Where is the Online Community?

September 14, 2012


Where is the Online Community?

Each time I’ve sat in front of the computer to compose a blog post this week, I am distracted by current events. Most of my news is brought to me via social media channels such as facebook and twitter. (Usually while I’m attempting to multitask 3 kids, a household, and unpacking from our recent move.) [...]

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Civil War Living History

September 5, 2012


Civil War Living History

Since moving back to “the States” I have been really looking forward to continuing one of my favorite hobbies – Living History.  For me, it is a wonderful blend of learning, sewing, cooking, and sharing it with others in real time. The mid 19th century time frame in American history was an era of huge [...]

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Labor day weekend with Mum mum

September 4, 2012


Labor day weekend with Mum mum

I’ve been a little MIA on the social media end of things lately because… our Mum mum came down to visit us over the long weekend! One of my favorite things about family coming to visit, is seeing our home with fresh eyes. From furniture rearrangement to the nearby Franklin Mountains – her perspective is [...]

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Mom? I feel like I’m failing…

September 1, 2012


Mom? I feel like I’m failing…

It was one of those rare conversations with my mom that lasted more than a 15 minute check in, how ya doin, kids ok, love you, have a great day, byebye.  She is an emergency room nurse with a wacky rotating schedule and with three kids at home, sometimes I feel like my schedule is [...]

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August 30, 2012

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A Mulching Limerick

A Mulching Limerick

Once upon a time there were some boxwoods of green. Who’s garden bed beneath was rather lean.  :( So newspaper blankets they came, and perhaps a bit of mulch to tame, Leaving a landscape deterring future weeds and a lovely scene! … How do you prevent weeds from growing in your garden? Does anyone else [...]

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August 29, 2012


Planning a garden of my own in Texas

Planning a garden of my own in Texas

Lately I’ve been obsessed  errr… um… distracted by ideas for our garden next year. The past few years while living in Germany, I’ve had the pleasure of growing vegetables on our balcony… And helping to create the first Community Garden in Europe… But now that I have a yard of my own, my list is [...]

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August 28, 2012


Rain in the desert

Rain in the desert

Living in Germany, planning for rain was almost part of everyday life. I had umbrellas by my front door, in the van, and even a small one for my market basket. But here in El Paso it rains so rarely, it compels me to stop what I’m doing to step onto our back porch and [...]

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August 27, 2012


The first day of school!

The first day of school!

Not that long ago, my day began with the sound of a whispery little boy voice… Mama – Is it the first day of school yet? No darlin. It is still 10 more days until the first day of school… I had no idea our middle child would make this into a regular thing… Mama? [...]

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August 24, 2012


Pallet Themed Patio Furniture

Pallet Themed Patio Furniture

During his spare time, my wonderful husband has been hard at work, building creatively with pallets. The much needed bench was created by cutting two 4-board pallets into pieces. The cut sides were then placed against the brick wall and a nice thick quilt for a cushion. He also spent several hours creating a coffee [...]

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August 23, 2012


Quick and Easy Frozen Yogurt

Quick and Easy Frozen Yogurt

We eat a lot of yogurt. Let me rephrase that. We used to eat a lot of yogurt. In Germany, this was a common afternoon snack for our children. But this summer, with the temperatures over 100 in El Paso, I’ve favored fresh veggies and fruit – finger food type things that have very little [...]

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