{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg932\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuPro-W3;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \itap1\trowd \taflags0 \trgaph108\trleft-108 \trbrdrt\brdrnil \trbrdrl\brdrnil \trbrdrt\brdrnil \trbrdrr\brdrnil \clvertalt \clshdrawnil \clwWidth28840\clftsWidth3 \clmart10 \clmarl10 \clmarb10 \clmarr10 \clbrdrt\brdrnil \clbrdrl\brdrnil \clbrdrb\brdrnil \clbrdrr\brdrnil \clpadt40 \clpadl40 \clpadb40 \clpadr40 \gaph\cellx8640 \pard\intbl\itap1\pardeftab720\sa320 \f0\b\fs32 \cf0 ENGINE: \b0 \ 1953 Olds 303 bored .30 over \'81\'67Rocket Engine\'81\'68\ YES a \b REAL \b0 Rocket Engine. Strong runner solid, great build, Loads of fun to drive really turns heads going down the road.\uc0\u8232 With Chris Nelson \u190 cam\u8232 OLDS 324 distributor\u8232 Edelbrock Manifold with 3 Holly 94\'81\'66s with Chrome helmet air cleaners, with washable filters\u8232 Chrome: Generator, voltage regulator cover, oil tube & cap, front pulley and fan\u8232 Speed Way do it yourself header kit, custom made header flanges\u8232 Electric fuel pump with Holly regulator\u8232 Sharpe fuel log\u8232 1934 Radiator\u8232 1932 grill shell\u8232 Custom designed engine mount\ \b TRANSMISSION: \b0 \ Original Hydro-Stick Transmission with original sticker with 8 ball shifter knob\ \b FRAME: \b0 \ 1931 Ford frame partially boxed\uc0\u8232 48\'81\'68 super bell drilled axle\u8232 Posies super slide front spring \u8232 Adjustable perch springs pins\u8232 1940 Ford split wishbone\u8232 Vega steering box\u8232 1940 Ford front brakes\u8232 1955 Buick 45 fin drums\u8232 1957 Chevy car rear end\u8232 TCI rear coil-over\'81\'66s\u8232 Pete & Jakes upper & lower shock mounts\u8232 Pete & Jakes rear ladder bar system\ \b WHEELS: \b0 \ REAR : 8\'81\'68 Chrome Smoothies with P 285/70/R15\uc0\u8232 FRONT: 1956 Olds Hub caps with P215/75/ R 15\ \b BODY: \b0 <\ 1927 Ford Tall T Body Original Steel\ PAINT:\ Black Matte finish with red flames\ \b LIGHTS: \b0 \ Headlights Deitz type\uc0\u8232 1950 Olds 98 tail lights\u8232 1950 Chevy license plate lights\u8232 Summit 12 gal. fuel tank with master electric shut off switch.\ \b INTERIOR: \b0 \ RAC Tach Stewart Warner gages: speedometer, fuel, oil pressure, amperage, vacuum\uc0\u8232 Sun pro temp gage\u8232 Moon fuel gage\u8232 Kruggel: 90 degree under dash brake pedal with 1\'81\'68bore dual brake master cylinder\u8232 Moon: brake, gas pedals\u8232 Electric windshield wiper motor\u8232 Green metal flake steering wheel\u8232 Pleated red naugahyde with Antique coffin handles as door pulls. \cell \lastrow\row }