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Posted in Tramadol for Pain Relief on September 3, 2011

Summary: Tramadol is a drug used for pain relief. It can be bought from nearby shops. It can also be bought through websites that cater to this service. However they should be taken carefully.


Tramadol is commonly known by the brand name Ultram. It is mainly used in treatment of moderate to severe pain. It is also used for treating fibromyalgia and restless legs syndrome.


It is an opioid synthetic analgesic drug. The drug is well known for providing pain relief to patients. It helps in releasing serotonin and inhibiting the reuptake of norepinephrine. Tramadol changes the way our body senses pain. Hence it helps in providing relief from pain.


The drug can be administered orally in the form of pills or intravenously. It is prescribed by doctors as 50mg, 100mg, 200mg or 00 mg pills depending on the condition of your illness and your basic health. When taken in the form of pills it should not split or crushed. Tramadol is considered to wok like morphine especially if injected into the body. Tramadol enhances immunity functioning of the body.


Tramadol can be addictive if not used properly. You may develop a dependency toward this drug if used for a long term. As it is habit forming, take only the dosage of the medication prescribed to you by the healthcare professional. An overdose can lead to severe complications. There are severe withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop taking the drug all of a sudden. Hence it is best to slowly reduce the dosage and stop the drug usage once you are cured of your illness.


Also there are some medications which should not be taken along with this drug. For example, if any monoamine oxidase inhibitor is combined with this drug, it may lead to seizures and other side effects. Carbamazepine medication reduces the effect of Tramadol. Alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers etc should be avoided. Clubbing this medication with some particular dugs can prove fatal. Hence, it is best to inform the doctor your current medication before taking Tramadol.


The common side effects include nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, constipation, sweating, itching, diarrhea, dry mouth, indigestion, fatigue etc. pregnant women should avoid taking this drug.Tramadol is a prescriptive drug in the U.S. It can be bought from medical shops at your locality. It can also be ordered through various websites that sell drugs. It is commonly sold as 50 mg pills in shops. You may buy the drug in either ways.


Tramadol helps to reduce pain. Hence you may take the drug for pain relief. However, it is better to consult the doctor and discuss your medical condition with him/her before going for the drug.


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Posted in Pain Management on September 3, 2011

Summary- There are different types of pain in our body caused by an array of factors and ailments. People should know these causes to save themselves from severe illness in the future. Each part of our body suffers from each type of pain and therefore the treatments are specific in each case.


There are different types of pain other than the common pains we frequently experience like the back pain or the headache. Sometimes, some pains may be the alarms for a serious illness that we tend to overlook. To avoid such kind of dangers we must know a bit about the genre of pains in our body.

Headaches are one of the most common pains that we suffer from. Persistent headaches are treated with biofeedback injections and Botox. Trigeminal neuralgia is a type of facial pain, which is treated by injections in the nerve tissue. The next type of pain is Compression Fractures and they are common among aged people. They mostly occur due to osteoporosis or loss of calcium in the body. Vertebroplasty is an effective treatment for this pain.


Neuropathy or peripheral nerve pain is a type of neural pain. Anesthetic medicines injected through trigger point injections can give some relief from this pain. Intercostal neuralgia, hypo gastric neuroma, interdigital neuroma, etc., are examples of peripheral nerve pain. The pain, which, arises from the region of tailbone or coccyx, is called coccydynia. It is mainly triggered by trauma or other causes.


Post-herpetic neuralgia is a kind of pain in the nerve caused by Herpes Zoster virus in the body. Medications like acyclovir, steroids and sympathetic injections can help to stop the pain. Myofasciitis is a kind of muscular pain, usually in the neck or back, which can be cured by massage or exercise. Torticollis is a sudden pain in the neck, which can be cured using Botox treatment.


Piriformis syndrome pain is a kind of tightening of the piriformis muscle, which in turn contracts the sciatic nerve and sends a pain down the leg. It can be cured either through physical therapy or though steroids and Botox injections. Plantar fasciitis, which is pain in heels and epicondylitis or tennis elbow, is another common pain. Such pains are treated with steroids injections, physical therapy, and Extracorporeal shockwave treatment.


The next type of pain is the cancer pain, which can be caused from many sources like cancer, cancer treatment procedures, nerve compression, etc. Different types of medication and injections are used to treat such pain. Also, techniques like pain pumps to deliver medication and ablative therapies are employed.

These are the different types and causes of pain in our body, which if ignored can cause a serious ailment in the future.


