How to Take Viagra Safely
Like it or not, any drug when taken in excess can be lethal. This is why individuals are always advised to strictly follow directions when taking any drugs – including Viagra.
Required Dosage
The amount of Viagra a person can take depends on the prescriptions of the physician. Typically this would be around one pill everyday at the mid-level dosage of 50mg. However, this might vary from one person to another considering the different health types of the person involved. There are three dosages to this drug – 52mg, 100mg and the already mentioned 50mg.
The increase and decrease of dosage prescribed depends on the doctor. Typically, those who are above 65 years or old are only given 25mg due to the added health risks. For healthy young men, the dosage is at 50mg. However, should the drug not provide the desired results, this can be upped to 100mg per day. Individuals with kidney and heart problems might also be treated to the lowest dosage or not at all, depending on the severity of their problem.
When to Stop
The minute a person notices any side effects while taking the drug, they are advised to stop it immediately. Like all medications, there are side effects to this product which is why they are only sold to individuals carrying prescriptions. Some of the side effects can be something as simple as dizziness while others can be more severe such as irregular bowel movement. Should these things occur, visit the doctor immediately and tell them about the problems encountered. They should then change the dosage or switch to a new drug that could also treat erectile dysfunction.
When to Take Viagra
As already mentioned, frequency of intake should not exceed one every day, less for those with health problems. Since the item takes effect within 30 minutes or less, it’s ideal for men to take the pill an hour before expecting sexual contact.
Keep in Mind
The drug doesn’t cause erection but merely paves the way for it. Unless a man has a reason to be sexually aroused, the drug couldn’t provide the necessary reaction for the organ. This is why males should take the medication only if they are expecting to have sexual intercourse after several minutes or hours. Otherwise, taking the drug would be useless.
Additionally, the penis goes back to its flaccid state after sex even if the effects of the drug have not worn off. Should a male once again feel sexual arocanadal, then the pill would do its work and allow blood to flow through the organ, hardening it once again for intercourse.
Viagra is often sold in pill form and may come in different levels such as “Extra Strength” or “Liquid”. However, they are all basically the same and provide identical results to the buyer. The only thing to really watch out for would be the dosage and the frequency of intake. Note that this drug is not the only type prescribed for erectile dysfunction although it is the most common one being sold today.
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