Niconico - English version set for 10/17!

Thank you so much for using Niconico!

We are very happy to announce the latest development here at Niconico, the release of a feature-packed FULL English version of Niconico!!

This means the end of our beta services. We'd like to first thank all of you who participated in our beta site and helped make it a great place to share videos and live broadcasts.

Our full English service will be released on October 17. You will still be able to log in with your beta account login and password, though not all of your data will make it over. Allow me to elaborate:

Account Details and Uploaded Videos

As mentioned before, your account will still be usable after our live release. All of your uploaded videos will also be right where you left them, however...


Comments, Tags, and My Faves 

Your comments, tags, and My Faves will not make the move, so look forward to choosing from a much larger amount of content to comment on, tag, and add to your My Lists after the 17th!

Translation Data

All translation data added to our beta site by the 9th of October will also be transferred and made available on the 17th. However, translations added after the 9th won't make the upgrade, so hold on tight while we finalize this release!


New Clubs

From October 9th, beta members will no longer be able to make new clubs. If you'd like to do a live broadcast between the 9th and the 17th, you'll have to make the necessary preparations beforehand by making a new club or joining an existing one. Or just wait until the 17th and broadcast your heart out on our full release!


Hope to see all of you on October 17th!


Customer Support Team