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Posted in Pain Management on September 3, 2011

Summary: Neuropathic pain happens due to the malfunction of the nervous system of the human body. Neuropathic pain is difficult to treat and often only one way of treatment is not enough.


The pain that is caused by a glitch in the way the nervous system of the human body works is termed as neuropathic pain. This type of pain is difficult to diagnose and treat, often requiring an amalgamation of various methods of treatment. The main support to treat this type of pain is medication. The medication may not really decrease the pain but often succeeds in reducing the sensation of the pain.


The central nervous system at the level of spinal cord generally filters the information about pain that the nerves send to the brain. The drugs that are prescribed to treat neuropathic pain work at this level. That is they help the spinal cord filter more information about pain than it normally would, so the brain receives less signals about the pain. Medicines like antidepressants, which influence the amount of serotonin or norepinephirne and antiseizures that manipulate the amount of neurotransmitters like GABA and glycerin, are prescribed by the doctors.


The spinal cord stimulator is one of the most important and powerful tools that help to treat neuropathic pain. This tool delivers small amounts of electrical energy directly into the spine, which ensures that the spinal cord functions normally even when the body experiences pain and interrupts unsuitable pain information being sent to the brain.


Neuropathic pain includes the following types of pain.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – Also referred to as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, in this condition the affected site receives nerve impulses in high levels. The person may experience chronic pain and the affected area may swell and become red. The pain may spread to a greater area in this condition and not remain confined to just the affected area.


Fibromyalgia – It is also a chronic pain condition but the exact causes of it are still unknown. In patients suffering from fibromyalgia it is found that the central nervous system is hypersensitive and there also is a nerve growth factor in the spinal fluid.

The other conditions that are associated with neuropathic pain are, Interstitial Cystitis, which is a chronic urinary urgency in which the individual feels the need to urinate immediately and this happens frequently though it may change over time for the individual. The irritable bowel syndrome occurs due to the malfunction of muscles or nerves of the bowel of an individual and this may include conditions like ulcers, colitis, etc. Along with these, sympathetically maintained pain also is included in neuropathic pain.


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Posted in Pain Management on September 3, 2011

Summary: Physical pain associated with human beings can be divided into two types-nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain. The correct identification of a pain is very important for its right treatment.


Pain is very common for people all over the world. This pain can successfully be classified into two types – nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain. Nociceptive pain is experienced when the body suffers an injury, like a broken bone or a cut or swelling or an injury to the spine, etc. The injury is visible to the eyes and except for the injury there is nothing wrong with the body. The neurological functions of the body are completely normal. Whereas in the case of neuropathic pain there is no apparent injury to be noticed but still the person has a feeling of being in pain.


As opposed to nociceptive pain the nervous system of the body malfunctions in case of neuropathic pain. Most of the pain that is felt in the arm, back and leg fall under the division of nociceptive pain. Nociceptive pain can be further grouped into two types- the radicular pain and the somatic pain.


Radicular Pain

Pain which is experienced by a person because of some irritation in the root of the nerves is called radicular pain. Like, if a person suffers an injury in a disc of the spinal cord, the whole nerve from the spine to the leg would have the understanding of pain. Along with radicular pain radiculopathy is connected, it deals with the feeling of numbness, tingling, weakness or the loss of reflex of a bundle of nerves.


Somatic Pain

Unlike radicular pain which can be felt in any part of the body, somatic pain is felt majorly in the legs and the back. Back pain is a serious problem to both the patient and the doctor. It is difficult to pin point the actual cause of the pain even after getting imaging tests conducted like CT scan, MRI, and X-RAY, etc. The family history of the patient and other physical tests may also be of no help.


The three structures at the back of the human body, the facet joints which are small and situated at the back of the spine; the discs which are placed in between the bones of the spine; and the sacroiliac joints at the buttock area are the places where the pain come back even after treatment. The facet joints provide stability, the discs are the ‘shock absorbers’ and the sacroiliac joints help in normal walking. Fluoroscopic or X-Ray guided injections may help to identify the place of the pain and once that is done the pain can be successfully treated.



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Posted in Pain Management on September 3, 2011

Summary: Today pain management has become an important part of medical sciences. Proper treatment of any pain is very essential for fast and healthy recovery from any kind of pain.


