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I have been on ativan for nearly 5 years now with a shatter for pregnancy. I endeavoured allotments of other pharmaceuticals to help with my anxieity with allotments of side effects and no respite but ativan has lil to no side effects and works

Reason for using: anxiety/insomnia.Side Effects: sleepiness (to be expected)I was initially prescribed this to deal with anxiety. After step-by-step construction up to 4 mg a day (2 in the forenoon, 2 at night), I recognized it wasn't doing much but getting me actually sleepy. I furthermore made the error of consuming far too much one evening, and, for the first time ever, blacked out. I furthermore vomited in my doze that night. Not a very intelligent thing to do. After that know-how, I halted taking it (for worry of addiction). I now only take 1/2 mg rarely before doze to help me rest. Since my tolerance is let down, 1/2 mg actually does the trick. I'm furthermore actually taking Zoloft.

Reason for using: fright disorder, anxiety.Side Effects: farthest drowsiness, barrel tightness, lightheadedness, distorted visionI was granted Ativan intramuscularly in the ER when I had my first fright strike, but it didn't actually appear to work even when granted directly like that. But I just considered I wasn't giving it a equitable possibility, so when I started to use it orally I considered it worked rather 'cause it made me seem exhausted and "out of it"...but that isn't what I was looking for. It didn't eliminate my fright symptoms (nausea, worrying, feeling unclear, etc...) while I was in class; it just made me seem out of it AND panicky at the identical time. Not fun. Good for going to doze, though. I swapped to Klonopin and so far so good with it.

Reason for using: worry and disquiet and depression.Side Effects: none. Allows good doze in 30 minutes, if I take it when I will not drop asleep. But I take 0.5mg in the am, to halt my disquiet and chattering teeth symptom. Then I seem powerful and positive.The best miracle pharmaceutical for me to explain my life urgent situation fears. I take numerous other personal medicines (not for anxiety)

When I get the feeling a panick strike is about to occur, I attach one ;ill under my tounge and inside minutes I seem absolutely serene and no longer anxious. I furthermore use the medication if I drank too much wine the evening before (too much sugar), I take one tablet and the disquiet is gone. Ativan is though very custom forming and addictive. I have been taking it for over a year and seem as considered I will not halt taking it.