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What is Klonopin?

August 3rd, 2011 by admin


Many people work under stressful situations. In some cases, stress will lead to anxiety disorder. If anxiety disorder is not treated in time, it will lead to depression. Anxiety attacks are also called panic attacks. Various symptoms including perpetual, mental and emotional will accompany anxiety attacks. Anxiety can be cured using FDA approved medicines such as sertaline and paroxetine. You can also use Klonopin and alprazolam to cure anxiety. Klonopin is highly effective to cure anxiety disorder with minimum side effects. You are advised to seek the help of certified medical professional before deciding to use medicines for anxiety disorder.

Clonazepam is the generic name of klonopin. It belongs to benzodiazepine family. Imbalance of certain essential chemicals in the brain would lead to anxiety. Klonopin can also be used to cure some type of seizures such as myoclonus, akinetic seizures and petit mal seizures. It can also be recommended for curing Lennox Gastaut syndrome.  Clonazepam can be used for short term treatment of anxiety. The dosage of the drug varies based on the severity and type of disease.

You are advised intake of 1.5 mg of klonopin in three equal doses every day for curing seizures. You can increase the dosage of klonopin by 0.5 to 1 mg after three days. The maximum permissible dosage is 20 mg. You need to apply 0.25 mg of klonopin twice a day to cure panic disorder. You are hereby warned not to combine intake of klonopin with alcohol, narcotics and barbiturates as it will lead to enhanced sedation.
Pregnant women, who are suffering from anxiety disorders, are not advised intake of klonopin as it causes harm. Breast feeding women also advised to prevent the use of klonopin, as it interferes with breast milk. The side effects of klonopin include dizziness, sleep disturbance, sedation, headache, loss of orientation, unsteadiness and weakness.
You are advised not to continue the medicine for long term as it creates dependency. People, who are suffering from anxiety, are advised to seek the help of physician to cure the anxiety through natural medicines. Klonopin can only be used for short term treatment. The physician will diagnose the reason for your anxiety and prescribe the correct medicine.

The reasons for anxiety disorder vary from person to person. You cannot use the same medicine for every person who suffers from anxiety. The medical practitioner will first study the cause and in certain cases, the patient will be referred to psychologist. Sometimes, patients may not have any health problem and just suffering from mental illness. The psychologist will prescribe the correct medicine after studying the patient’s mental condition.

Summary: Many people suffer from some type of anxiety disorder at certain point of time in their life. It should be identified and proper medications are administered to cure the problem at the early stage. Klonopin is an effective medicine to reduce the effect of anxiety.

Possible Side Effects Of Klonopin

August 3rd, 2011 by admin

Summary: Klonopin is an anti anxiety medicine that is sold under medical supervision under the brand name Rivotril. Klonopin or more popularly called as Clonazepam, just as any other drug, can cause certain side effects if misused of abused.


Klonopin is a drug that is used to treat anxiety along with other bipolar diseases and it belongs to the class of benzodiazepine. It is used as a medicinal drug under medical supervision. However, there are potential side effects that are related to the usage of this drug. The more common side effects related to the usage of this drug are trouble in speaking, nervousness, and irritation. However, some less common side effects related to the use of Klonopin include cramps, increased heartbeat and confusion. Confusion of time, place and recognition of people soon after one starts consuming this drug are a clear indication that the drug had reacted.

Apart from the treatment of anxiety, the Klonopin drug is also used to treat epilepsy, panic disorders, hyperekplexia, parasomnia, bruxism, neuroleptics, antipsychotics, spasticity and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The person may experience hallucinations, staggering, weakness, trembling sensation and convulsions. Sometimes the person consuming this medicine may even experience an increased sensation to touch and pain. Depression, nausea and sensitivity to eyes may even affect the person undergoing a medication of this drug as well. Any of the listed symptoms of the given side effects is not a matter to be neglected, as any reaction rare or common, requires immediate medical attention.

Yellow eyes, pale skin, memory weakening, tiredness, mouth ulcers, fever and a sore throat soon after the use of this drug, irregular sleep and uncontrolled body movements are some other symptoms of the adverse side effects caused by the consumption of Klonopin.

All the above-mentioned side effects can be categorized under many categories including rare, common, occasional, long term and withdrawal side effects. Drowsiness and euphoria are the most common side effects of using Klonopin. Aggression, demotivation, dizziness, hallucinations, STML (short-term memory loss), symptoms of hangover (sluggishness and drowsiness), depression and imbalance are less common side effects of Klonopin consumption.