Pain is an unpleasant sensation in the body that may be caused due to various reasons. It may be caused due to any physical injury or any mental or emotional trauma. Basically this sensation makes us to perform certain activities and actions so as to protect our bodies from any harm. Pain can be a protector or a predictor or can simply be some sort of a hassle. In any case it needs to be dealt with. This is where pain management steps in. It provides a solution to tackle the pain in a systematic way so as to reduce the level of irritation and cure the pain as fast as possible.


Depending on the cause of the pain, the type of the pain management procedure varies. It can be a simple or a complex one. Sometimes a pain takes a longer time to cure. Therefore a wide variety of techniques and effective skills are required for the treatment of such pain. Skills and treatments can be categorized accordingly and they include,

  • Interventional techniques and procedures
  • Medication management
  • Chiropractic or Physical therapy
  • Psychological support and counseling
  • Alternative therapies like acupuncture
  • Timely referral to other medical specialists


Pain management and treatment of the pain are generally done on the basis of the history, duration, intensity, and other parameters of the pain. The structures causing the pain also contribute to the steps involved in the proper treatment of the pain. Now, for a structure to cause any sort of pain,

·         it should have a nerve supply

·         it should be vulnerable to hurt

·         its stimulation should generate pain

A treatment procedure is formulated on the basis that a particular structure with nerve supply is responsible for the generation of the pain in the body.


Pain management may also deal with identifying the accurate source of the problem and then isolating it for the optimal treatment. The pain has to be treated in a proper manner so that it might not also spread and affect other parts of the body. In any case if the pain exceeds the toleration level then it should be immediately conferred to the physician for further medication and observation. The symptoms should be rightly conveyed to the physician for precise treatment as missing any detail can cause alteration in the pain management procedure and can delay the proper cure of the pain.




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Posted in Tramadol for Pain Relief on September 3, 2011

Summary: Tramadol is essentially a miracle drug. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to know the true facts about it before using it wisely to benefit from it.


Ultram, a synthetic analgesic medication, is sold in the generic form as Tramadol. The actual mode of operation of Tramadol is still in the dark, but it is said to have the same effects and actions like those of morphine. The medicine is said to bind to opioid receptors, which are responsible for the transmission of the sensation of pain throughout the body.


The 10 facts that one should know for using it safely so as to not harm oneself as follows,

1.    Tramadol is suggested for treating moderate to moderately acute pain. It belongs to the category of drugs known as opiate agonists. Basically it works by alternating the way the body feels the pain. It is generally mistaken to be a NSAID (non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drug). However, that is not true.

2.    Tramadol is present in immediate and extended release formulations. The doctor will suggest the dosages of the release tablets depending on the severity of the problem.

3.    Extended release tablets have to be taken in as whole; they must not be chewed, crushed or be split into pieces. Proper care should be taken while consuming them or else they can lead to serious side effects.

4.    Tramadol consumption has the risk of turning into a habit. Consuming more of it than prescribed by the doctor can lead to dependency on it. On the other hand sudden withdrawal also can lead to some complications. Therefore it is advised to consult the doctor for the proper recommendations.

5.    Sometimes drug interactions can also occur. Like, Carbamanzepine reduces tramadol efficiency and Quinidine enhances its concentration by 50% to 60%. Similarly other interactions can also occur.

6.    Combination with some other substances can increase respiratory and central nervous system depression. Therefore breathing can get affected and stopped if is taken with alcohol, narcotics and others.

7.    Tramadol’s effects during pregnancy have not been established yet; hence its usage during pregnancy should be avoided.

8.    The side effects of the medicine are usually temporary. Therefore it is generally well tolerated. Some common side effects include nausea, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, seizures and vomiting. Slight cases of itching, sweating, rash, vertigo, dry mouth, and diarrhea have also been noted.

9.    In case of an overdose or emergency of Tramadol, local poison control centre has to be informed. Overdose symptoms include decreased pupil size, coma, heart attack, seizure, unconscious, breathing difficulty and staying awake.

10. A Cochrane review has revealed the fact that Tramadol offers small relief in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Prolonged consumption over three months can lead to decreased pain.


Tramadol is quite effective with minimal side effects when consumed wisely.


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Posted in Tramadol for Pain Relief on September 3, 2011

Summary: Classified as central nervous system drug, Tramadol is used as a painkiller for wide range of applications from relieving moderate to severe pain in various cases.


