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What dosages does Viagra come in?

The most popular medication of our time comes in the shape of little pills. Since both men and women can use it, there are different dosage prescriptions, and the pills look differently also. However, they are available in three doses: a 25mg dose, a 50 mg dose, and a 100mg dose.

When it comes to men, the pills are usually blue and oval; letters VGR, as Viagra, are written on one side, and the dosage is engraved on the other. The dosage is one pill daily, with a glass of water, one hour before the intercourse. Doctors usually prescribe the 50mg dose so you can start with this dosage, however, it is strongly recommended that you consult you doctor first, before taking a tablet on your own. If the 50mg dose does not help you, then your doctor might put you on the 100mg dose.

In order to make your visit to the doctor as useful as it can and should be, you may consider taking the Erection Hardness Score test. This is a self-assessment test where you can actually find out what the hardness of you penis is in 4 levels, i.e. grades. Each grade has a special description of the ‘situation’. And you can choose the one tat fits yours the best. Finding your score, you can tell you doctor about it and thus help him set the right dosage for you.

Nevertheless, there are some cases when you will need the 25mg dose. Men over 65 who have kidney issues will probably be restricted to this one, as well as those on protease inhibitors who will also be prescribed the limited use of 25mg dose. For those who with high blood pressure or prostate issues, the prescribed does can be even lower.

As for women, the pills are round and they come, of course, in pink. Instead of simple VGR, they have a small flower on one side and dosage on the other. Women also take one pill a day, but between half an hour and four hours before the intercourse.

Most of the facts that go for men go for women as well. The prescribed dosage will depend on your age, health issues if you have any, and other medications that you take. The one that is usually prescribed by doctors is 50mg, but if you are using the pills for the first time and do not know how your body will react, you may star with the 25mg dose. On the other hand, if the 50mg dose doesn’t do the work for you, you can try the 100mg pill, but this is the maximum you should have per day. In any case, consulting your doctor is highly advised.

All in all, the design of these cute pills makes it even more amusing to use them and enjoy the afterward effects; however, although they are not harmful, you should still be cautious when it comes to the right dosage for you. As mentioned before, a visit to the doctor is advisable, but if you sill want to start taking the pills on your own, start with the smaller doses.

Viagra Helped Me Restore My Love Life

I have had an amazing experience that I want to share with everyone. In fact, I want to tell my and my wife’s story about how our troubles in bedroom turned into a most wonderful experience that we didn’t even dream of.

Actually, we have been married for thirty years [...] Continue Reading…

I Blamed My Husband

I am an average woman, with an average family and an average job. I have two teenage kids who give me some trouble from time to time, but they are, in fact, beautiful little angels. My husband is also a fine man with a nice job. All in all, [...] Continue Reading…

How Viagra Helped Me Save My Marriage

I am a middle-aged man, and I have a beautiful family – three amazing children and a gorgeous wife. I have decent job. I have always been physically active, regularly taking part in different recreational activities. However, some two years ago I almost lost everything. What’s worse, I could [...] Continue Reading…

How does Viagra work?

We all know what Viagra does, but how it works the magic is a mystery, for taliking about this stuff and metioning words like penis, vagina, erection, and the similar, is still a taboo in many countries and for many people around the world. But these are normal things [...] Continue Reading…

Can you overdose on Viagra?

We know that sometimes we can be quite insatiable, especially when it comes to thinks that make us feel good. Sweets, good wine, or a tasty pizza in excessive amounts have often made us wish we never have them again. So, you probably sometimes wonder what would happen if [...] Continue Reading…

Can women use Viagra?

Although many women do not know this, they can also use Viagra. There are even specially designed tablets for female population. They are pink and they come in round shape. There are also three doses – a 25mg, a 50 mg, and a 100mg dose.

Viagra is always related to [...] Continue Reading…

Are there any side-effects to Viagra?

As any other medication, Viagra has its side-effects as well. Many people skip this information as not so relevant, but it is, in fact, relevant. Although most of the patients do not experience any side-effects, it is quite useful to know what just might happen after taking a pill, [...] Continue Reading…

Addiction to Viagra – true or false?

Well, for some it is true, for some it is false. How come? The answer is simple. Viagra in itself can not make you an addict. Your body and your physiological system cannot develop an addiction to it, and this has been proven.

However, there are men who will have [...] Continue Reading…

What is Viagra?

If having troubles getting an erection, then Viagra is a kind of medication that can help you. Its generic name is sildenafil citrat and it serves to treat both these kind of problems and, you might have not known this, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). In fact, it was initially [...] Continue Reading…