The occasional side effects may include psychiatric side effects. Ataxia, confusion and personality changes are all an attribute of the occasional side effects of using clonazepam. However, liver damage, rage, excitement, worse seizures and psychosis are the rare side effects. Panic attacks, insomnia and anxiety are the withdrawal side effects. The long-term side effects are potential enough to cause sexual dysfunctioning.

Thus, all the above-mentioned side effects are an attribute of the usage of Klonopin for the treatment of various diseases. Any side effect must be immediately brought to the notification of your doctor. Any carelessness against the popping side effects can lead to potentially very dangerous results in the long run.

Klonopin Consumer Information

August 3rd, 2011 by admin

Summary: Klonopin or Clonazepam is a drug used to treat certain convulsive and panic disorders.  It is a prescriptive drug. It is best to take the medicine after discussing your medical condition with the doctor. Klonopin or Clonazepam is a drug used to treat seizures or convulsive disorders and panic disorders. It is used along either individually or with other medications. Not all seizures can be treated with this medicine. Certain seizures like akinetic seizures, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome etc is treated with this drug. Similarly panic disorders in some patients are treated using this drug.

Klonopin belongs to the Benzodiazepine family of drugs which is basically central nervous system depressants. They slow down the working of central nervous system. They calm the working of the brain and nerves. Klonopin is effective within 3 months of usage. However depending on your medical condition the doctor prescribes the dosage and length of the usage. Klonopin is a prescriptive drug.  It should be taken only after taking advice from your doctor.

Though the medicine is very useful in treating seizures, there are various unwanted side effects associated with it. They include weakness, depression, sedation, dizziness, loss of orientation, headache, unsteadiness, and sleep disturbances. The dosage should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. However if you miss a dose, take it immediately. But do not take double doses. If there occur an overdose, contact your doctor immediately. Also, before taking the medicine discuss with your doctor, any allergic reactions you had till now with any medication.

Discuss with your doctor the medicines you are taking right now, as some medicines may lead to drug interaction. Some of the medicines which you should completely avoid are Amobarbital, Carisoprodol, Levorphanol, Zolpidem etc. If you are pregnant, avoid the drug completely. Researchers have shown that Klonopin is dangerously unsafe to the fetus. Also, you should not take alcohol, tobacco, barbiturates and narcotics together with this drug as they may aggravate the unwanted side effects. If you are already suffering from depression, breathing problems, liver diseases, kidney problems and liver diseases, you should get the advice of the doctor before taking this drug. Also, do not discontinue this drug immediately after a long-term use as it might cause vomiting, tremors, seizures, muscle cramping, and sweating.

Hence, discuss with your doctor and slowly reduce the dosage of the medication before stopping completely. However if you undergo any serious side effects like hallucinations, agitation, shallow breathing, depressed mood, fast and pounding heartbeats etc contact your healthcare professional immediately. Klonopin is an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. You can buy them easily. However discussing with your doctor your medical conditions and then taking the drug with the prescription of the doctor is considered the best.

Panic Disorder Treatment

August 3rd, 2011 by admin

Summary: Panic disorder treatment methods have helped people to cope with and control the occurence of such attacks in their lives. It is possible to be free and to live a life that is healthy and productive by overcoming the condition.

If you have been struggling with panic disorder and want to find a reliable treatment method, then you can have hope because it does exist and it does work. Many people have been through the struggle and it is a recognized psychological illness according to the DSM. All it takes is a proper consultation and verification with a qualified mental health professional to move towards your recovery and treatment. It is important to find a proper doctor who can do a thorough examination and will be able to clearly diagnose symptoms and will be able to propose the right measures.

Panic disorders are a condition that if left untreated can add on into more complicated symptom patterns creating severe disabilities with your normal functioning. The first step to handling panic disorder is to understand it. Once you know what you are experiencing and can gain some perspective about it, controlling the situation and the symptoms becomes easier. With proper knowledge, you will be able to understand when there is an onset or when you are near the verge of a panic attack. This will make it easier for you to cope with the situation and will eventually help you to overcome it.

The important detail about panic disorders lies in the fact that it is not easily noticed and also that many people tend to misdiagnose it as a heart attack. The root cause of panic disorder is psychological although symptoms are quite physiologically obvious. Once you have knowledge of the condition, you can gather support from your loved ones to fight it and also learn more through counseling sessions about breathing exercises and other calming methods that will help you to cope better in due course. Imagery techniques, relaxation exercise, discussion techniques and more help to ease the distress that occurs.

