Legal highs over the last few years

Drug fighting agencies have been getting more and more aggressive over the past few years, but the ingenuity of a person who is itching to get high knows no bounds and we’ve seen tons and tons of so called “legal highs” in both US and the UK, and their use has spiked dramatically over the last year and the half. Before that, the us has seen about one thousand five hundred deaths from legal highs, but in the 2011 there have been over four thousand deaths related to legal highs.

It makes one wonder just why are the drugs like marijuana banned in the first place. Marijuana itself is pretty harmless, it’s got very mild side effects and it was proven that you’d need to smoke something like 10kg’s of it in three minutes for it to reach lethal dose. Compare that to some of the synthetic “legal highs” that are circling the markets these days and you’ve got some really staggering conclusions – there would be fewer deaths and there’d be less money spent fighting drugs if a simple drug like marijuana was legal. There’s the arguement that marijuana is an entry drug that leads to all sorts of addictions on harder drugs, but those are pretty much baseless claims, and if people had free access to such a simple and mild drug, the demand for hard things would be dramatically reduced.

Now, legal drugs themselves can be as mild and harmless as marijuana, but they can be pretty nasty as well. Lately there have been lots of report of legal highs coming in the form of bath salts, soaps or materials like that, products that simply haven’t been banned yet because they haven’t been officially recognized by the drug control enforcement agencies like illegal substances. That is changing, of course, but while the law enforcing bodies are slow and rigid, the legal highs market is flexible and quick to respond to any ban and any law being enforced, producing a new generation of legal high products for their customers.

There are herbal highs to be found as well, with crops like wild lettuce, hops, dill and even catnip – all of these herbs, if treated properly, can get you a result that you’re looking for in the form of a legal high, and it’s nothing dangerous, just a fake feeling of being high. These are mild drugs and you’re not likely to do anything stupid under their influence, but it’d still be much better if you don’t use these drugs in the first place.

All in all, although you may not be breaking the letter of the law, spirit of the law says that mind altering drugs are bad. If you feel like getting your high on, doing so hidden in the basement may get you some temporary relief, but if you feel that it is your right to use light recreational drugs, then show it. Vote, join movements that support drugs, donate to their causes and so on – it’ll have much more effect then you using potentially dangerous “legal high”.

Some herbs to help you out with legal highs

While the most popular recreational and all natural drug for getting high, Marijuana, is banned in pretty much most of the world, that doesn’t mean that you can’t party hard when you want to. All it takes is a bit of research, some patience and you can get legally [...] Continue Reading…

Herbal highs are great for you

Many people shy away from the word ‘high’, as it has a negative connotation for them. When they hear it, they associate it with dangerous and mostly artificial drugs, which are harmful for the most part. And though most people have even tried some of them when they were [...] Continue Reading…