
Welcome to Brian Tarricone’s website. This site is mostly just random stuff about me, as well as some pages about my work on Free Software.

I have a web journal, an online résumé, and a PGP/GPG key.

I’m a core-developer-in-hiatus for the Xfce Project, a lightweight desktop environment for the X11 windowing system. I also work/have worked on other side projects, all in various stages of completion.

Professionally, I’m employed by Twilio, Inc. We build a scalable pay-as-you-go developer platform for adding voice and text communications to any application. You should use it. It’s awesome.

I had a short stint at Fanhattan, LLC, working on embedded OpenGL rendering on Android. Previously, I worked at Kno, Inc. as a software lead for the (now-defunct) tablet device framework. Before that, I was employed by Netgear as a software developer working on multimedia devices based on an embedded Linux system, as well as an engineering project manager for the previous generation of the multimedia product line.