What users have to say about Butalbital?
Here on our website we have tried to show you all the positive and negative sides of the drug called Butalbital. Well we have been selling it here for some time and we have also received a lot of feedback from our customers, now we bring you one email we received from one of you, about his experience with this drug and what it did for him.
“Hi, my name is Martha and I’m 47 year old. I have been working at a sales company my whole life selling various products, but that is perhaps not as important. I have recently gone through a divorce and it has been very stressful for me and my children. I have always had problems with migraines, but they were never quite so severe until a few months back. I don’t know if it was all that stress, or what but it really got worse. My doctor suspected hormones since I was that age and my hormones have gone wild but no matter what he put me on, nothing helped. Then a friend of mine recommended it try Butalbital, and I did. First time I took it, my migraine had already hit, and there wasn’t much it could do, it was a bit better, but nothing radical. Second time I managed to sense it in time, I called in sick and took the medication. Then I went to my room, closed the shutters said my family not to disturb me and laid down alone in the dark. I could feel it coming, but instead of it getting any worse it was like I ducked and avoided it. I was so prepared for that horrible sensation of pain and sickness that I almost caused it myself, but after lying there for some time I realized it’s not going to come. I managed to avoid it completely. As my doctor instructed me, I spent the next few hours lying in my bed, I didn’t get out of it at once not to push it.
Soon I went to sleep and when I woke up I was as good as new. When my kids saw me coming out of that room so soon, they were almost shocked. I mean before, if I got a migraine, they were used to not seeing me for two or three whole days at a time, and I was unable to function all that time, but this was just amazing. It has also helped me a lot in my work, since I do not have to take so many sick days off, my sales have gone up and I even got complimented by my boss. It really changed my life, before I used to spend at least two to even four five days a month locked in my room in pain, and now all that is history, I can spend that time anyway I want, with my kids, at work or doing something for myself. Butalbital really saved me.”