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Reason for using: thinning.Side Effects: contradictory thoughts, shortness of wind, HEAVY imagining (I awaken up exhausted) after one month. i wasn't looking for any of these as side effects, but all of them directed me to seek the world broad web for other people's experiences. very pleased i discovered this page. i could absolutely glimpse that if these symptoms kept up, i could very effortlessly start having fright attacks. i won't take another pill. the thinning isn't worth and i'm 40, so what the torment, it's time to proceed may work, but the side effects, going on for a twosome of weeks now, don't work for me.

Reason for using: Hair loss.Side Effects: Man boobs (male breasts) and libido reduction. no side effects until 3rd year or soI utilised this part of shit for 4 years. What pisses me off is that the clinical tests state that male breasts are not a side effect, so it is absolutely undocumented. if I knew that there was a risk of a PERMANENT side effect, I not ever would have utilised it. I skilled the sexy side effect as well, but that went away in 3 weeks after i halted taking it. As far as stopping hair decrease, it worked like a charm. But now I've halted taking it for nearly a year, aot of hair has dropped out (Although it turns out, its still ooks fine overall), but I got little man boobs THAT WONT GO AWAY. I'm humilitated to take my top off in public. Anyone up for litigating Merck?

Reason for using: Rapid Thinning/Receeding.Side Effects: Nothing.The contradictory knowledge persons have in writing about on this location astound me. Propecia is a gentle pharmaceutical, and the couple of who have skilled rough side effects are definately the minority. I have had large achievement with propecia and now relish a wider head of hair than ive had in the last 2 years. More than any thing, it has substantially soothed my disquiet about mislaying my hair, and permitted me to aim on the significant things in my life. I have yet to know-how any side-effects, and I reccommend this medication to all that can pay for it.

Reason for using: Hair Loss.Side Effects: After taking the pharmaceutical for 2 years, I now know-how farthest fatigue, disquiet, despondency, dizzyness, distorted vision.Hair halted dropping out, and in detail beginning growing back afresh while taking the medication. But when I halted, the hari has dropped out afresh very rapidly. Don't suggest this drug. Very venomous and harmful to one's health.

Reason for using: hair loss.Side Effects: Loss of wholesome sexy propel, no excitements when having sex, adversity accomplishing orgasm, annoyance, unpleasant reflex, distorted dream, depression.My colleague has been taking it for the last 2.3 years. I have been with him for the last 4 years. He directly lost his wholesome sexy propel after having begun the pills. I don't reside with him and I only glimpse him over the weekend, although he doesn't appeared to be keen to have sex with me throughout the weekend. I have to inquire for sex which is occasionally only one time in a month. I sharp out one time he should been having the sexy side effects but he said our connection is fine, I believe way too much. He shrugged off my proposal of halt taking the pills. Recently I assured him to proceed glimpse the medical practitioner but I am aghast he won't halt taking the pills. I seem I had enough.. I had adhered the causes for his decrease of libido to numerous other facets of his life like job tension, alchohol and the maturity of the relationship. I genuinely accept as true he is having the chemical castration. I love him very much but it is time for me to end the connection and move on. Please don't make errors by pois