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Will Oxycodone help a migraine?

The easiest explanation to this question would be that Oxycodone will help a migraine as it is a very potent painkiller and it is very effective at relieving pain. However, this matter is much more complicated than this.
First of all, Oxycodone is mainly used for treating severe pain. In the majority of cases, Will Oxycodone help a migraine?painkillers that are less powerful than Oxycodone will suffice just fine and there is no reason to introduce such a powerful drug when there are other options.
Furthermore, Oxycodone is only capable of relieving the pain, while it will have no underlying effect on the causes of migraines.

There are now medications that have been specifically developed for treatment of migraines, factoring in the causes of migraines and these medications are usually a much better option for treating migraine headaches.
However, there are situations in which the pains that are caused by migraine are unbearable and when strong medications are required. In such cases, Oxycodone may be administered to the patient, usually in the hospital as such severe migraines call for hospitalization of the patient.

It is not generally practiced by the doctors, prescribing Oxycodone for migraines, that is, as it is considered as too powerful of a medication with certain dangers behind it, one of them being that prolonged use of the medication, which may be required in patients who have migraines often, may cause dependency to the medication. This is considered too high of a risk when there are medications that will be able to relieve the pains caused by headaches without posing such a risk to the patient.
In fact, the best way to make sure that you can and that you should take Oxycodone for your migraines would be to ask your physician.

They are acquainted with your medical history and they know about more about your migraine than anyone else. If they prescribe Oxycodone for your migraines, then you should try with this medication. However, the chances are that this is not going to happen due to reasons that we have mentioned before. Another thing that has to be factored in here is that the migraine medications are advancing rapidly in efficiency and that it is very likely that they will come up with a medication soon that is going to be able to treat the pains caused by migraines better than Oxycodone.

Can Oxycodone cause liver damage?

People generally want to know how safe the medications they are taking or that they intend to take are. This is perfectly understandable. We want to know how healthy the food we eat is and when you consider the nature of medications, it is logical that people have questions [...] Continue Reading…

Does Oxycodone make you sleepy?

There is a whole number of different classes of drugs that are known to cause certain sedation which usually manifests itself as sleepiness. These medications include allergy medications such as antihistamines, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, some cold medicines, seizure medications, sedatives as well as painkillers, especially the opioid painkillers.As Oxycodone [...] Continue Reading…

What measures of precaution should I take when using Oxycodone?

This article is dedicated to all the measures of precaution that you should take when taking Oxycodone in order to avoid any unwanted side effects of this powerful painkiller.
The crucial thing that you need to be aware of is that you simply have to use Oxycodone in the exact [...] Continue Reading…

Is Oxycodone addictive?

Whenever people are talking about painkillers, they will eventually get one of the most important characteristics of painkillers, the possibility of becoming addicted to the medications. In this article, we are going to answer the question whether one can get addicted to Oxycodone and what are the chances of [...] Continue Reading…

Can Oxycodone cause any side effects?

One of the most important aspects of any medication are the side effects that might be caused by it. Some people do not even wish to try a medication if they believe that it is going to cause side effects that they find particularly annoying and disturbing. However, the [...] Continue Reading…

How to properly use Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is an opioid analgesic which means that it is a very powerful painkiller. Because of this, one has to take extra care to take the medication properly. This way, one avoids experiencing side effects as well as other more long-lasting unwanted effects of Oxycodone. In this article, we [...] Continue Reading…

Can anyone take Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a medication that is primarily used for treatment of acute pain. There are situations in which it is going to be prescribed to patients suffering from chronic pain, but it is mostly used in situations when the treatment can be completed in less than six weeks, thus [...] Continue Reading…

Should I talk to my doctor before using Oxycodone?

We believe no one can deny that we are living at a time where online commerce is really taking flight. Only ten years ago, you couldn’t even imagine buying medications online and it is now an everyday practice for an increasing number of people from all over the world. [...] Continue Reading…

When is Oxycodone used?

This article is dedicated to some of the most common uses for Oxycodone, the medication we are concerned with at this blogsite. We are hoping that this article might help people decide if Oxycodone might be the best solution in their case. Also, this article will hopefully give you [...] Continue Reading…