Why is Cialis becoming more popular than other ED drugs?

When the Viagra was introduced to the market in 1998 as the first ED drug that actually worked and could help men with this annoying problem, it was soon followed by a number of erectile dysfunction medication that were keen to take their share of the market. Of course, a lot of them were complete failures and quickly disappeared from the market, some not even managing to move from the trial phase and never left their labs.

However, there were medications that proved themselves and one such was introduced to the market in 2003.This drug’s name is Cialis and, unlike some other drugs for ED, it’s advantages over Viagra were quite astonishing, which helped this medication a great deal to find it’s place on the erectile dysfunction medication market very quickly.

One of those advantages was the fact that Cialis works faster than Viagra. It takes about ten minutes for this ED drug to start having effects, which helps a great deal in any future sexual intercourse as it is a lot faster than Viagra.

Another crucial advantage that Cialis has over most erectile dysfunction drugs, Viagra included, is the fact that its effects last for more than 24 hours, which is the main focus of it’s selling campaign. No other ED drug can compete with this and it is a huge reason as to why Cialis is so popular with it’s consumers.

If this was not enough, Cialis also causes headaches somewhat less frequently than Viagra does, mostly due to some chemicals that one drug has and the other doesn’t have in them.

On the other hand, Cialis does have a tendency to cause back pain if it is used for a prolonged period of time, but it is usually nothing that can dissuade men from using this medication.

If you really want to know the full benefits of this erectile dysfunction drug, Cialis has to be taken regularly. While Viagra can be taken any time you want in order to provide temporary relief from erectile dysfunction problems, Cialis grants you permanent relief from this problem.

Of course, technically, Cialis does offer only permanent relief for that problem, but since it is taken regularly, it can count as if it provides permanent relief as you will always be under the influence of this ED drug (remember, its effects can be felt for more than 24 hours after you consume it).

These and many other advantages are a good reason as to why is Cialis becoming more and more popular and why has this drug managed to seize such a great share of the market in a short time since its introduction and stay popular to this very day, despite the fact that more products are becoming available each year. Once the consumers try it and find that it works even better than they expected, they are not likely to leave it in order to try something else, no matter how well it is advertised, will they?

How Cialis will help you battle erectile dysfunction for real

I have to admit this much – life sometimes gives you lemons, and people are shockingly unprepared about these kinds of situations. When something negative happens, everyone shies away from the problem, being in denial and pretending that everything is the same when it isn’t. This happened to me [...] Continue Reading…

What is Cialis and why it is becoming more and more popular

In order to understand why Cialis is such an important medication and why it is becoming so popular, it is important to introduce Viagra into the mix as an essential part of understanding the aforementioned. Namely, in 1998, Viagra came out as the premiere erectile dysfunction drug. It was [...] Continue Reading…