• Loveland Police
  • Loveland Police
  • Loveland Police
LPD Auctions
Missing Kids
Children Missing From OH
  • Endangered Runaway: HARLEY MERRILL (OH)
    HARLEY MERRILL, Age Now: 17, Missing: 08/01/2012. Missing From FRANKLIN, OH. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Franklin Police Department (Ohio) 1-937-746-2882.
  • Endangered Runaway: MANEKA LONG (OH)
    MANEKA LONG, Age Now: 16, Missing: 08/14/2012. Missing From SPRINGFIELD, OH. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Springfield Police Department (Ohio) 1- 937-324-7680.
  • Endangered Runaway: CLARA RUIZ-ORTIGUERA (OH)
    CLARA RUIZ-ORTIGUERA, Age Now: 14, Missing: 08/24/2012. Missing From COLUMBUS, OH. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Columbus Police Department (Ohio) 1-614-645-4545.
  • Endangered Runaway: JULIE ESTEP (OH)
    JULIE ESTEP, Age Now: 16, Missing: 07/28/2012. Missing From BALTIMORE, OH. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Fairfield County Sheriff's Department (Ohio) 1-740-652-7900.
  • Endangered Runaway: CHRISTINA HULSEY (OH)
    CHRISTINA HULSEY, Age Now: 17, Missing: 03/05/2012. Missing From SPRINGFIELD, OH. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Springfield Police Department (Ohio) 1-937-324-7680.
Loveland Weather
Amber Alert


Congratulations Sgt. Jose Alejandro!





Jose Alejandro was sworn in as Loveland Police Division’s newest Sergeant on August 28, 2012. Sergeant Alejandro joined the Police Division in 1993 as a part time officer. He was hired as a full time officer in 1997. Sergeant Alejandro was instrumental in starting the K9 unit and has been the Division’s only K9 handler. He has won numerous awards and is active in K9 training in the region. Sergeant Alejandro will continue in that capacity until his current partner Azar is retired from active duty.

Sergeant Alejandro is also fluent in Spanish and has been sought after by other agencies to interpret during incidents or investigations involving Spanish speaking victims and suspects. Sergeant Alejandro is an active officer and takes great pride in serving the Loveland community.

Sergeant Alejandro is a United States Navy veteran. He served aboard the USS Tripoli while deployed to Desert Storm and received several commendations while serving our Nation.

Congratulations to Sergeant Jose Alejandro.  











2012 C.P.A.A.A. Golf Outing


Click For Application  

We are pleased to announce the first annual Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association Golf Outing scheduled for September 10, 2012 at O' Bannon Creek Golf Club. The Loveland , Miami Township and Goshen Township Citizens Police Academy Alumni have chosen to co-sponsor this outing. These organizations assist their local police departments in their communities and the proceeds from this outing are the primary fund-raiser event for each alumni association. We encourage everyone to support this event while enjoying  one of the finest golf courses in the  area.

Please do not delay your registration as this outing is limited to twenty teams.

Date: Monday, September 10, 2012

Time: 9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start (Please arrive at least 30 minutes early)

Place: O'Bannon Creek Golf  Club

Format: Four-person Scramble

Cost: $90.00 per player (lunch included)/ $20.00 lunch only OR $100.00 per player (lunch included) day of the event.

The Alumni Association is also seeking sponsors and or door prizes from local businesses and residents.

SPONSORSHIPS: Champion -$1000.00 (Official Sponsor, Hole Sponsor, and one foursome)                             

                                  Partner       $500.00 (Official Sponsor, and Hole Sponsor)

 Hole Sponsors are $100.00 each.

For more information or to register your team, contact Gene Bishop at 225-5334

Thank you for supporting these Citizen Police Academy Alumni Associations and your local Police Departments!




Office Closed for Labor Day

The Loveland Police Department and Loveland Mayor's Court administrative offices will be closed on Monday, September 3rd in observance of Labor Day. Police officers are always on duty 24 hours a day and can be reached through dispatch at 677-7000 or 911 in an emergency.


Ohio Texting Ban

Ohio's texting ban goes into effect Friday August 31, 2012.

If you’re under 18: It’s illegal to use any electronic wireless communications device while driving in Ohio, even while sitting at a light or stuck in traffic.

This means you can’t do any of the following while driving:

• Talk on a cell phone, Bluetooth, Bluetooth speakers, OnStar or any similar device

• Write, send or read a text

• Send or read e-mail

• Use computers, laptops or tablets

• Play video games

• Use a GPS (unless it’s a voice-operated or hands-free device)

• Exceptions: Using a pre-programmed GPS; using devices while the vehicle is stationary and outside a lane of travel; calls to emergency personnel (police, hospital, fire department, etc.)