An important method of treatment is done by using bio-feedback. This allows a patient to see through video or audio feedback information about the changes that occur during a panic attack, giving a sense of control and understanding about what is happening. The unpredictability and the uncertainty of attacks is what makes it more crippling for many.  It is important to practice the reinforcement techniques and other exercises regularly in order to feel better. Recovery is a step by step process which involves reiteration of what is learnt and efforts to exercise their newly learnt skills each day at a time.


All About Panic Disorder

August 3rd, 2011 by admin

Summary: Panic disorder is a very real and debilitating condition that can seriously hamper your functioning and can create highly embarrassing or difficult situations for you in the middle of some event or activity.

When you hear the words panic disorder, you might think it’s quite silly. We all panic at one point or another when in a difficult situation, but a panic disorder is quite a crippling condition that can seriously create problems with your life. It makes it hard for you to function socially and interferes with every aspect of your life. Severe, recurring panic attacks can be very crippling and make it near impossible to do anything or go anywhere for people who suffer from it. They are not something that can be predicted and triggers can vary and increase over a period of time.

Panic disorders occur out of the blue and you may not be able to cope or tackle it easily. Both children and adults experience this condition, but it can be treated and controlled with therapy and techniques such as systematic desensitization or even by using medication. When panic disorder occurs, it may be misunderstood by some for a heart attack due to the severity of symptoms that accompany the condition. A shortness of breath, choking sensation, nausea, numbness, chills or tingling, hot flashes, etc, are all symptoms that occur in this condition. Individuals long to escape the situation or the trigger that creates the problems.

Panic disorders can occur due to a number of reasons. It may be a deep seated underlying episode that needs to be treated or just something that suddenly occurs out of shock of exposure to highly unpleasant stimuli or situations. There are negative social experiences which occur as a result of the panic attacks which tend to exacerbate the situation further. Individuals may experience the symptoms of panic attacks on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Sometimes panic disorder tends to run in families and is an inherited condition. One of the characteristic symptoms is an extreme fear of something unknown.

People may have a panic attack at any age and at any point in their lives. The peak age of occurrence of panic disorders is between 15-19 years of age. It is seen to occur twice as often in women than in men. They are quite an unprovoked occurrence. Once an individual has had a panic attack, it can be very difficult for them to function. Especially while driving, in an elevator, atop a building or in a crowded store, symptoms occur in some people and makes it extremely difficult for them to behave in a rational manner.


Seizures Treatment

August 3rd, 2011 by admin

Summary: A seizure can occur suddenly without warning due to various causes like sleep deprivation, trauma, drug and alcohol abuse and several other causes. There is a risk of secondary injuries from seizures like when the person falls or loses control of a vehicle, and hence, it should be managed.


Epileptic seizures or fits occurs due to the abnormally excessive and synchronized activity of neurons in the brain. The well-known effects most people know are a wild thrashing where the person falls on the ground, but effects can be as mild as losing awareness for a very brief period. The condition were seizures occur repeatedly without provocation is called epilepsy. However, one doesn’t necessarily have to have epilepsy to have seizures. Seizures are not very common, about 4% of people will have a seizure before they reach the age of 80. Mostly, these are single episodes and won’t show up again and only about 30% of the people who have had seizures will have a repeat seizure.


Fortunately, the condition is treatable and, for most people, their first seizure is also the only one they will have. For single seizures, general practitioners are more than capable of handling the treatment and cases where seizures occur continually are best handled by neurologists. Hopwever, specialized cases may require the attention of an epileptologist – a neurologist with specialization in epilepsy. Seizures can be caused by sleep deprivation and several other causes like head injuries, drug and alcohol abuse, infections, fever, withdrawal from drugs, severe mental trauma, strokes and multiple sclerosis. Certain medications can also trigger fits and hence a doctor’s prescription is required.


The biggest problem with seizures is the risk of secondary injuries. People may suffer injuries from falls and hurt themselves coming into contact with hard or sharp objects. Hence it is recommended that all such objects be removed from the vicinity when a person is having a seizure. One very dangerous scenario is when seizures occur when people are driving or riding a motorcycle. If a seizure happens to a person driving a vehicle, then it is a risk for both the person driving the vehicle and the occupants.  If a person is not fully conscious or alert after a seizure, he or she should be put in a recovery position. If a seizure persists for more than five minutes, it is considered a medical emergency.


For a person suffering from a seizure, chemotherapy is the preferred mode of management. The drug most commonly used here is lorazepam. This is given to a person actively having a seizure and another dose is given after 10 minutes if there is no improvement. Often, dogs are trained to help people prone to seizures.


