you’ll spot the continuous loss of cholesterol and blood pressure levels right back to normal, better levels.

Blood flow is increased by decrease in Joint Inflammation/Pain: HCG to the bones and joints, which improves overall bone/joint health. That reduces joint pain and helps reduce joint inflammation.

No Loss in Muscle Mass: The problem with several diet programs is a large amount of the weight lost is from muscles. You do not want to lose muscle – you want to lose fat. Your muscles are covered by The HCG diet to ensure that the fat you lose is solely from fat. No other diet could guarantee this.

Star Utilization of the HCG Diet

People are drawn by The amazing weight loss effects of the HCG diet from around the earth, including celebrities. Britney Spears is among one the many superstars who’ve made to the HCG diet to slim down quickly. The diet was used by spears to lose 25 pounds to return her slender, sexy look that she’d for so a long time.

Two truth stars from MTV’s hit collection Jersey Shore also provide applied the HCG diet to lose excess weight rapidly. Snooki has admitted to going on the HCG for 3 months and consequently, lost 80 lbs and dropped 4 dress styles. The HCG diet was also used by jwow to lose three inches in her stomach and to lose 20 pounds in per month. Both JWOW and Snooki have vouched their help for the HCG diet and have suggested their supporters use weight to be lost by it quickly.

Probably the most dramatic weight reduction story comes from Mark Donnelly from Canada. Donnelly, the Vancouver Canucks national anthem recognized he needed to lose it quickly – and needed to lose weight. After failing at a number of other diet plans, he chose to test the HCG diet. 6 months later, pounds were lost 172 by Donnelly to carry him within 12 pounds of his purpose.

Altogether, Donnelly lost a bit more then 40% of his unique weight and all of the weight lost was fat. Donnelly says he “feels better about himself and isn’t ashamed anymore about his weight.”


The HCG drops UK is the without doubt the best diet to hold that weight off and lose weight easily. No other diet can offer you the quick weight reduction effects you want, without hurting the human body and causing you to get rid of muscle tissue.

If you’re one of the millions of overweight people in the UK, then pay attention. The HCG diet will help you. You’ve the capability to lose fat and reach a wholesome weight. HCG diet drops can easily be bought and can blast absent fat quicker than you ever dreamed. Your weight reduction journey begins by you purchasing HCG diet drops so the HCG diet can be started by you. Don’t wait any more – order now!

Tracking Your HCG Diet Progress Posted: 08 / 10 / 2012

THE CHALLENGE OF WEIGHT MANAGEMENT AFTER HCG DIET The determination of a dieter is his or her best weapon in his or her arsenal against the many temptations that a weight loss program has. Even in the hardest times of being faced with the most delicious foods tempting your taste buds to grab even the slightest taste, you have your will as your best defense. However, if you take a look at yourself and others who are into the HCG diet therapy, you will notice that this will power to lose weight is at its greatest during the beginning. There are even some specialists that will tell you to keep the strength of this will that you have when you started even during the program. But have you ever asked yourself what awaits you after the end of the weight loss program? The challenge of weight management after HCG diet is what awaits you and your will power. This is why you need to have these tips in order for you to successfully go through weight management after HCG diet activities and therapies: Make sure that you STILL have your goal in mind even at the end of the HCG dietary regimen. There are some dieters that begin to ask themselves again what they intend on achieving. To be honest, it is not the goal of losing weight that drives a dieter to actually go through all the hassles of a weight losing program. There is always a deeper reason why he or she goes through all this. Find that reason once again. This is usually the reason during that day when you fully accepted the fact that you need to lose weight. Keep track of your progress and even your failures. Progress is not the only thing that spells success. Failures play a vital role in successful weight management after HCG diet. These failures will help give you that desperate drive to correct yourself and your habits. Evaluate your eating habits. Make sure to have a copy or a list of what you used to eat before starting the HCG diet, what you ate during the HCG diet, and what you intend or need to be eating after the HCG diet. Your most powerful ally in weight management after HCG diet will be the weighing scale. It will always tell you the truth.

HCG Guide To HCG Posted: 08 / 10 / 2012

HCG Injections Mixing Guide It’s important to understand how well you are managing your HCG injections if you plan on using this method for handling HCG. Here’s an HCG injection mixing guide that you can use to help you out with determining what you need to do for managing the mixing process. What will you need? There are a few things that you will need first: • Sterile syringes • Purified water • Alcohol pads • Sterile glass vials • A proper HCG solution How will these be managed? You will need to use a few special steps for managing the mixing process. First, you will have to clean the area you have to use the solution for and then use alcohol pads to manage the following: • Cleaning the tip of the HCG container • Cleaning the top of any pure water vials used in the process • Treating the syringe to ensure that germs are off • The area of the body that the injection will be managed in The key with alcohol is to ensure that the entire area is sterile. You must clean things to ensure that you will not deal with any serious external problems that might come with an injection. What will you do for managing water and HCG? The measurements that you have for managing your HCG injection involves not only he HCG you have but also the water that you have. You will need to measure what you have based on these three points: • The size of the ampoule that has the HCG • The dosage level that you need to use each day • The amount of sterile water that you will need to get in your injections You will have to work by using a smaller amount of water to go with the HCG in the event that you plan on getting more water to work with your injections. For example, you can get 20 cc of water if you want to get 125 IU of HCG in a day or 14 cc of water if you need a 175 IU dosage in a day. You should be aware of how you are mixing your HCG injections. You must make sure that they are mixed well so you will have an easier time with taking advantage of your injections and feeling as comfortable as they can be for your … Continue reading