When Viagra was introduced as the first medication that can provide relief from erectile dysfunction in 1998, it has soon became so popular on the market that other pharmaceutical companies just had to try to take a good position on this market. The pole position was reserved for Viagra, of course, but there was too much money in this to let this opportunity slip from their grasp.

Of course, a lot of the drugs were nothing more than just pale in comparison with Viagra. They offered very little reason for someone to switch form Viagra to them. One by one, these erectile dysfunction drugs disappeared from the market, to be replaced by others, that were equally ineffective as they were.

It wasn’t until a few years after that someone will finally develop an erectile dysfunction drug that can actually compete with Viagra on a level foot. To be exact, two drugs were developed in a short time between them. They were both developed in 2003, with the market names of Levitra and Cialis and both have proven themselves to be quite good at solving the problem of ED for men over the years in their own way, but I will focus just on Levitra in this article.

Levitra was developed in 2003, a few months before Cialis and several years after Viagra. Like those two, it also inhibits the enzyme that is responsible for the erectile problems, called PDE5. Why is it so important to inhibit this enzyme? Well, PDE5 enzyme attacks the chemical called cGMP, which has a task of relaxing the muscles of the penis and expand the vessels that ought to be filled with blood in order to have an erection in the first place. When PDE5 attacks this chemical, it leads to its deterioration and men find themselves unable to have a proper erection.

If you heard that Levitra can help you with your libido or sexual performance, you should forget about that. This drug is only used in treatment of ED and does nothing beyond that.

On more equally important thing that you should keep on your mind when you are thinking of taking Levitra is that it is a prescription drug. Your doctor will have to medically confirm that you have erectile dysfunction problems before he can write you a prescription for this medication. If you do not suffer from ED condition, you will just be wasting money on this drug. Besides that, if you are using Levitra on your own, you risk encountering some of the side effects that this erectile dysfunction drug can cause. Having your doctor prescribe it for you, means there is  less chance of that happening.

You should only be taking one Levitra pill every 24 hours.  Taking any more than that, you risk severe side effects, which can be life threatening and can even cause you to overdose on this erectile dysfunction drug and that is a pretty bad trade-off in my opinion.

Of all the things that can happen to a person unexpectedly, erectile dysfunction is for men probably one of the worst. If you are reading this, it means you are most likely male and you understand the horrible fear of not being able to satisfy the women you’re with [...] Continue Reading…

Levitra is a medication that is used for temporary treating erectile dysfunction and allowing men who are suffering from this condition to achieve and maintain healthy erections that will allow them to complete a sex act. It is actually the second ED drug ever to come out, five years [...] Continue Reading…