Types Of Seizures

August 3rd, 2011 by admin

Summary: The International League against Epilepsy, in 1981 has classified several types and subtypes of seizures. This is done for the very practical reason that different types of seizures have different diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment and hence the classification is important as it standardizes the treatment procedures and provides a guide.


Types of Seizures


Four percent of people suffer from an epileptic fit before they reach the age of 80 and about thirty percent of these people suffer from a second seizure. Regardless of numbers, the International League against epilepsy has classified epilepsy into several types. This is important as different types of epilepsies have different types of seizures. Earlier attempts have been made to classify epilepsy, but the model that was proposed in 1981 is the one still in use. There have been talks of updating the list based on research and further knowledge gained in the 30 years since, but this is still under gestation and the 1981 classification still holds good.


As per the classification, the seizures are split into three broad categories with several subcategories. The three broad categories are – partial seizures, generalized seizures and unclassified epileptic seizures.


Partial seizure is when the seizure affects only part of the brain, hence the name partial. This occurs on a localized part of the brain and was once known as focal seizure. And under partial seizures, there are three subcategories. There is simple partial seizure where people retain consciousness during the attack and retain their motor skills, sensory symptoms and psychic symptoms. The severity of the seizure varies widely among people. Common symptoms include altered behavior and altered state of mind. But a simple partial seizure is usually a precursor to a complex seizure where the person loses consciousness. And there are partial seizures that can evolve into secondarily generalized seizures.


In general seizure, the seizure occurs on a large part of the brain or even the whole brain. There are six sub categories under general seizure. These are absence seizure, myoclonic seizure, clonic seizure, tonic seizure, tonic-clonic seizure and atonic seizures. Absence seizures are characterized by loss of consciousness and EEG generalized spike-and-slow wave discharges. Absence seizures are further classified into typical and atypical absence seizures. Myoclonic seizure as in myoclonus, the involuntary twitching of a muscle. Clonic seizures involves a series of muscular contractions. Clonic seizures and tonic seizures can occur separately or combined together as clonic-tonic seizures. Then there are atonic seizures characterized by change in muscle tone caused by temporary change in brain activity.


And there are several other types of seizures that are unclassified and these will probably be addressed in the ongoing revision of the list. But so far the classification has served as a valuable guide in the proper diagnosis and treatment of fits.


All About Seizures

August 3rd, 2011 by admin

Summary: Seizures are convulsions that can happen to anyone irrespective of age. Seek the help of a healthcare professional to diagnose the patient with seizures and start treatment as soon as possible.


Seizures are a type of disorder which occurs due to problems in the brain. It is manifested as convulsions which are rapid and uncontrollable. Seizures may be accompanied by symptoms like temporary halt of breath, muscle spasms, falling, frothing in the mouth, loss of bladder control etc. However all seizures do not cause convulsions. Some are mild. The person is usually unconscious or in an altered consciousness during the occurrence of seizures.


The cause of the seizure is traced to a sudden and abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The time period of seizures varies. They last for about 30 seconds if it is minor. Seizure for up to 2 minutes is not considered very harmful. However if they last longer than 5 minutes, it is considered a medical emergency.


Seizures may be caused due to various reasons like certain diseases, high fever, medications, poisoning, head injuries, etc.

If a person is suffering from epilepsy, there occurs multiple and recurring seizures.


To get the right treatment, the healthcare professional finds out which kind of seizure it is. There are mainly two types of seizures. Focal or partial seizures occur only in one side of the brain. Primary generalized seizures are seizures where there is abnormal functioning which is majorly an electrical discharge, in both the sides of the brain.


In primary generalized seizures, factors related to heredity are important. The causes for partial seizures are usually linked to brain infection, head injury, tumor or stroke. These seizures are further divided depending on whether the patient was conscious during the event or not. Identifying these seizures and analyzing their characters helps doctors to treat the symptoms in the best way possible.


Seizures can strike any one anytime irrespective of age and physical conditions. Whenever seizures occurs to anyone around you make sure the person gets enough air to breath. If the person is unable to breath then give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Prevent the person from hurting himself or herself. Loosen the dress. Remove the things lying next to the person and give enough space. Call the doctor immediately. However if the seizure lasts longer, take the person immediately to the hospital. Also, if the person lies unconscious throughout the seizure, take the patient to the hospital immediately.


Seizures are to be treated immediately. Take care that the patient is given medical care immediately. Also, discuss with the doctor and diagnose the causes for seizures to occur. Start with the treatment immediately. Else, it can be life threatening.