Are there any side-effects to Priligy?

Of course, just like any other medication Priligy has its own side-effects. Since it is a new medicine, many people doubt whether it is safe enough. However, Priligy has been tested and there is no danger of it harming your health in any way. The side-effects that might occur with Priligy are not severe and they will do you no serious harm. They usually do not last for more than a few hours and after that everything is back to normal. So let us now have a look at what these side-effects might be.

Some of the most common ones are also the least serious ones. These are headache, nausea and dizziness. As you can see, they are really harmless and all you have to do is not panic and remain calm.

Regarding some a bit less common side-effects, these can include anxiety, numbness, sweating or flushing, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, stuffy nose, somewhat higher blood pressure, tremor, indigestion, dry mouth and blurry vision. Although these may sound a bit more annoying than the previously mentioned, they are also not dangerous and will go away in a few hours.

There are also some which are even less common and these can be   fainting, mood changes, disorientation, confusion, irregular heartbeat, weakness, depression, grinding of teeth. These can really cause some unpleasant feelings, but that is all since they are also temporary and do not last longer than a few hours.

Apart from these, there are some extremely rare side-effects. These are dizziness that follows exertion, falling asleep suddenly and fecal urgency. As you may notice, these are the most unpleasant ones, and some can even be embarrassing, like fecal urgency. However, since they are very rare, the chances that they will occur are very low.

Advice following all these side-effects is that you should not panic, remain calm and take a lot of water. Since any of these will go away in a few hours there is no need for professional medical assistance. However, if it does happen that they last for more than eight hours, then you should see your doctor and get some professional help. In any case, you should inform your doctor about your experience for it might be necessary that your dosage should be adjusted. Your doctor will instruct you on what to do further.

To sum up, Priligy is, after all, a safe drug. Being new on the market caused many doubts about it, but as you can see from this article it is a perfectly reliable medicine. Of course, there some side-effects to it which can be more or less common and more or less unpleasant, but they are not too different from what other medications may cause and they are not detrimental to your health. The important thing is that you should follow the abovementioned advice concerning the occurrence of the side-effects and there will be no complications whatsoever. Now you can relax, take your Priligy and simply enjoy what follows next.

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