Throughout history and over the centuries many crafts have been developed to meet the needs of the everyday life. Thus, we have carpentry, blacksmithing, weaving and many others. Of course, today these crafts are parts of large industries that are machine-run and there are no more craftsmen to whom you can go and, for instance, ask to make you a bucket or to weave you a carpet that would look just as you desired. However, locksmithing, as a craft and actually a form of art and science, has remained and there are still local locksmiths. Read more...
Locksmithing is an ancient craft that was developed as early as four thousand years ago. In fact, the oldest known lock is four thousand years old and it was made in Egypt. The term locksmithing does not include only making of a lock, but also defeating them and these are the two most important services that locksmithing today is based on. Although before the modern era of advanced technology the job of a locksmith usually entailed long hours of hard work, it is not quite the case now since there are many tools and high-tech machines that have eased this process. Read more...
As a craft, locksmithing does not entail only building locks or changing keys; it also entails picking the locks for various purposes. Sometimes, for instance, it may happen that you lose a key to your house and there is no other way of opening the door but by picking and defeating the lock. Of course, this can be used for some other purposes which are rather illegal and this is why the possession of lock picks and lock picking tools is regulated b law in many countries. However, the characteristics of this law vary from country to country. Read more...