A blog with feedback from real people about Soma

If I had said no, I wouldn’t have learned about Soma

If you told me I was shallow, I couldn’t say a thing to you. Namely, whenever my ex calls me up for a favor I do it. And to tell you the truth, the only reason for this is that I sometimes miss the If I had said no, I wouldn’t have learned about Somagood old days, if you know what I mean. And she is kind enough to be aware of this and to reward me for my favors. The last time she called me over, she just told me she had to move something and that her roommates weren’t there. And when she says that, it is like I turn into a moth and her place into a light bulb.

So, I went over and I found out that she had to move her washing machine as the new one was coming in later that day and she had to get rid of the old one. The only thing on my mind was what kind of reward I will get and I completely forgot everyone my dad taught me about moving stuff that are heavy. I just went for it and the outcome was quite predictable, to say the least. I threw my back out, seriously. It happened to me before, but this time it was just insanely painful.

She rushed me to the doctor’s where I was told that I really sprained the living hell out of myIf I had said no, I wouldn’t have learned about Soma back and that it will take some time for it to heal. The doctor also told me that the muscle is as rigid as stone and that the best medication for me would be Soma. I started taking it and it really enabled me to rest for two weeks as I was supposed to. Without it, there was no way I could even think about resting. The way in which Soma eased the pain and got rid of the stiffness in my back was just amazing.
And you know what the worst thing is? My ex broke of any contact with me. Turned out she hooked up with a guy who was delivering the new washing machine. That is karma for you.

Back to my house in record time, all thanks to Soma

Before you start thinking that there is something wrong with that title, I have to tell you that I am a firefighter and that it is my firehouse that I am talking about. Namely, I am a firefighter and a girl at that. Okay, not a girl, but a [...] Continue Reading…

My nephew ruined my neck and Soma helped fix it

To get one thing out of the way straight away, I love my nephew. I would do anything for that little guy, even though he can get crazy at times. Hell, all six-year-olds can get crazy and he is my blood. And even if he wasn’t, he is a [...] Continue Reading…

Physical therapy made possible thanks to Soma

What I did should be told as a cautionary tale to everyone who thinks that drinking yourself into stupor is cool. It is not, trust me. I only hope that this story of mine will explain why it is more than dangerous, besides explaining how beneficial Soma can be [...] Continue Reading…

The dangers of soccer and the benefits of Soma

I came to the US with my family when I was four, from Greece. And Greece is just one of the European countries where soccer is everything. I am more than happy that it is becoming bigger here, but the fact is that it is still a sport on [...] Continue Reading…

My experience with Soma, the wonder drug

The title may seem real sensational, but it has done so much good for me that I feel no word can describe the feeling of appreciation I have for Soma, that wonderful painkiller that has helped me through my physical therapy and that got me back the use of [...] Continue Reading…

How Soma helped me with my back injury

I have no siblings, but luckily enough I have three friends that I met in the first grade of elementary school and we have been like brothers ever since. Not the annoying bro types, but like real brothers. If one of them called me at 3 a.m. and told [...] Continue Reading…

Still in business thanks to Soma

I am a plumber. My dad was a plumber, his dad before him and so on, back to the days when plumbers didn’t exist. We always joke around how one of our ancestors kept the Roman aqueducts going. We also joke that he also had to cope with the [...] Continue Reading…

Moving furniture and subsequent use of Soma

When me and my wife were getting the new apartment, I was out of my mind with happiness. We were finally getting a place where we could invite friends over without them sitting on top of each other. We were getting a place where you can swing a cat, [...] Continue Reading…

Looking forward to WNBA thanks to Soma

When I learned that there was a blog site that published stories of people who have had great experiences with Soma, I knew that I had to write something. Namely, Soma did much more for me than just get rid of some pain. It made it possible for me [...] Continue Reading…