Just like a painter needs his brush to make a painting or a doctor needs his stethoscope, so does the locksmith needs his tools. Every mechanism is a bit complicated, but locking mechanisms even more so. Especially now that the issue of protecting your family and property has become ever more important. Read more...
How to protect against burglars?
In average, less than every 15 seconds a burglar enters someone’s home or office. Even though it is not uncommon for a burglar to enter a company building, this article focuses much more on residential buildings, aka your homes since the statistics show that almost 2/3 of all burglaries in the United States are residential. Why such a big disparity between business and residential burglaries? Shouldn’t there be more interesting things to find in a large company building than in some house in the suburbs? Read more...
Biometric locks - locks of the future, or not?
There is no doubt that with all the security problems we are facing today we need better and better ways to protect our homes, cars and valuables from intruders. Gone are the days when a simple lock could stop a burglar. Today, the average burglar is equipped with some very good tools and is extremely skillful in using them. Every 15 seconds in US there is a burglary. Burglars are not only getting more and more skilled, but also more cocky in picking their victims. Their targets are not just people’s homes, but also their offices and workplaces. It is therefore very important that you protect your business with a good lock and a security system to match, if you want your little business to keep growing. Read more...
Need a new lock? Call a locksmith
Let us imagine that you are leaving in a dangerous environment. Every day or so, you hear police sirens, alarms from a local grocery shop (although always too late) and things like that. Let’s further imagine that you are leaving in an old apartment building where the locks haven’t been changed or maintained for a decade or more. Add to this that your lock could and probably is completely out off date and just too simple for any burglar to pick. Read more...
Locked outside? Get those locksmith tools ready
How many times did you managed to lock yourself out of your home or car? Let’s hope none, because even once is enough for a lifetime. This can be really stressful, especially if it is dark around you and you live in a problematic neighborhood. So what are your options? You can call the local locksmith. Unfortunately, even though most of them claim that they work 24/7 and that they will come “in the blink of an eye” this is rarely so. If you call a locksmith around 3 AM, you will probably wake him up and he is not very happy about it. That usually means that he will get to you “in his own time” and even then, you better not bother him. Read more...