If you’re an adult driver: It’s illegal to use a handheld electronic wireless communications device to write, send or read a text while driving in Ohio.


If you’re under 18: It’s a primary offense, so police can pull you over just for using wireless devices.

If you’re an adult driver: It’s a secondary offense, meaning an officer would have to stop you for another reason first.


For the first six months law enforcement will give warnings only. After that:

If you’re under 18:

First offense: $150 fine; license suspended for 60 days

Second/subsequent offenses: $300 fine; license suspended for one year

If you’re an adult driver:

It’s a minor misdemeanor; you could get a fine of up to $150.


Back to School

As summer begins to draw to an end, another  new school year is right around the corner.

Loveland City School students first day of class will be Monday, August 27, while students at St. Columban will begin their school year on Tuesday, August 21.

Motorists are encouraged to be aware of the 20 M.P.H. speed limits in school zones in the city during the morning and afternoon times.

Loveland Officers will in the school zones monitoring and enforcing the school zone speed limit.

It is our goal here at the Loveland Police Division to maintain a safe environment for both children and their parents who will be on foot near and on school grounds.

School Press Release


Bill Payment Scam

Recently, the Loveland Police Department became aware of a nationwide bill payment scam.  This  scam has been reported in several states and claims that the Obama Administration is providing credits or is applying payments to utility bills in exchange for personal information, including Social Security numbers and bank account  information which can  lead to Identity Theft.

The scammers are contacting utility customers and telling them that the government has a program to pay their utility bills and in order to qualify, customers have to provide their Social Security number. In exchange for their Social Security number, customers are given a federal Reserve Bank routing number to pay their bills on line.

It has also been reported that the scammers are using door to door agents, fliers,text messages and phone calls to contact utility customers.

Loveland Police have not received any complaints regarding this scam in the Loveland area to date.

Please share this important information with your family members and friends and remind them to never provide personal information to strangers.


2012 Citizens Police Academy

The Loveland Police Division is once again hosting its annual Citizens Police Academy at the Loveland Safety Center this fall. This eleven week course commences on September 5th and concludes on November 14th. The class meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30PM to 9:30PM.

The academy is free of charge and is open to Loveland area residents.

Topics include: training on the Police Departments training simulator, K-9 class, Domestic Violence, traffic stops, firearm's safety, and a DUI class to name a few. Students will also visit the Hamilton County Justice Center and Loveland Mayors Court.

Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and pass a criminal background check.

Contact Officer Chad Caudell at 583-3000 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more information. 


Exam Results Posted


We have received the exam results for the I/O Solution's Ohio Select Inventory exam given on June 9th. The results are posted under Loveland Tools. Go to "Reports & Documents - General Documents."

These are raw scores without points and have not been certified by the Loveland Civil Service Commission. They are subject to change once points are allocated and validation by the commission. Please search by the last 4 digits of your social security number. Those individuals scoring in the top 20, after points are allocated, will receive letters of invitation to the next stage of the hiring process which will be interviews.

We would like to thank everyone who took the exam for their interest in the Loveland Police Department. If you have any questions please contact us using the contact information on this website.


Loveland Officer Receives Award

Loveland Police Officer Kevin Corbett was honored recently at the 29th Annual Police Appreciation Banquet. The banquet and awards are sponsored by the Clermont County Citizens Law Enforcement Association.

Officer Corbett has been with the Police Division since 1999. From 2008 until January of 2012 Officer Corbett served as the Police Division's full time Detective. He was named Criminal  Investigator of the Year for his work as Detective in 2011.

  In his time as Detective, Kevin has worked diligently to solve cases, help fellow officers and to establish an excellent relationship and reputation with other agencies and the Prosecutor's offices of the three counties in which Loveland resides. Loveland PD is fortunate to have one full time investigator. In 2011, Detective Kevin Corbett was assigned that role. He had ninety-six cases assigned to him that year. Many of the cases Kevin assigned to himself in order to flee up the road officers for other duties. While many of those cases resulted in closure without arrest or prosecution, they still had to be investigated until leads were exhausted. Detective Corbett willingly took on those extra cases and followed through until they could be properly closed.

In 2011, a suspect entered the Chase Bank located at 513 Loveland Madeira Road and presented a note to the teller demanding cash. During the robbery, the suspect threatened to kill the teller with a gun that he had if she activated the silent alarm. As officers began to canvas the area, Detective Corbett contacted BCI for assistance. Detective Corbett retrieved surveillance photos and disseminated them to road officers who were instrumental in developing a suspect. Detective Corbett recognized the suspect from a previous case involving a burglary offense in Clermont County. Detective Corbett also knew the suspect was working as a confidential informant with another agency. Detective Corbett created a photo line-up and after a positive ID obtained an arrest warrant for the suspect for aggravated robbery. The suspect confessed to the crime. Kevin obtained a search warrant for the suspects residence and recovered additional evidence. The arrest was the result of Detective Corbett taking the lead, gathering information, disseminating information and working cooperatively with officers and other jurisdictions to get an arrest warrant and track down this dangerous suspect.

