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Viagra – How Does It Work ?

There’s no doubt that Viagra is currently one of the most popular medications being used by individuals today. As most people know, this particular product is designed to help men retain their sexual prowess. The drug is responsible for treating erectile dysfunction in men and allowing them to perform satisfactorily during sex. Despite its popularity though, some men are still wary with taking this particular drug, afraid that it will affect their health in the long term. A deeper understanding of the drug however could provide individual with the kind of assurance they want. That being said, following is a comprehensive explanation of exactly how this item works.

Problems with Erectile Dysfunction : In order to understand exactly how this drug works, individuals would need to have a clear grasp of a male’s sexual arousal. In preparation for sex, blood rushes to the penis, allowing it to become hard. With erectile dysfunction however, the blood doesn’t course through the penis, making it ineffective.
The drug’s main function is to facilitate blood flow to the male sexual organ. There are basically two body secretions that affect sexual arousal: nitric oxide and phosphodiesterase type 5. The nitric oxide is responsible for the arousal while the latter is the one that causes the penis to remain flaccid. What the drug does is prevent the secretion of the phosphodiesterase type 5, allowing the nitric oxide to dominate. When this happens, the muscles along the penis relax, opening the floodgates to the blood and preparing the penis for sex.

How Long Does the Drug Last? : The amount of time this product is in effect usually depends on the actual drug used. Some products are actually stronger while others only last for a very short time. Typically, the item would work several minutes after intake. The longest would be around 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. When it comes right down to it though, the waiting time varies from male to male.

Safety Issues : Note that the drug is typically taken by males who are having chronic problems with sexual arousal. If it happens from time to time, then this should not be cause for worry.
Viagra can be obtained by going to the doctor and asking them for that “little blue pill”. Keep in mind that there are different types of this drug so it is important to use one that is specially provided by the doctor. This way, males would be able to get the results they want without risking their health, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions.
Males not allowed to take Viagra are those who have had prior heart problems or suffered from stroke. Anyone with kidney, liver and eye problems should also avoid the drug. High blood pressure, low blood pressure and other health concerns should also be taken into account. By itself, the drug already carries mild yet recognizable side effects, which is why it is necessary for doctors to prescribe the drug rather than just buying anything off the counter.

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