New York Locksmith
A craft you just can't live without

There are plenty of services that we need on a day - to - day basis that we use without thinking about them, like buying groceries without thinking about who has grown the groceries and things like that. One of the most underappreciated crafts of the modern world is locksmithing, a very old art that has been around since ancient Egypt and has always been with us through the history. There is always work for a locksmith, from some medial modern task like helping a kid get into his home or like getting a care with a broken lock to star. Even in old days locksmiths were very popular and rich, even more so than today. As for the locks themselves, locks that made the locksmiths famous in the first place, they are a whole story for themselves. Every big civilisation that relied on trade and wealth has developed a lock system on it's own, not via cultural trade routes like you'd expect to have contributed to the disseminating of the idea. This proves that it's always a good idea to mark your private property with a big locks and a door that tell everybody that they are just not to thread somewhere without permission. Read more...


What exactly does a locksmith do

Modern age has pretty much pushed the trade of a locksmith out of the public mind's eye and there are many people that aren't clear on what it is that a locksmith does. The obvious answer of "he makes locks" hasn't been true for quite some time, ever since the mechanization and industrialisation of a lock crafting process, while once long time ago a locksmith was an artist spending hours to make a single lock, now he's a man that installs locks, doors and other security features and maintains them. A locksmith is NOT a security consultant and is definitely not paid as much as one, he's a man who is making sure that your front door, your car and your safe are all... well... safe, and that you have easy and convenient access to them while doing the opposite for anyone without a key and proper pass codes. Read more...


Locks and Locksmiths

When talking about locks and locksmithing, the first thing that crosses man’s mind is about protection of his privacy and values he owns. Even though it might sound as something rather new, locksmithing is a very old craft, so old that there is no written record of who invented the first lock. It is well known that ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans have used several different kinds of locks, made of many different materials- woods, iron, bronze, sometimes additionally secured with ropes tied in elaborate knots etc. Chinese had their own type of lock, too, as well as many other countries. Read more...