How to refill an electronic cigarette

If you are a smoker, you are probably interested in finding a way to save some money without having to cut down on your habit. Buying an electronic cigarette starter kit is a great way to accomplish that. After a relatively bigger initial investment, you will be able to save a lot of money, since the only further expense you will have to make are the refills. You can buy new cartridges when you run out, or you can go with the increasingly popular refill route.

To refill your electronic cigarette cartridges yourself, you will need just a little e-liquid and a bit of patience. By using this method, you can save quite a bit of cash over time, and best of all – it’s easy and fast to do. So without further introductions, let’s learn how to refill an electronic cigarette.

The procedure might be a bit tricky until you get the hang of it. Don’t get discouraged quickly – you will get it soon enough. It takes a bit of time to figure out the process, but once you get it, you will be able to refill an electronic cigarette in less than a minute. Just like shelling out the cash for an electronic cigarette starter kit pays off big in the long run, learning how to refill your own electronic cigarette will pay off in the future.

There are two different ways to refill an electronic cigarette. You can use the drip method, or the injection method. The drip method is the more popular one, although there’s nothing wrong with injection refill. To refill your electronic cigarette using the drip method, you will need some e-liquid and an dropper. First of all, open up the e-cigarette and remove the filling from the cartridge. Once you’ve done this, use the dropper to drip a couple of drops of e-liquid on the cartridge. Don’t try to put too much all at once – your goal is to saturate the cartridge, not to create a puddle of e-liquid. Take your time, don’t rush it, and add just a several drops of e-liquid at the time. Once you are done, close everything up and you are ready to start using your electronic cigarette again.

The second method is a bit easier and faster, but it requires that you use a syringe. It has an additional advantage of actually allowing you to distribute the electronic liquid more evenly. To refill an electronic cigarette with a syringe, fill the syringe with a bit of e-liquid, insert the needle in the filter, and empty out the contents slowly, making sure that it’s evenly spread out. Be careful not to overdo it, and if you are using a two piece electronic cigarette, be doubly careful, since you can easily damage the atomizer. If there’s some e-liquid left in the syringe (and there probably will be), just put it back in the bottle.

An average cartridge can be refilled at least five or six times before it wears down. If you notice that your electronic cigarette is producing less vapor, or if you notice an unpleasant smell, it’s probably time for a new cartridge.

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