Detective Corbett began a detailed investigation into a theft from an 81 year old victim. At the conclusion of his investigation, Detective Corbett had obtained enough evidence to charge the suspect with stealing $80,000 from this elderly victim, He obtained a confession and ultimately a conviction against one a predator which preyed on the elderly.

Congratulations Officer Corbett.





Click It or Ticket Campaign

The Loveland Police Department will be partnering again with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the national campaign to raise seatbelt awareness and decrease traffic crash injuries. In 2010 alone 3,341 lives could have been saved if the passenger or driver had worn their seatbelt (NHTSA). During the campaign officers will increase their enforcement of seatbelt violations to bring awareness of the issue to motorists. The campaign begins May 21st and continues through June 3rd.

For more information please visit http://www.nhtsa.gov/nhtsa/2012ciot/index.html 




L.P.D. Latest...

Written by Moderator
Friday, 07 September 2012 14:37
        Jose Alejandro was sworn in as Loveland Police Division’s newest Sergeant on August 28, 2012. Sergeant Alejandro joined the Police Division in 1993 as a part time officer. He was hired as a More...
Hits 50
Written by Officer Chad Caudell
Friday, 31 August 2012 23:59
  Click For Application   We are pleased to announce the first annual Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association Golf Outing scheduled for September 10, 2012 at O' Bannon Creek Golf Club. The Loveland , Miami Township and More...
Hits 2419
Written by Captain Dennis Sean Rahe
Friday, 31 August 2012 08:55
The Loveland Police Department and Loveland Mayor's Court administrative offices will be closed on Monday, September 3rd in observance of Labor Day. Police officers are always on duty 24 hours a day and can be reached through dispatch More...
Hits 195
Written by Chief Tim Sabransky
Thursday, 30 August 2012 12:49
Ohio's texting ban goes into effect Friday August 31, 2012. If you’re under 18: It’s illegal to use any electronic wireless communications device while driving in Ohio, even while sitting at a light or stuck in traffic. This More...
Hits 246
Written by Officer Chad Caudell
Thursday, 16 August 2012 12:34
As summer begins to draw to an end, another  new school year is right around the corner. Loveland City School students first day of class will be Monday, August 27, while students at St. Columban will begin their school year on More...
Hits 457
Written by Officer Chad Caudell
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 13:40
Recently, the Loveland Police Department became aware of a nationwide bill payment scam.  This  scam has been reported in several states and claims that the Obama Administration is providing credits or is More...
Hits 1026
Written by Officer Chad Caudell
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 07:13
The Loveland Police Division is once again hosting its annual Citizens Police Academy at the Loveland Safety Center this fall. This eleven week course commences on September 5th and concludes on November 14th. The class meets on Wednesday More...
Hits 1006
Written by Captain Dennis Sean Rahe
Tuesday, 26 June 2012 07:32
  We have received the exam results for the I/O Solution's Ohio Select Inventory exam given on June 9th. The results are posted under Loveland Tools. Go to "Reports & Documents - General Documents." These are raw scores More...
Hits 2103
Written by Chief Tim Sabransky
Thursday, 31 May 2012 15:58
Loveland Police Officer Kevin Corbett was honored recently at the 29th Annual Police Appreciation Banquet. The banquet and awards are sponsored by the Clermont County Citizens Law Enforcement Association. Officer Corbett has been with the More...
Hits 1257
Written by Captain Dennis Sean Rahe
Tuesday, 15 May 2012 14:30
The Loveland Police Department will be partnering again with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the national campaign to raise seatbelt awareness and decrease traffic crash injuries. In 2010 alone 3,341 lives could have More...
Hits 1435
Written by Chief Tim Sabransky
Thursday, 26 April 2012 16:15
 At 9:57 a.m., a Loveland officer on a traffic enforcement detail observed a vehicle on East Loveland Avenue with no front license plate. The officer ran a query on the back plate and found that the vehicle had been reported stolen in More...
Hits 1907
Written by Detective Kevin Corbett
Sunday, 08 April 2012 08:04
    We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of the local businesses that contributed to the success of the recent CVSA training held at the Loveland Safety Center. Through the generosity of More...
Hits 1543
Notice Board


Loveland Police

126 S. Lebanon Rd.

Loveland, OH  45140




Mayors Court

Held Every 1st and 3rd

Thursday of the Month

120 W. Loveland Av.

6:00 P.M.

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