Tramadol Hydrochloride (Ultram, Tramadol) is a medicine used in treatment of severe and moderate pain. It can be used in various conditions such as treatment of restless legs syndrome and fibromyalgla and elevating symptoms of depression, anxiety and phobias. It is a centrally acting opioid analgesic and acts on the noraderenergic and serontonergic systems such as its atyoical opiod activity. However, doctors and other health professionals have not endorsed its use for these disorders. They claim that it may be used as a unique treatment only in the cases when other treatments fail. Also, it is very important to use the medicine under the control of a psychiatrist in such special cases.


Tramadol was developed by pharmaceutical company Grunenthal Gmbitt in late seventies. It comes in various forms: capsules, tablets, suppositories, ampoules of sterile solution for injections, preservative-free solutions for injections by the various spinal routes, powders for compounding, liquids with and without alcohol for oral and sub-lingual administration. It is often used in the form of an ingredient in multi-agent topical gels, creams and solutions for nerve pain, rectal foam, concentrated retention enema, and as skin plaster (transdermal patch) quite similar to those used with lidocaine. The most well known dosing unit available is 50 mg generic tablet. It also is commonly available in conjuction with APAP (Paracetamol).


The dosage that is generally prescribed per day is 40 mg for oral use and 600 mg for parenteral use. However certain brands or formulations have lower maximum doses. The medicine has a characteristic and seemingly unpleasant taste, which is somewhere near to a mild bitter taste. However, oral and sublingual drops and liquid preparations come with and without added flavoring.


Tramadol is indeed an important medication that is approved mainly for the treatment of various pain ailments. It also comes with its own set of precautions to be taken for safe and useful results. Patients taking SSRIs (Pro Zac, Zol oft, etc.), TCAs, MAOIs, or other strong opioids (oxycodone, methadone, fentanyl, morphine) should inform the doctor before taking Tramadol as it has a tendency to interfere with other medicines. Those above the age of 75 and below the age of 18 should also take the doctor’s advice before using the medicine to skip the flip side. Tramadol may prove fatal in the cases of patients suffering from severe reduced kidney functions or reduced liver functions and it is also not safe for pregnant and breast feeding women as it has a tendency to badly effect the baby.


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Posted in Tramadol for Pain Relief on September 3, 2011

Summary: All medicines should be taken after a thorough knowledge of their positives and negatives- Tramadol likewise comes with certain precautionary measures that help in providing the best benefits.


Medicines are the best friends of a sick person! It is a true statement, but it is as well correct that all medicines have their own sets of precautions to be taken for attaining the desired right effects. Here we are dealing with Tramadol, a medicine that is approved for the treatment of moderate to moderately severe pain. It is taken every 4 to 6 hours as needed.


There are few things that should be told to the doctor before being prescribed Tramadol. You should inform the doctor if you have seizures or epilepsy, any liver disease, kidney disease, head injury, severe abdominal pain, lung disease, history of drug or alcohol dependence, and any allergies- food, dyes or preservatives. Also tell the doctor if you are pregnant or planning to go the family way or breastfeeding. The doctor should also know about the medicines you are taking- both the prescribed and non- prescribed medicines, vitamins and any herbal supplements.


The above recommendation is essential for the following reasons,

  • Tramadol can cause seizures, especially in those who have a history of them and those who are withdrawing from alcohol or narcotics. Also, as Tramadol works in a similar manner as morphine, the abuse potential is significant. Thus, it is not a good choice for people who have a history of alcohol or drug abuse.
  • It can cause slow and irregular breathing and may lead to life threatening complications, especially in cases of patients having lungs disease.
  • It can interfere with the diagnosis of many conditions that cause severe abdominal pain.
  • It can cause dizziness and drowsiness, and may increase the risk of falls in elderly people.
  • It is not advisable to drive or operate heavy machinery until it is fully known how the medicine works on you. It for sure affects your reflexes and reaction times even if you feel fine.
  • Tramadol can also interact with several other medicines and thus can sometimes prove to be a fatal experience.
  • The medicine is considered a pregnancy C medication, which goes to declare it as unsafe for pregnant women, though the exact effects and full risks are yet to be discovered.
  • It is found that the medicine does pass through breast milk. So it is advisable to discuss with your doctor regarding the use of the medicine in such cases.


Tramadol, like all medicines has minor side effects that people tolerate quite well without any treatment or with easy treatments. However, in cases of major side effects it is imperative to seek timely help of your doctor.


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Posted in Tramadol for Pain Relief on September 3, 2011

Summary: Tramadol is a centrally acting opioid painkiller and has been in use for more than 40 years, starting from Germany where it was developed made by the pharmaceutical company Grunenthal GMBH. The medicine is prescribed by physicians all over the world for its efficacy and other desirable properties and minimal side effects.

Tramadol hydrochloride also known as Ultram or Tramal is a well known painkiller made by the German drug giant Grunenthal GMBH. It has been in use for more than 40 years, beginning in Germany where it was developed. It has since spread to the rest of the world and has been legally available in the U.S. for quite some time. Tramadol is a centrally acting opioid painkiller, that is, it acts by binding to the opioid receptors of the nerves. It is used to treat pain that is severe to moderate. It is also used to treat ailments like restless legs syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Tramadol has both opioid and non-opioid properties. It is considered a safe medicine with low risk of side effects and low chance of dependence. The mechanism of action is very similar to that of a narcotic and hence risk of abuse is there. It has serotonergic and noradrenergic effects and the µ1 and µ2 receptors cause respiratory depression and euphoria. Like codeine, Tramadol is also used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain. Pharmocologically, it resembles levarphenol, with lower µ-agonism. Tramadol is also similar to venlafaxine and hence may have anti-depressant effects in some patients, especially those suffering from chronic pain. Like anti-depressant drugs, it will inhibit the neuronal reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.Pharmacologically

Tramadol has to be ordered by prescription only and you must buy it from a local drug store by giving your prescription or online from a legitimate site. It is said to be the closest thing to a narcotic that you can buy, and hence it constitutes a federal crime to order it from outside the U.S. There are many illegal sites that sell counterfeit drugs and the DEA has clamped down on more than 500 such sites. Be wary and if you must order it online, ask your doctor which are the safe sites from which you can order. Being cheated in price is not he problem, but you cannot risk ingesting some potentially dangerous fake medicine.

So what are the side effects of Tramadol? Constipation, itching, sweating, vomiting and nausea are commonly are commonly reported. Some patients have also reported sedative effects. Although chance of dependence is very low for this drug, nevertheless, some patients have reported symptoms like contraction of muscles and nervous tremors if the medication is withdrawn too quickly. Discontinuation of Tramadol should be done gradually by slowly reducing the dosage.

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Posted in Tramadol for Pain Relief on September 3, 2011

Summary: Tramadol is basically a painkiller – a centrally acting opioid analgesic that works by binding to the opioid receptors of the nerves. It is a drug that has been used for more than 40 years and is used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain and is also used to treat fibromyalgia and restless legs syndrome.

German drug company Grunenthal GMBH developed Tramadol in the late 70’s and it has since been used to treat several ailments. The drug has now spread far beyond Germany were it was first developed and is now available all over the world. In the U.S., it has to be bought on prescription and cannot be purchased from sources outside the United States. That constitutes a federal crime. Tramadol is a nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drug and works by binding to the opioid receptors of the nervous system. It does not have the internal bleeding and ulceration risks of similar medications. It has decreased risk of dependence and abuse but the potential is still there.

Primarily, Tramadol is a painkiller. It is used to treat moderate to severe chronic pain. It is a centrally acting opioid analgesic that works by binding to the opioid receptors of the nerves. It is used in treatment of fibromyalgia and restless legs syndrome and has lots of other applications as well and some of the other potential uses are under investigation. For instance, there is a possibility that Tramadol could be used to treat symptoms like phobia, anxiety and depression. For now it continues to be used as a painkiller for a wide variety of ailments like neuropathy, where treatment of moderate to moderately severe pain has to be done.

Tramadol’s efficacy lies somewhere between that of morphine and codeine. It is also often used to reduce post-operative pain. In these cases, it is often mixed with NSAIDS which means dosage of Tramadol can be reduced and hence side effects can be minimized. It is also used for treatment of osteoarthritis in the elderly. It is preferred because it does not have risk of heart disease and does not cause complications like peptic ulcer. It also does not exacerbate high blood pressure. It is also used to treat labor pain and pain resulting from acute trauma, renal colic and myocardial ischaemia.

The efficacy of Tramadol is very dosage dependant. The recommended dosage for Tramadol is between 50 mg to 100 mg every 4 to 6 hours. The minimum possible dosage should be given keeping in mind the side effects. The painkiller effect of Tramadol can last for up to 6 hours. Low dosage will minimize the commonly reported side effects like – constipation, sweating, nausea, vomiting and itching. Sedative effects are also reported some times and withdrawal of the drug should be done gradually.

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